>suicide scene
>they fail
Suicide scene
Other urls found in this thread:
>suicide scene
>she can't get the cap off
>training to survive your suicide attempts
is this the new meta?
He's a trailblazer
Zoomers have no choice. They know that the next century will be the most depressing that mankind has ever known.
>suicide scene
>they slash their wrists
>die instantly
>those legs
she does get it off in this one then she just cuts her hair
It seems like cutting your wrists to commit sudoku would be extremely painful...
Better one
It should become a trend amongst feminists desu
why did AJ wanted to commit suicide?
It also almost never works.
>asians have high IQs
...that they should commit suicide or train to save themselves from attempt? are you being a - no offense - jerk, or do you care for them?
>suicide attempt
>some guy comes to do the job for you
for you
>hit by train
>almost 18 minutes
don't go so early
Holy shit I remember all the Cyberbully threads from back in the summer of 2011. Good stuff.
Imagine being one of those pitiable creatures that blow their face off with a shotgun but their brain remains intact and they're still fully conscious
suicide fuel
What does the Agony column exactly mean? How long do they tend to suffer (in minutes)? Seems way too long for gunshots desu.
>roads look like roads
I know right? Imagine being such a fucking retard you don't know how to aim up and in. I'd tell those people to kill themselves but they can't even do that correctly.
I assume it's some average including people that have messed up and lived. If it's done right the brain is removed from the body in a fraction of a second.
I tried once and pretty much just passed out in the tub came to a few hours later... My father was not happy about the mess I made in his bathroom. very bad times
to be fair we don't have high enough IQs to understand what he is doing
>those truth-bombs (starting) at 3:40 and 5:12
how does drowning in bathtub have such a low lethality rate
like just put your face in water lol
>buy inert gas + line, regulator and bag for total $200
>doesn't work
normies think that just because you stop moving youre dead
There's your problem. Why slow the process? Just explode your lungs real quickly. There's no coming back from that.
a death should be fitting your life, garbage bag over the head will suit you
I have an uncle like that. He lived and is still around today, but fucked up looking. He was in his 20s when he did it but like 50 now.
When my family went to see him in the hospital he told them "guess I shot my mouth off one too many times lol"
tahts why cyanide first
shot to chest quickier than to head?
>suicide scene
> dun dun dun-dun suicide is painless it brings on many changes begins
bit rude
Excuse me sir but on a scale of 1 to 100, what would you say your current agony is? Sir? Well, he's flailing his legs, let's just put 5.5 for the shotgun...
wtf who test all of that
It's the only way to train your entire body at the same time.
>Not today fren
>so fat the rope breaks instantly
lose some weight
>shotgun to head
>1% survive
Jesus imagine bungling that and having to live as a vegetable without a face.
Best post in the thread
>95 agony
What's 100 bros?
the beaver
castaway on the moon
the mist
Suicide is for losers.
The only exception I'll grant is if you're in horrible agonizing pain with an untreatable illness.
>those brave motherfuckers who torch themselves
Must be agony lying there after the fire goes out and still being alive.
I don't get it.
For it to work, yeah it'd have to be very painful
>the game of life is hard to play
>I'm gonna lose it anyway
I thought this was a girl, and went to go download the film (girls commiting suicide is kino), but then I paid closer attention, and upon examination it seems to just be a gay male, which is not kino. Now I am sad, and disappointed.
Please recommend female depression films ending in suicide.
>tfw the losing move you'll some day play
I'd like to nominate this post for Best user in a Supporting Role.
so I guess ODing on opiates is the way to go?
Pulling off Bane's mask
*formerly in
Failing a suicide has gotta be the dumbest thing a person can do. You deserve to die for being that fucking stupid. My metod (If I ever decide to do it) is something I call 'The triple threat'.
>Find the tallest building I can
>Get to the roof (There's always a way)
>Take a massive amount of pills, anything I can get my hands on
>Stab myself really hard in the fucking nexk
>Before I collpase from blood loss jump
Done. No way I'm surviving all that shit. If the fall doesn't kill me, the knife wound to the neck and subsequent bloodloss will, and if that doesn, the overdose will. Triple threat, baby.
How the hell does it take 20 minutes to drown?
You are dumb.
Attach heavy weight to neck jump into really deep water off a really tall structure.
I'd rather not drown desu senpai. Your method sounds fucking horrible.
a videogame with statistics that sometimes seem strange
You don't need a weight, dummy. People die just jumping off the Golden Gate. The impact on the water is what kills you instantly. It doesn't even have to be deep, because you're dead before you go a foot underwater.
You'd be surprised.
If I ever do it I'm just going to get a pair of boots, fill them with rocks, and walk into a river in the wilderness.
