>The movie is a Tour de France
The movie is a Tour de France
I'm flying over to Paris tomorrow, what should I expect? Are the memes true?
Breaking Away
Where do you land? Charles de Gaulle or Orly?
As long as you strut mostly in the rich and touristic areas, it's still a sea of mostly whites but that'll be different instantaneously once you step foot inside the metro (subway), or wander into the poorer areas.
I love how this makes the black teen completely pathetic. The teacher looks away and keeps on shitposting from her computer while he looks completely defeated for getting so little reaction out of her.
you gon get raped
head for the alps
>fr only
sorry, wrong webm.
Remember to only bring carry on luggage. Or else.
When you go to a resturaunt ALWAYS order in english. Your faggot ass waiter understands. When he asks you what you want to drink, look him right in the eyes and say "coca cola. with ice." Also, leave him a single US dollar bill as a tip.
I fly there a few times a year for work. Paris was a really nice city when I was a kid, now, like all of europe, it's absolutely overrun with tourists. The touristy areas are kept clean, but outside of that the city can be a little stinky. It's still a safe city and you can make the best out of a trip. There is some excellent food to be had.
I just have a hard time recommending the top tourist spots because I know they'll be overrun with people, there is just too much travel to these cities now. It makes it not special, not pleasant.
Je suis perdu dans la vie les amis.
La vie nous prend, nous retourne puis nous rejette si vite qu'on a juste le temps de souffrir.
Je suis déboussolé, sans direction, je ne sais où aller.
J'ai la sensation d'être bloqué dans une vie que je trouve insupportable, j'en suffoque.
J'ai l'impression d'être dans un mauvais rêve où le réveille est impossible.
>with ice
he's gonna spit in your drink
>call unrelated webm "Paris[number]"
This is from the balkans, happened with the refugee train of 2015.
From Paris with Love is the best french movie
Don't worry, he's not white enough to pull the trigger
why do Euroniggers not like their drinks chilled?
Ah yes I recognize the lovely département I grew up in
>didn't happen in paris
what did /pol/ mean by this?
Because they're fags who get mad at anything Americans do
We're having a heatwave this week. Good luck whith that.
Greece pay dnebts
Feelings don't care about your facts
It smells like piss
Because more ice = less drink, sorry we don't like half of the drink being water.
I went to Paris expecting to be blown up or mugged. It’s actually really nice, and I say that as a Brit.
That’s why we have swimming pool sized drink cups
Un petite pun mon ami?
Europoors will never understand American culture of buying in excess then just throwing away our leftovers.
fake gun
A Parisian waiter will spit in your drink nonetheless. They spit in everybody's drinks.
German here. I get it and think it's pretty based. Tired of getting told how I can wash a car
Yeah, I miss living in Burgerland, if only you didn't have to drive everywhere because public transport sucks