The underlying seethe of this movie is hilarious. I bet Germans were somehow involved.
The underlying seethe of this movie is hilarious. I bet Germans were somehow involved.
Other urls found in this thread:
>they still haven't left
>tfw your government is literally ignoring a nationwide referendum because they don’t like the result
We’ll never leave will we
its so funny lmao
Brexit BTFO
The whole Brexit calamity has shown the clunking, outdated, unfit-for-purpose British political system for what it is. A major reform on a level not seen since the English civil war is due.
Why won't they fuck off, bros?
>that mustache
It was Brexit MPs that voted down the only agreed method of leaving
If your ERG twats hadn't rebelled we'd be out by now
Who you asking, the millions of shitskins Merkel imported into your dying union?
I was really hoping the UK would set a good example for countries hoping to leave the EU, but I guess I expected a bit too much from bongs.
We got tripped up by a little thing called Ireland.
>the only agreed method of leaving
You mean the deal which essentially keeps us in the EU but without any of the benefits, and makes us pay billions in exit fees (even though we wouldn't really be leaving).
Theresa may was a remainer, and an establishment shill whose job was to make brexit look as painful and negative as possible so that no other countries in the EU want to walk the same path.
If it was done cleanly and efficiently then other member states might get ideas.
They literally don't have a government right now because of how horribly they've handled this.
>vote for cheese
>the closest thing the EU offers is chalk because they know everyone else in the EU will want some cheese if they give it to Britain
>nobody on either side of the parliament wants chalk
>gets voted down
Our political system is a complete sham user. Anyone with half a braincell would know this. It is a monarchy/oligarchy (not clevery) disguesed as a democracy.
It shows you by the amount of people that actually vote, how many brainlets we have in the country.
Only a direct democracy would ever be decent even if our system wasn't a sham.
Please just leave the EU.
Imagine unironically defending the EU lmao
This is a real poster an MEP found hanging on a wall in an EU building
its literally the opposite, people look at this shitshow and think "if one of the strongest countries in europe fuck up this badly then we surely cant ever leave". bravo uk
>bunch of religions, communism and the fucking dallas cowboys
Fuck bongs ha-ha.
id say up the ra but the irish also became a bunch of fags
you cant win in europe
>hammer and sickle
are they fucking serious?
>communism is a religion
At least they acknowledge it.
Top 10 ways leaving the EU will bring back the Empire and help the National Team win the World Cup.
englands brave harry kane will bring footy back tho
the ride never ends
>Vote for Brexit
>PM comes up with a deal that isn't Brexit
>Vote it down because it wasn't Brexit
>Retards tell me we could have been out by now if we voted for the deal that isn't Brexit
It was set up by Soviet infiltrators so that is kind of poetic.
SHOCKING: This Saxon tapestry says King Arthur will come back to life and give the French a bloody good beating after Brexit!
nigga you can have your no deal brexit right fucking now
my lib dem friends hated it for glorifying him, dunno what you're on about la
It was always going to take 5-10 years to untangle from the EU with minimal disruption, the Leave campaign just sold people unicorns.
t. Leaver
this sadly (but i estimated 3 years)
Skeptical that poster is real, but either way literally no one in this thread is 'defending' the EU
god I hate the Irish
it's hysterically funny
Just fucking leave with no deal then, you stupid anglos.
Gets closer to the reality but still misses the core problems.
EU is trying to stop US corporate strong arming, US hates this and is pushing them towards closer china/russia ties.
UK is caught up in the "special relationship" petro dollar noose. We have to support the US without question but all our business is with EU/Asia.
In the end brexit means absolutely nothing, the fate of the USD is all that matters. The war on USD has been hotting up for a decade. Can China win?
Because if they leave they have no one else to bame.
OUR GOOD ADMIRAL: Newly discovered correspondence from Lord Nelson reveals he was in favour of Brexit.
What is wrong with you Brits? You voted to leave the EU because you were tired of rules, regulations, and deals imposed on you by the EU. Yet you are trying to NEGOTIATE A DEAL with the EU.... to leave the EU? The same EU that you are tired of dealing with that made you want to leave in the first place.
Just hard leave. That's why it's called Br-EXIT. Not Bre-"softly ask permission to go". Unbelievable. You Brits sometimes are so baffling.
No wonder you couldn't hold onto America.
