Whether you liked the movie or not, it’s the result of 10 years of storytelling that’s never before done in cinema, way more special than avatar
Whether you liked the movie or not, it’s the result of 10 years of storytelling that’s never before done in cinema...
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it's sequel to a sequel of a series with massive asslicking marketing. nobody will care about this shit in 10 years
due to massive amount of CGI, it will age badly
and worst of all, it's not even an end, it's just another chapter and then more spam incoming
>never before done in cinema
It has been done in 1940s.
>imagine thinking this
What movie or franchise in the 40’s had this many installments in it prior?
At least 30 if no more, some were connected, some were standalone movies. Hard to say, but the idea was the same.
>'The Pink Panther' (11 films; 1963 - 2009) >'Friday the 13th' (12 films, 1980 - ) ...
>'Star Trek' (12 films, 1979 - ) ...
>James Bond (23 films, 1962 - ) ...
>Godzilla (30 films, 1954 - ) ...
>'Carry On' (31 films, 1958 - 1992) ...
>Check out these popular galleries: From Models to Movie Stars.
>way more special than avatar
c o p e
The Dark Universe is actually a remake of that.
Are they still doing this? The idea is great, these monsters were nearly parodies for years. I'd love to see them updated and creepy again. The Mummy was actually very creepy when they tried, the rest was just bogged in action bits.
None as special as endgame, try harder troll
>tfw lost interest in following Marvel's plotlines like three years ago
>Missed like 9 movies
>Still haven't seen either Avengers film
>muh capeshit is so special
He's right
MCU is already forgotten. The only marvel characters anyone likes is still Spider-Man and Wolverine
Literally zero cultural impact besides advertising for the next Capeshit
>it did something new
>it didn't but it's still somehow special
kek, cope harder
More special than fucking monster movies from the 40’s and your faggot lizard movie that massively underperformed kek
monsters and godzilla are icons of long-lasting culture. meanwhile capeshit is almost forgotten after few years. name me 5 capeshit movies that people still remember after 20 years
They got really lazy with the wrap-up film.
>Thanos just retires and doesn't set up a regime to maintain the balance he has created, people will breed and reverse what he has done over time
>Destroys the stones, the only thing he has to keep the balance in check and enforce such a regime
>allows himself to die because of this for no reason
I can't call it a good film when they throw their main big bad into the gutter for plot convenience. It's an insult.
Batman and Robin
And whether you like it or not, the entire movie had to be saved with time travelling shittery, because ultimately both the producers and their audiences are sniveling cowards.
All of those are either direct sequels or independent movies using the name. All 30 Godzilla films are direct sequels but rather numerous reboots and reimagining, same with Bond.
McU has achieved numerous independent movies and stories weaving in and out of one another while also maintaining an overarching narrative. And done it where all the movies are in the least passable while a few are great. You can’t find another series of films that have managed to pull together so much in a competent manner before.
it's dead in water. no updates at all.
They fucked by making it a high budget action series. They could have done that shit on a budget And should have made it more horror based.
old universal monsters
there's no narrative, only enough McGuffins to fake the illusion of a narrative
this is true, time travel is the ultimate narrative COPE, unless established from the beginning and structuring all movie around it to make some sort of point
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Returns
SpiderMan movies starring Toby Maguire(people think he’s the best spider man still)
X-men 2
X-men First Class
X-men DoFP
A hot chunk of the MCU
what about those uh, akabashi prison films?
there's no narrative continuity there except for reusing some characters i think
>Batman Returns
Ok these are. I'd give you pass on Spiderman, Blade and Xmen as they are technically 20 years old. I should've used 30. My bad.
Endgame is pure shit
The worst Avengers movie
Thor and Hulk were deconstructed to make room for the moment Captain Marvel at the end of the movie
Thor became fat and slow
Hulk lost healing powers
Many plot holes and cringes moments
I fully agree.
Closest there is but still not quite the same. It doesn’t have an overarching plot through all those movies. They just sorta team up or cross over on occasion.
Non arguement
Westerns as a genre has about the dame age as the cinme itself. It speaks about the west, man vs nature, justice. it has also subgenres and lots of subjective views about it. marvel cinematic universe? Superheroes flicks? that's shit.
>The only marvel characters anyone likes is still Spider-Man
Disney is doing a magnificent job in making the old fans not like Spider-Man anymore
Stfu Yea Forums no one likes you
>Closest there is but still not quite the same. It doesn’t have an overarching plot through all those movies. They just sorta team up or cross over on occasion.
Agree but MCU movies neither. There is zero connection between Spiderman Homecoming and let's say Dr Strange. Only very few of MCU films do this.
Superman 78
Batman 89
Superman II
Batman and Robin
Bitch, those "fucking monster movies" have some of the most iconic scenes in film history and made millions back when movie theater tickets cost dimes and quarters. Name one MCU director better than James Whale or Tod Browning.
yet you still got BTFO
**dabs on you**
Not only that, they changed the image. When you are talking about Frank's monster, only handfull of people know novel version. Everyone else thinks of 'dumber' Boris Karloff with bolts in neck.
Like it or not, Captain america's ending is a massive plot hole that makes the entire movir and his entire character "arc" a big joke
Whether you liked the movie or not, it’s the result of 15 years of storytelling that’s never before done in cinema, way more special than When The Earth Stood Still
The special effects are phenomenal, the story is timeless, and this series of movies will be remembered forever.
>comparing Harryhausen to MCU
wew lad
>You can’t find another series of films that have managed to pull together so much in a competent manner before
There are people out there who actually believe this. There is no narrative cohension, its all the same plot with same characters chasing the same macguffins or fighting the same villain of the week.
James Bond was doing this shit 40 years before most of us were born.