Do you think they were really friends?
Do you think they were really friends?
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I don't know but I wasted years listening to that shit
worst friend simulator ever
mainly cause of opie and his retarded shock jock ways
lil yimmy Norton is based
>worst friend simulator ever
Name a better one? Opie fucking sucked but hearing their disdain when dealing with him was pretty hilarious.
Jim Norton is a cowardly faggot and argues like a woman.
Bullshit. Jim stood up to guys like Jesse Ventura. He recently slammed Nancy Grace and Judd Apatow for their bullshit, to their face, and him finally erupting at Opie is some of the greatest radio of all time.
I accidently became obsessed with serial killers because of O&A. they had the police officer who interviewed Jeffrey Dahmer on and I got sucked into the subject
That's good. You now have something to talk to white women about.
In real life, no. In Yea Forums's head canon where you can be a bitter hostile violent racist and le epin based black guys will still hang out with you, yes.
Is that Run the Jewels?
I nate higgers
They literally hung out together at Ant's mansion. There's an episode of Patrice talking about it. I'd say they were as good of friends as you can be as an adult. Its hard to become really good friends with a person after a certain age.
>friend simulator
you laughing at someone's joke isnt a friend simulator, autist
A racist liking you is much more meaningful than a candy ass spineless traitorous worm seeking black approval and 'black friends'
same principle as women not being into needy doormat thirsty white knights
Shhh, that user doesn't really understand how friendships work and he thinks politics dictate everything, which is why he's betting on this woke thing to make people like him.
damn, I miss Rob and Big
Cum Town
Fuck no you zoomer trash.
I've noticed a lot of white women on dating profiles say they are into learning about serial killers.
Ron and Fez. Fez at his absolute worst is still way more entertaining than Opie. The best O&A stuff with Patrice/Colin/Vos is amazing though but R&F is the patrician show
Have friends
I think the dude in the helmet is Maddox.
Couldn't stand up for Louis aka the guy who gave him his first break in TV. He's a pussy.
Jesse Ventura is controlled opposition
Never seen a more pleb opinion in my life.
He stood up for Louis in a big way against Judd, you should check out the interview. Standing up for Louis in the immediate aftermath of wankgate would have ended his career, and Jim isn't quite that brave. If he was, he would have quit long before that, for Ant's sake. But not throwing your career down the toilet isn't cowardice, it's just normal.
Whatever he is, he could have pulled Jim's head off and fucked it if he wanted to, but Jim still stood up to him.
The Jericho thing was great too even if it was basically a misunderstanding. Jim is a worm but he's not a complete coward.
They were. Ants racist but they made each other laugh, and they are both paranoid misogynist gun nuts. It was a beautiful friendship and Patrice not being around to check ants racism is one of the reasons the show continued to decline until it fell apart.
That, and Opie being a drama queen. 2013-2014 had some of the best shows ever. The supershows, Scott&Todd Fridays during jocktober and the introduction of Dennis Falcone.
Di's internship week is a contender for greatest thing the show ever did and it was right before the death.
I hate Lady Di episodes because I see myself in her a little bit
well hopefully you don't end up like her
Yes it is cowardice
Until you vomit in a public sink and take a fully naked shit with the cubicle door open as Ugly Betty walks in, you're not as bad
It's wonderful that you are so noble, but I doubt you've ever been in a position where you have to choose between making a stand and keeping your lifestyle.
Fuck all could've happened
>Standing up for Louis in the immediate aftermath of wankgate would have ended his career
not really desu
Soder, List, Bobby, Gomez, Smith, Oakerson etc
Norton was a worm and is why he fought Judd, it must have been heavy on his mind
Sirius would have axed him, they are always in panic mode when it comes to O&A related stuff.
whatever makes you feel better for being a coward Jim
absolutely no way
lmao he wouldn't have lost his job retard. He's just a coward
He wouldn't have been axed for voicing an opinion. That's not how it works.
The real reason he refused to defend Louis CK outright is the same reason why Bobby Kelly, who has a podcast in a network that couldn't care less about being woke, also decided to wait months before doing so: since Amy Schumer became a star all those former O&A retards think they're about to be invited to a big project or movie and become mainstream comedians, so they're trying not to say anything that could ruin their imaginary future career.
They're all acting like good boys now because every time they give a moderate "respectable" opinion on an issue, they imagine they're being watched by bloggers and activists and gaining their respect and forgiveness for past rowdy behavior. They still don't understand how those witch hunts work, and that no amount of "I've changed! I swear!" will erase fifteen years of rape jokes, sexist humor and prostitute stories told on air.
So yeah, it is a type of cowardice. They're not risking losing anything they currently have, they're afraid of losing the mainstream career they've been anticipating for a few years now. They don't understand that they will never, ever, be "successful" in that sense.