>No wonder you couldn't hold onto America.
We couldn't hold onto America because we were stretched across the entire globe and the rebels got help from the french.
Because liberals are still in denial that all media is controlled by them
We can't because greedy MP's are trying to rule it out completely. They all want their cushy EU jobs and pensions once they get voted out and leaving with no deal would upset their RU overlords.
We couldn't hold on to america because of the fr*nch
>implying brexit wasnt a reaction to immigration, terrorist attacks across europe
I did a lol. Well done user
What is it with people making films about event x so soon after it happened? Hawking wasn't even dead yet and they couldn't wait to milk his popularity.
The most infuriating aspect of all this Brexit shit has been the hysterical contempt shown to the UK by the Quislings on the remain side, and their utter refusal to admit to even blatant flaws in the EU. I don't know how these people function at all, the sheer self-delusion you'd need to think the EU is a benevolent organisation is incomprehensible to me.
>The French beat us! We couldn't beat the French.
Wow. LOL. You Brits are not helping your case at all if you the FRENCH beating you is your excuse for losing America. Really? The French is the best you got? Whatever. The point is that you are too soft in your methods. Don't negotiate a a deal. Just walk away. You are embarrassing yourself to the rest of the world. Have some spine, and backbone will ya. Are you really the Empire that conquered half the world with an unstoppable Navy? Cuz I'm not seeing it.
Watching your British News is also a joke. What is all scare tactics about EU trade deals being lost, and economic ruin for Britain? You know we DID have Trade Deals before the EU was formed. How do you think the rest of the world does Trade outside the EU. It's called the World Trade Organization. Just revert back to old WTO trade agreements. This is not hard.
i think they just want it to be accurate, but tv execs saw a weirdo and tried to spin drama out of it. he came up with take back control but wasn't orchestrating everything. being a svengali eccentric who stared at walls just made everyone hate him and ignore his orders, the guy became a complete recluse and joke immediately after the vote.
>the absolute and sovereign S E E T H E
What they want to avoid is the UK crashing but like you said brexit means brexit so get out.
this language doesn't inculcate a healthy democratic society, drop it lad. just call them naive morons, traitors should be reserved for real war shit
>just keep your empire alive forever bro its simple
The UK invoked article 50. They have left the EU. What is going on now is the EU being nice to the UK and facilitating a request to try and negotiate a future relationship before their EU benefits end.
I hope the brits end up with no agreement. Fuck them.
The US or China will give them a trade deal in return for following orders.
>visibly MALD
Wars aren't always fought with guns. In fact most of the time they aren't.
>vote for someone else to give you money
>they tell you they wont give you money
Fucking betrayal!
The UK has already been quietly warming up to China in preparation for its divorce from the EU. Gonna be interesting to see how that impacts their relationship with the USA.
Most of these people genuinely want the UK to balkanize, so no, 'Quisling' is an appropriate word. And you should see some of the shit these supposedly tolerant individuals say about the other side.
I hope we'll never leave. Every bloke I know who voted leave is a half wit
lmao not the pound crashing on fire month after month, what infuriates you is those pesky remainers who don't want to crash the UK economy.
The UK will try to be friends with both which will make for some interesting headlines.
>lmao not the pound crashing on fire month after month,
Ah yes, yet another remoaner prophecy that never came true.
Basically free passports for the Chinese and make their stores free from UK taxes.There's absolutely no reason for China to give the UK a better deal than the bigger market that is the EU.
Contrary to popular opinion, tolerance doesn't mean you have to like anyone
Even Spaniards held onto basically the entirety of South America longer than Anglo cock sleeves could hold onto the east coast.
America, Russia, and China seem to manage their Empires fairly well. Not their fault you couldn't hold it. Your former British Crusader kings would be ashamed.
Are you blind or just stupid?
They already know who has the bigger dick.
Are you blind or just stupid?
China and The United States seemed to hold on to their stuff. But Britain couldn't hold onto India. You let pajeets street shitters beat you.
Therefore it's appropriate to insult them for having different opinions
No because your leadership is weak and your people are pathetic
Russia and China do not have empires. America kind of does but not in the same vein as the British empire. Empires in the traditional sense do not exist anymore.
Seething brexitard.
Someone needs to swap something out for a nazi swatstika and put that shit up everywhere
ah yes this is purely and entirely because of muh B R E X I T
Fuck off, pseud.
