Cast her
Cast her
I'd rather fuck her
She’s 2d, you creepy weirdo
She still was my first crush and imprinted me with a feisty tomboy preference
Cara Delevigne.
She's got the eyes and the body control for it, and the fact that she can't read lines for shit means nothing since San was an autist who never said anything in the 1st place.
Imagine her with a bobbed haircut and warpaint in full forest crustpunk mode. It'd be a fucking god-tier casting.
Hunger Games-era Natalie Dormer would have also been pretty lit.
just admit you like guys, fag
mononoke is the most overrated miyazaki movie
>wanting to fuck a female with the qualities of a male anima is gay
projecting tranny spotted
That would either be Spirited Away or Howl's Castle. Coincidentally Ghibli movies lost their charm starting with Spirited Away.
its definitely overrated I think Howls is pretty underrated
alita actress (w/ same eyes)
Childhood is crushing on San, adulthood is realizing Lady Eboshi makes more sense.
>/k/ and /fa/ approved
What's not to love?
>Rosa Salazar
>tribal chick with blood on her
might have to watch this
too old
real adulthood is - there are no bad guys
Nah, it's fucking kino and actually has decent story structure, unlike a lot of his other stuff.
but the bitch is too old
What's the appeal?
Why do you think it's overrated? I think it's his best. The animation is great, the character and world design is great, the story is great, the characters are great and the villain is complex, and I really appreciate how it handles its message, trying to find a middle-ground instead of committing completely to environmentalism
body horror and unreal, gruesome sword fights
I meant the girl...
Actual maturehood is realizing that the past is the past and marrying a cute and diligent girl from the whore houses is the right choice
Howl's castle being overated i can agree on it but spirited away is kino.
But the best ghibli kino by far is Porco rosso, and i'm always amazed by how little people like this one;