>no way to fuck it up
>no one has to come across your mess or clean it up
>give back to nature instead of going into a goy resting place that you actually need to rent
Somene post it. You know the webm.
and yet there are people who survived that very fall
The only "instant" death by gunshot is when your brains are splattered on the wall. Gutshot can take a long fucking time, bleeding out. Getting a bullet through the heart, it takes a while for blood loss for you to pass out, and the brain die. "Death" is your brain shutting off forever. You can still be conscious with half your body gone.
The only good thing is, most of the time, your brain will pop all of it's circuit breakers and you'll be in such shock, you won't feel it, right away. Fire, I hear, starts to hurt immediately.
I think about killing myself daily but then my mom would be all alone and I don't want her to have to live with my death and alone during her golden years so i'm gonna wait till she dies.
Her life is literally my life.
>fail at life
>fail at suicide
If you're a vegetable, you're probably not "you" anymore, you're just a bag of meat connected to life support. So you'd never know. Job done.
that's all of us user, some people just aren't meant to live.
The illegal drugs one is bullshit overdosing can be one of the most fucking painful ways to die, unless its on like heroin or something and you're literally on another planet as you body chokes and dies
>Fire, I hear, starts to hurt immediately.
It also burns your nerve endings fairly quickly.
Not all suicide. People with stage 4 cancer who opt out of the torture of chemo and "treatment" have my respect. I was up close and personal for several older family members going out that way, and it's torture for everyone. That's why I told my brother and sisters, if I ever get stage 4 anything, you'll see me one last time, then I go out on MY terms, fuck that chemo shit. "B-but it's more time with f-family!" - yeah, more time they're in agony, and nobody gets any "quality" time with them, and they end up letting the bloodsuckers drain them for another 50k, 100k, for the "dignity" of dying in a hospital bed a skrunken, dried out husk after months of having toxins pumped into you.
Suicide for them is DIGNITY.
Suicide for "muh emo life sucks, notice me daddy!" - they're the losers.
Fire is super painful until your body is basically cooked and that takes ages
And yet, you still have no point.
literally crawling (and melting) in my skin
There's a train station very close to where I live which has a 'fast line' which runs through it (It's a line which doesn't stop at the station, just passes through) and the trains which pass through there are doing like 100mph. The thing is, there's only a small fence separating people on the closest platform next to it. You could hop the fence no problem at all and just stand there and get hit. That's guaranteed death!
The recovery crew would still be picking pieces of you up 2 miles down the line kek
>going out by blowing yourself up with TNT like a cartoon
>96.4% effective
you were heavily emphasizing the deadliness of that fall
Not sure. I've heard from people who've tried, you take enough, you'll just puke most of them out. If I ever reach the point I need to end it, I want something a little more guaranteed. Like a shotgun.
You're heavily emphasizing your autism.
This thread got all /r9k/ fast.
>try to hang self a few weeks ago
>belt snaps and i roll down the staircase like a fucking cartoon
Nobody saw but that was fucking embarrassing, bros...
You're supposed to shove them in your ass.
>tfw walking home from work today
>theres a train crossing on the way back
>its not on a road but in a load of shrubbery in a kind of country path
>train coming as i approach
>think about opening the gate and standing in front of it
>grab the gate to open it
>pussy out and freeze
every time!
I think that in ten years or so of the same job/life i'll finally pluck up the courage to do it.
>/fit/ in a nutshell.
>character is about to commit suicide
>another characters shows up and talks them out of it
>then kills them anyway
You are just a delusional faggot. Life sucks and you know it buddy.
How american are you?
I'm so scared to shoot myself because of survivor horror stories I read. How can you survive hanging, I don't get it.
>nigger hangs
Dude what the fuck. How did he survive? What did he do wrong? I don't want to end up like that.
Did someone fart? Oh, it's you, sperging at me. Shut the fuck up, dummy. Nobody cares.
What about shotgun survivors?
IQ isn't some magic brain number. They have "average demographic IQs" that are slightly higher because their language teaches them math. They have a full year headstart on understanding addition over other languages. So when they take IQ tests when they're 8 or 10 or whenever, they get higher scores in mathematics.
You fucking retards that put value on IQ need to be gassed.
Shotgun to head takes over a minute to die I guess
Long zip tie around your neck. Make sure to pull hard first. 100% guarantied results.
t. low iq
>How can you survive hanging, I don't get it
Most people don't hang themselves properly and instead do a "low drop" hanging, where instead of snapping their neck instantly they slowly suffocate to death, which allows plenty of time for someone to interfere.