Before China and America were unified, they were the warring states. Through sheer force, bloodshed, and power was the unification kept. The British didn't have the stomach for it.
The only thing I agree with the British giving up was Africa because that entire continent is a lost cause.
The Brits and French are just Merkel's dogs anyway. That's how the rest of the world sees it.
The real seething is going to be when brexit never happens, or will be such an unmitigated disaster that we'll be back in the EU in ten years or less
fuck off Brexitard, ever bloke I know who voted leave is a half wit
>Through sheer force, bloodshed, and power was the unification kept.
And in the Chinese case, look at the fruits. Only the outrageously oppressive CCP can keep the country together, and everyone knows that one day it will all explode in their faces and cause huge numbers of deaths. China needs a fucking federal model. Just because you can make an empire, doesn't mean you should.
American case is different, given that the indigenous population was killed off primarily by disease
>The Pound isn't in the shit it's not true
>Ok the Pound is in the shit but it's not because of Brexit I swear.
Every major HQ is moving the fuck out of London and going to Amsterdam and other EU cities, almost 50% of your trade is with the EU, investors don't want to invest in the UK because instability and uncertainty...
Brexit really fucks with your brain.
You already made this post, *halfwit.
Every EU state is a slave to Germany. It's a German empire.
>Establishment stooges haven’t carried out the will of the people
Do remainers have anything else to argue with apart from money?
I think you WANT the UK to fail.
fuck off Rorke
We’re trying Ahmed, don’t worry, you’ll collapse soon
If so I'd vote for Brexit but I'm just a humble european making fun of the circus you guys are performing for free.
because of a little thing i like to call The United Kingdom Conservative and Unionist Party
It makes me laugh when EU supporters call themselves liberals
Europeans are actually pathetic lmao
Imagine being so small and irrelevant that you don’t have your own currency
>w-we need to group t-together because we are small, so so small, hold me Merkel
Good GOD I despise Continental SCUM
>t. Peter Jonathan Hitchens
Brexit was RACIST a bigoted hate mob hijacked democracy away from the people we NEED a second referendum a people's vote then we can bury Brexit and return to the EU where we belong.
I suspect Brexit is the right thing to do because Mr. Current Year had a whole segment on why it's bad.
I don't understand why people get mad at May and not as much at Cameron
>hey guys do you want to leave?
>oh uh... good luck then :^)
Why didn't people hold him accountable and ask him to see it through the end? It's just so awkward
>interviews recorded the day after brexit
>all immediately devolve into cartoonish stereotypes
Ah yes, because your press (completely controlled by the EU and their useful idiots) are certainly giving you an unbiased view of the situation.
Their complete inability to understand WHY a country would want to be sovereign says it all. The absolute and not quite sovereign state of continentals.
Money talks, bullshit walks. You can act like everyone's some kind of ideological revolutionary, but in the real world people care about prosperity and will flip their shit when brexit doesn't give them what they want
When will you faggots realise that this is all just theatre and nothing ever actually changes? You really think that tptb would allow the peons to have any say in the running of the world? Delusional.
Well there is nothing but steers and queers in Texas.
money is just the argument that any logical person can understand.
What freedom is it exactly that you don't have? Cause where I see it from you guys are only losing freedoms and rights, be prepared to take back your geriatrics living in southern europe with free healthcare.
Yup, any vote against the establishment is the right vote, irrespective of what other political beliefs you have.
We can control our borders just fine. We put up a barbed wire fence around it and have regular patrols. Not every country is full of bleeding hearts that want peaceful Ahmed to come in and rape their daughter.
>And in the Chinese case, look at the fruits. Only the outrageously oppressive CCP can keep the country together,
Hate to break it to you, but not every culture works well with Democracy. There are many cultures where strength and power is respected first (as long as stability for the people is provided).
ALL OF ASIA is laughing at Britain for importing tons of illegal foreigners and "refugees". Asia would never do that non-sense. Yet you have the gall to insult China. Maybe China should send a couple "refugees" in boats to Britain. You'd probably feed them, give them in your government, and eventually allow the refugee Chinese to make laws for you.
He was an outspoken remainer. His position was untenable once people voted leave. He literally lost.
>muh GDP
I don’t care if this country becomes poorer. I just want less Eastern Europeans and Merkel’s migrants here.
