Did they do it?
Did they do it?
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If they didn't do it, then they did 1000 other things
of course.
I don't think they see much. The flag is covering their eyes
lmfao this whole thing is like a 5 year old taking you to court because you "falsely punished" him for taking oatmeal cookies out of the jar, while the house only stocked chocolate chip. you're still fucking guilty, nigger.
Given their track record, probably.
>Series entirely omits the part where they were beating and robbing people in the park
What did they mean by this?
Lol, really? How do they then set it up for them being in the park? Having a picnic?
Throwing shit at at bikers is not the same as raping someone and leaving them to die. Even white kids do this.
delivering food to Trevon Martin's grandmother.
No, not that particular one rape but countless other rapes.
yes, and even if they didnt they did something else. its obvious they are bullies and should be locked up to protect civilized people
You're trivializing violent assault.
No I'm saying you dont deserve a rape conviction for it.
>You have the right to remain silent, do you understand?
>Anything you say can be used against you in court, do you understand?
>You have the right to consult an attorney before questioning and have an attorney present during questioning, if you do not have an attorney or can't afford one, one will be provided for you free of charge before any questioning, do you understand?
You're parroting the version of events from the show in which the other crimes committed at the park are trivialized/dismissed to “a dozen kids harassing bicyclists”. In truth, “[t]he other crimes committed on April 19 were grave and inexcusable—unprovoked attacks on strangers, apparently undertaken for the fun of it, which left some terrorized, two knocked into unconsciousness, and one seriously injured.” quoted from Nancy Ryan in 2002.
The simple fact is that 6 totally innocent people confessing to a brutal crime is not normal. They weren't physically harmed, the Korey Wise confession tape even opens with him being given a soda and asked if he's okay.
The simple truth is that all of them had been involved in violent crimes for fun and the only reason they all confessed to being involved in the rape is because they literally couldn't distinguish their different victims and the ways in which they were brutalizing them.
And let's pause momentarily at how convenient it is for Reyes to confess to acting alone when he was in the same prison as Korey Wise, who had reportedly become a prison gang member and gotten into a fight with Reyes.
also pretty convenient that Reyes DNA was in the jogger's vagina.
>b-but netflix and mainstream would never misrepresent facts, especially when it's about young black males
I'm not parroting any version of events. Confessing to a crime doesnt mean your guilty of everything you're accused of. This is pretty basic shit.
>this is the board that keeps insisting the fat cowboy guy was innocent cause technically there was never any cunny
doesn't mean they didn't hold her or attacked her before reyes raped her
there are still ways in which reyes' statement conflicts with the physical evidence. these will never be examined because NYC settled out of court, to the dismay of law enforcement that was sure they would have won in court.
I mean jesus, THE VICTIM HERSELF doesn't believe Reyes acted alone. If you believe they didnt do it you are a low IQ drone.
It's more about whether they deserve a 40 million dollar payout, full exoneration in the press and a hit Netflix show where they're portrayed as total innocents screwed over by a le racist system, and being honored as civil rights icon.