Jim got a taste of it and now he's just hoping for more same with Bobby
>since Amy Schumer became a star all those former O&A retards think they're about to be invited to a big project or movie and become mainstream comedians
it is that but it's also about being axed, those two go together. It's overall about losing contacts, networking, hoping to not being ostracized as 'that guy' or 'that type' etc (see Schumer's "threat" to the fat guy she cucked on stage). See Bryan Callen who has all the respectableTM opinions when talking to Eddie Bravo (citing The Economist as if he's among the elite's circles), always talking as if he's on a audition to a gay liberal jew
but the issue in CK's case was that it was obviously not a big deal (if he did it to men we'd all just laugh and the women consented) and everyone was secretly talking among each other that woke people were making too much of a big deal out of it - if enough people voiced and werent allowed to be shamed they couldnt blacklist everyone. And there was enough people speaking out that Jim could have come foward as well
it's making me angry that Louis' set on skankfest was all new and apparently mostly of it was good
and now comedy fans wont bootleg it out of respect (when they used to bootleg it out of respect) while international fans are fucked
which one
I’m sad today and recovering, never properly heard this show. What’s a good episode to start on? Preferably one that’s available to stream somewhere
Youtube search "Nopie Patrice" and click whichever video you like the look of. It's fun to listen to them while you are doing other things, if you like.
they're all on youtube
Patrice's dynamic with Louis was always good
if you like this
you'll like this
Jimmy is honestly really fucking funny even if he's wormy.
>QUICK. Link the best O&A Bits!
I'm pretty sure that it was the first and last time a black man set foot in Ant's horrible McMansion.
Opie on the other hand, useless as he was seemed to be fairly good friends with Patrice, going to his shows many times, going out for meals together and even going to the cinema.
Judd Apatow lecturing Jimmy on "what trans people want" was akin to Norton lecturing Apatow about what it's like to member of the Hollywood elite, he is a phony cunt of the highest order.
Also enjoy mentally ill New York open micer, Mark RanDoM punking Apatow on the street here:
Greatest intern was David doggy.
Is that Artie Lang doggy?
Patrice was the one thing that stopped Any from becoming more racist. Once he died, he effectively lost the only decent, intelligent black dude he'd ever known
>Ever listening to them live.
>Not just listening to the youtube playlists with all the comedian appearances.
I can't even imagine listening to those 3 faggots without either Patrice, Louie or Collin in the studio.
So why do anons keep mentioning Chapo House even though it's fucking awful? Cum Town is far better.
Patrice was his only black "friend" and used Patrice to shed the racist label- didn't work apparently. And because Patrice went to Ant's McMansion twice does not make him a friend.
>Bob Kelly's podcast where him and bob were just insulting eachother and being fat and depressed
Colin is the greatest
Nah, they were bros till the end, Ant was flying cross country just to go to a Patrice show out of town and hang out
Tried it once and had to turn it off after 5 minutes; that faggot and his cackling laugh is more annoying than anything Opie ever did.
If you can stand that there's something wrong with you.
None of what you say has any basis in reality, and you seem to think everything in the world revolves around trying to avoid seeming racist. He's just a hothead little serb it's nothing a comedian would worry about
>You can only be friends with minorities if you're an apologetic, self-hating white
Get a load of this faggot.
The idea that Patrice would be offended by verbal racism is ridiculous
I thought Bobby Kelly was LITERALLY the only one who acutally DID stand up for Louis CK straight away, much because Bobby is an outcast regardless and has fuck all to lose
is there any comic podcast that isn't incredibly mean-spirited? listening to Cumtown or Opie & Anthony makes me feel like I've become a worse person than I was just moments ago.
The political climate was different back then and Ant's racism seemed quaint. Now that racism is mainstream I don't think they would be friends, but who knows. Patrice might stay friendly if he thought it was good for his bottom line.
Imagine if they'd fired Greg and changed it to 'Nigga and Anthony', would have been great show with awesome name.
Sit in a dark room and listen to this in its entirety. Make sure you have some scotch handy
TDS on TheRightStuff
If you listened to the show you'd know they were tight.
Not to mention a spineless scab afraid to talk shit about Leno.
the show needs a captain, someone who steers the ship
High Society Radio
my favorite Patrice appearance
>hating based jim
You know how i know youre gay
From what ive heard Anthony, patrice and jimmy got alone fantastically its that faggot opie nobody liked.
He's funny when bouncing back and forth with Anthony. His stand up is honestly not good.
I didnt see it as racism. Ant made some really valid points. And if he was a legit racist hed never had patrice on the show nor would they have had a friendship.
Anything with patrice debating feminists or women relationship experts are hilarious.
Chipperson movie when?
Patrice visited Anthony’s house and grilled on it, if you really hated someone that much would you go out of your way to be that close to them when you don’t have to be?
>inb4 Uncle Tom
piscopo saga
Speaking of O&A, anyone else listen to this?
The Venn diagram of Discord trannies and Chapo listeners is pretty much a circle.
For me it’s The Bonfire. Crackle crackle!
Is this any good?
Know a good place to get clips for the bits like OnA?
Would be perfect if there was an iceberg in the background that the ship was being steered into
cum town
matt and shane's secret podcast
Cumtown is garbage compared to O&A, fuck are you talking about? Only Nick Mullen has any sort of legitimate entertainment value when O&A had Patrice, Burr, Louis C.K and even Norton mogs the shit out of Stav.
Cumtown is not better than O&A.
He said nothing wrong though. Jim is a faggit worm, Ant fucks trannies and sucned at Oakerson roast, had a shitty book which sold almost nothing. Fuck that unfubny Opie too.
Do you think they were really friends?
RIP big black