Nothing good ever came from the continent. Germans created white-killer Hitler and communism. We want nothing to do with them.
You don’t have any border you brainlet. That’s literally what Schengen is.
the UK needs the EU more than the EU needs the UK
Why would the average britain suddenly fall into poverty just because we left the EU? hundreds of countries around the world are managing fine why cant britain?
The average brit would flip there shit? lol the average brit didnt even get angry when his daughter was gang raped by pakis whether or not some huge multinational corporation has there HQ in London or Amsterdam wont matter.
I must be weird because I don't hate May, since she was in a genuinely awful position
I do hate Cameron though. What a worthless, useless cunt. 50 years on he'll be rubbing shoulders with Lord North in the shit PM stakes
>There are many cultures where strength and power is respected first
Ironic, given that you expat chinks seem to be the most thin-skinned people on the Earth.
What am I missing exactly? The pound crashing is a fact, you guys exiting the single market hurts you more than us, the N.Ireland problem which you haven't made any solutions for will fuck up the Union and maybe even split Scotland as well, other countries in the EU are waiting to what mega institution we will get next you guys just lost the European Medicines Agency, you will become the US and China's bitch and they'll sell you the shittiest food and services that would be banned under EU regulations...
Please tell me what am I missing.
>UK crashing
Just tactical fear mongering
You live in an alternate reality, friend. Get out of your echo chamber.
Leaving the EU is the best thing any country can do.
Brexit will result in more non-white immigrants coming into the UK
>this thread
>The UK invoked article 50
>negotiate a future relationship before their EU benefits end.
WTF. It's like you Brits don't understand the terrible logic of this. Why are you playing by the rules of a treaty that you are intending to no longer be a part of anyway?
When you break up with your girlfriend, you don't "negotiate the breakup". You end it clean. What you are doing is just inviting more chaos and misery.
Come on Britain. You are the laughing stock of everyone right now.
How am I wrong? You have absolutely no arguments you delusional retard.
Communism is good actually
Hans, we are a real country. You are not. You were brainwashed and castrated by us. Germany is a zombie country, stripped of its soul. You exist purely to produce cars for us. That’s it.
Because we are a real country we want total control over our own affairs. A German would never understand that, because by nature and upbringing he is a slave.
You're looking at things from the wrong angle. People want brexit for a reason, because they want things. It's not just the fact that they'll be worse off, it's that they won't even get what they want in the end. We'll be overrun with pakis because that's going to be the price of a trade deal with them, services are going to be slashed even further, things are going to get worse instead of better and the only thing people can blame is the government
What freedoms and rights are losing from leaving the EU? A corporate owned ruling elite who's main goal is open borders mass immigration and the destruction of native communities
Germany literally rules your country
>we are a real country
You're not, you're a blacked cucked shithole with a paki mayor of London and millions of niggers
>I-it's not real, mighty britannia will rule the seas!!
Look at this and come back to reality.
Like all the non white immigrants in Norway, Iceland, Monaco and switzerland?
If you genuinely believe the shit you just posted, you have zero understanding of the facts, so I'm not going to waste my time explaining to you why you're wrong, given that you'll just ignore all my arguments anyway.
The EU is a parasitic institution that exists solely for the benefit of a tiny group of corrupt psychopaths, like all international 'institutions.' If you find yourself on their side, you're a useful idiot. That's all.
This is obviously a bad thing, but it must be noted that per capita Indians commit less crime than native Brits, and some EU nationals such as poles and Romanians are near the top of the list for crime.
That said, I wish we could just kill all the boomers and close our borders entirely.
>all these entities will exist forever and won't inevitably return to the dust to be poked fun at as examples of failed peoples by teenagers on the internet in 2350
OK Billy
Brexit will increase commonwealth immigration. More pakis, more indians, more Africans too. Norway has plenty of non white immigrants.
>It's not real
It literally isn't real. It hasn't happened yet. It's impossible to predict.
We are only appear to be thin-skinned to foreigners in their counties because it benefits us. It's a weapon to use against you. You don't have the strength to stop it.
Just like how you can accuse a white person of being racist in their own Western Country ... and the white person will bend over backwards to try to please you and prove they aren't racist.
If you tried to accuse a Chinese of "being racist" while in China hoping to get benefits, we'd laugh at you and say "so what"?
