>can’t even discuss true detective or talk shows
So what the fuck can you talk about on this board because nearly everything gets pruned, it’s just a place to get banned
Can’t even discuss true detective or talk shows
Mods hate us
>not talking about film or talk show, just shitposting pictures that are somewhat related
>crying about your ban after the fact
>not knowing the first rule of moderation
Enjoy your ban newfaggot.
movies about authority figures letting the power go to there head?
This is a shitposting board retard.
Not even gonna mention what happened to comfy Simpsons threads.
I will
Based jannies and mods. Also sneed.
You’re banned too
I blame the summer for this current dry spell were under but holy fuck has it gotten bad lately
"Comfy" Simpsons threads were reddit incarnate. Sneedfags did the right thing purging that cancer.
no you see I was banned
Imagine sucking up to the mods this much
feed mods & seed jannies
Fuck off and never come back
You can always tell when a janitor is mad as fuck because they'll opt for a three day all board ban instead of just banning you on the board you made the post on. Any longer then a three day and you get to write an appeal and call them cucks and that makes them even angrier, so they just do a 3 day ban so that they feel like they won something
this and only this get'em jannies
Fuck off back to twitter, you hot-pocket loving janny.
>true detective
shitty show
>talk shows
weird thing is that off-topic ban I was clearly talking about movies but coincidentally the thread was deleted and then I was banned weird
get fucked (formerly chucked)
i hate niggers so goddamn much
I just looked in the archive and saw like 3 posts in the thread even somewhat related to the movie. The rest was /pol/tard shit.
Literal cancer
>why do i get banned for my obvious, coded threads
oh nooooooo
i shovel crap onto this board 24/7 but i never get banned because I don't try to make waifu/pol threads in disguise
Formerly controlled growth and division of cells
what does this even means u imbecile nigger?
It means stop bringing /pol/ shit into this board.
Stay in your containment board.
what does /po/ shit means to you trannie?