>all of them are survivable
How do you survive shotgun to head?
the bleeding will cancel the pills effect
>he tries to kill himself with drugs as a cry for attention, the most feminine virgin way, instead of the chad gun
>I guess
You guessed wrong, user. If you don't have a brain, you aren't alive. Just don't be a retard and point it up at the brain stem.
>plenty of time for someone to interfere.
how much time is plenty? I dont want to snap my neck i want to suffocate, i dont think it woudl take more than 10 minutes
I feel like I would rather suffocate hang than neck break hang. idk why but it feels like it would be more peaceful
I'd imagine self preservation kicks in and it's pure agony.
Hold a pillow over your face for as long as you can, then say that again.
>because their language teaches them math.
Could you elaborate?
What about them? 1% survival odds? I'm fine with that. I'm not autistic enough to fuck it up, trust me on that.
I am, how do those people even fuck it up? Like what goes wrong? I don't want to be a no face vegetable for another 40 years.
He's probably 40lbs of pure red blooded american.
It's not the same, dumbo
Did you start crying? That sucks. Why did you want to die?
>suffocating isn't suffocating
Maybe you should kill yourself.
Again.You're stupid and you don't know what you talking about
Who here not afraid of death, as in the end of life, but afraid of the pain of whatever event is severe enough to kill you?
I panic just thinking about it
Death will relieve you from that pain anyway
You lose oxygen to your brain with haning so you get lightheaded and pass out not the same as being suffocated so you cant breathe
>suicide scene
>get saved at the last moment
>Ben strangles Locke anyway once he's got enough information from him
ngl, that one hurt brehs
Remember when Yea Forums was all about the lulz? What the fuck happened? Every thread is angst and depression. I even went back to Yea Forums. 100% of the first page is porn.
The rope means he'd be being strangulated at the same time so it's not just the unpleasant feeling of not being able to breathe but also the awful headache from lack of blood to the brain
Couple minutes I guess. The worst thing would be to get found just before you're dead and having to deal with brain damage.
the Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham is kino
you think they got a the DOOM shotgun? most of them have shitty weapons, are shaking and can't aim, etc.
I've been choked before and it was really unpleasant, not painful but honestly I would've preferred pain. And that wasn't even to unconsciousness.
>fire hurts
>Getting a bullet through the heart, it takes a while for blood loss for you to pass out
Getting a bullet through the heart would cause you're blood pressure to plummet and you'd be unconscious in seconds. There's a difference between passing out slowly from lack of oxygen in your blood, and passing out because you have no blood in your vessels anymore because all your blood is being dumped into your chest cavity.
Imagine that science found a way to ressurect people. Just imagine not having an ultimate escape, not having a final choice to have a freedom: live or die. Imagine even after you killed yourself they make you come back and force to your eternal wage living. That would be truly dark times
There's only two types of people who "fail" at suicide- people who didn't actually want to kill themselves and people without easy access to guns.
This website always attracted social misfits. Shit isn't so bad in your teenage years, you just get a bunch of edgy humour. But by now the average user is probably in their 20s and the psychological effects of being an outcast are starting to bite.
I think the worst part is your future, when you're a kid anything seems possible but now anons are realising they're losers (NEET or stuck in dead-end job, no meaningful relationships) and doomed to grow old without ever achieving anything. Life is shit now and it's only going downhill.
>But by now the average user is probably in their 20s
More like 30s.
t. Someone with no experience in this regard.
Stick to movies mate
I wanna go by heroin overdose, after spending a few weeks on all kinds of drugs, just to enjoy my last bit of time
How do you sure you'll be enjoying effects of drugs. And i'm pretty sure you'll end up just being junkie
Johan Liebert, is that you?
I'll be using a 12-gauge slug to the heart so it'll probably get obliterated and I'll die even quicker.
Originalfags must be in their thirties by now, but most users found this place a lot later (2010 at the earliest) through Yea Forums, which only appeals to teenagers. So twenties now. I'm basing this off the content in baww/r9k threads. Used to be a lot of venting about school, it's moved on to struggling to find work or hating your job, the stuff bizonacci tapped into.
Too real. I think I'm ending it some time next decade.
Fuck you, worthless piece of shit faggot. FUCK you, shithead dogdick looking FUCK. May your mother lose you, you disgusting vagina excretion
s-stop it
nah, the same thing happens in LOST
kek, took me a second to realize he was the one holding the queens
Based. Imagine thinking that humanity could accurately quantity intelligence lmao
That's fucking retarded. Why would someone want to feel physical pain for absolutely no reason? Just shotgun to the head and be done with it
doesn't matter if you think it's a bullshit number or an abstract aggregate; iq directly correlates to lifetime earnings
There's no physical pain with right approach. Shotgun will make you life a living hell if you fail it