We only respect power, and those of equal standing with us. Weak-willed people are beneath us Chinese. You have yet to prove us otherwise Britain.
>the English civil war
(((how the west was lost)))
dig up that faggot Cromwell again
You should go buy another 22 dollars Starbucks milkshake to throw at those fucking white males, comrade, especially those working class retards, you brave anti establishment warrior you.
why are brits so obsessed with germans ?
>come back to reality.
oh the irony
It's hilarious that Brexit is apparently going to destroy the UK and yet instills so much hate in these retards. They have no fucking clue
Almost 50% of the trade is with the EU. You're a delusional faggot if you think those hundreds of countries are doing better than EU countries.
The only way to fight globalism is with protectionist blocks.
Germany doesn’t h e any army bases in the U.K.
Look up how many we have there.
>The underlying seethe of this movie is hilarious.
Only second to the seethe it inspires in poltards. Brexit is never going to happen and Britcucks are going to do nothing about it.
>muh prosperity
kek fuck the pound lads, only about 10% sees any of this 'prosperity' the rest of us get fuck all
and dont play the YOU'LL GET SACKED MATE IF THERES A RECESSION card first off no i fucking wont second off if the EU is a hostage situation not a good a thing is it?
It's not happening bud. I'm more resigned to the fact that we're going to be keeping this farce up until the penny drops
Every wealthy country in Europe has millions of niggers and shitskins. What's your point?
our cities are overrun anyway but leave the EU is still a net benefit.
Boris is coming.
Don't worry.
They are facts you absolute moron you can google them.
Just fucking go with no deal and crash, you deserve it.
Nobody else has a paki mayor of the capital city Nigel cuck boy
They won't be wealthy for long with that attitude.
God I hate that piece of shit dick spencer so much.
Anti-white shill.
No wonder twitter promotes him so much.
>NO they're FACTS just GOOGLE them
Nice argument.
Germans literally still have marches and protests about Brexit to this day.
We don’t care about Merkel. We’re just happy she’s culling Germans.
Imagine being retarded enough to deny human biology/genetics and also believe in the labour theory of value.
You're double retarded.
>let me just type out multiple sentences explaining how totally not thin-skinned I am
You parody yourself, chink.
>he thinks its because england and not the USA
Every human should be concerned with a cancerous tumor that throughout its entire existence served only as a bane of every civilization and everything good in the world.
>be in EU
>society is complete shit
>kek fuck the EU then lads just vote for it to fucks over the politicians
based as fuck, fuck the EU, if the EU is so great why the country getting shitter every year
Oh well if you say so I guess its right, just odd how the statistics show that in EU countries native birthrates are decreasing and non white birthrates are increasing but non EU members of europe it isn't the case.
>What freedoms and rights are losing from leaving the EU?
Jesus christ you guys really are dumb, how about free healthcare in other EU countries and also residency without having to go to the same immigration centers as brown people.
the jews ?
is this worth a watch?
I just imagine it's a collection of balding, overweight male guardian readers of various ages in sheer disbelief that people don't all have the same opinions as their office
Germany has lost every war it has ever fought with Britain. I find that hilarious
>Boris is coming
To be honest he probably is, but he'll never get anything done. He can't negotiate with the EU, because even if they were open to it they hate his guts. He can't crash out because parliament will tell him to fuck off. He can't rely on his party because most of the MPs hate him. By the end he'll be forced to call another election after he's squandered any real clout he had.
It's all bluster. If you can't see that then honestly you don't deserve to get what you want.
Is Brexit the greatest thing to happen since the fall of the USSR? I've never so much seethe in my life
Why do so many insecure young people identity with a bloodless, neolib institution that wants to suck them dry?
As a Chinese, the only country in Europe we respect at the moment is Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic. Because we respect countries that display power to defend their people. We do not think highly of the governments of Germany, and France. Britain is so-so in our eyes. You gained our respect when you voted for Brexit, but the fact you haven't exited yet, and still accept refugees disappoints us.
that's essentially it, except with token attempts to seem 'unbiased' that just makes everything even more obnoxious
It's mostly the USA but also in a large part due to the influence of the British empire pre-ww2. You see British cultural influence everywhere you go on the planet, not just the language.
It's not impossible to predict you donkey. It's simple math, almost 50% of UK trade is with the EU. Leaving the single market will cripple your economy you dumb fucks.
And again I'm not a brit and I'm smart enough to understand that the UK leaving will hurt the EU economy but not as bad as you guys will be.
didnt even take more than a few cities
Who'd want the respect of vermin who only understand the language of boots on their throats?
and like 90% of Canadian trade is with the US
does that mean Canada has to join an economic union?
You're led by a fucking Communist party, idiot.
What irony? Just look at the math you delusional faggot.
Google the value of the pound tell me what it is, google the european medicine agency tell where is it now, google the import and exports of the UK:
It's not that hard.
>better economy
>easier migration
>shared currency
If it weren't for the EUs push for minority immigration you cucks would be slobbering all over the EUs boot. Fuck the UK.
>Jew, queer and paki loving Europhile is coming
Can't wait
Every post drags you further into the abyss. Go outside.
>Who'd want the respect of vermin who only understand the language of boots on their throats?
Because that is the only language that matters. The only language that matters is power. Maybe you would like to display more "refugees welcome" signs with your children holding them.
We laugh at you in China. We have a bigger economy. Bigger land. And bigger military. We respect British history of conquerers, but modern Britain is so-so.
>using Quisling as an insult
Europeans are STILL seething about Brexit lmao
Germans haven’t cried this much since we incinerated their cities and Soviets raped their grandparents
What makes you think any white person gives a fuck about chink validation? I thought the Nips were arrogant, but fucking hell.
>is this worth a watch?
>I just imagine it's a collection of balding, overweight male guardian readers of various ages in sheer disbelief that people don't all have the same opinions as their office
It does perfectly capture how arrogant and out of touch the ruling elite are. It doesn't portray any of the politicians in a positive light.
And it also perfectly captures how disenfranchised and frustrated many regular people are, for example with the woman in the focus group who breaks down. Rory Kinear and Cumbersnatch are both very good. The one thing i really didn't like was how it tries to make modern marketing tools seem sinister or 'unfair'.
>that's essentially it, except with token attempts to seem 'unbiased' that just makes everything even more obnoxious
I think you'd inevitably be triggered by anything which wasn't un-nuanced propaganda for your own side. I haven't seen any of you dumbcunts say a single positive word about this film despite the fact that in many regards it DOES represent both sides. It clearly has a left wing bent, but it's not one sided. I'm forever glad that my ancestors left your shithole 150 years ago.
t. Kiwi who couldn't care less if Britain burns to the ground.
Don't worry, when the CCP inevitably collapses China will too. Exact same thing happened to the USSR; when the Party inserts itself into everything, makes everything dependent on it, its fate is tied to the country. China is fucked.
This is a load of badly informed fucking horse shit and anyone saying this is on the money is probably some kind of shill or retard. Unifying against foreign interference in the case of meddling or military aggression from China, Russia or elsewhere doesn't require a political union that adulterates sovereignty and browbeats its member states for not following the migrant cocksucking quotas imposed by Germany's shit and shitskin fetishist leaders. Just like any non-EU country trades with everyone else in the world, every other non-EU countries has allies that protect them in the case of geopolitical conflict. Secondly, the EU army in the current sociopolitical zeitgeist is more likely to be used to strongarm its own member states and citizens than to be used to effectively fight off invading enemy nations. We are already being invaded, it's a soft invasion by numbers and it's imposed by and favoured by the EU. Thirdly, as to Germans being the "big boys" leading Europe. Well, you fucking krauts failed twice. If you want to try a third time and cause another mass slaughter of conservative, fighting aged European men, that's on you. Again.
think i'll take my chances lads
no shit retard, you import enough third world shitholers and they turn your country into a shithole eventually. how do you even pretend that there are any advantages that can outweigh this?
As a German I think it's fun to see the Britcucks seethe. I can't wait for their next demographic census in 2021. Actually I can, because my life in Germany is so great that I don't feel any sense of urgency! Hahahaha
That kind of authoritarianism only creates dysfunctional societies that will rip themselves apart the instant the control slips. The current communist society is no different from the ten million other ones you've had, you don't understand what went wrong and you never will.
Do you ever think before you post? There're no tariffs among EU countries meaning that the UK will have to lower the price of their good to shit if they want to stay competitive in Europe.
It's a protectionist block, it works for the people in the block not for outsiders.
No, the Germ man.
You seem irate.