Love it, hate it, Alita isn't going anywhere.
Btw, she has a better ass than almost every modern woke actress (incl. Brie)
Love it, hate it, Alita isn't going anywhere.
Btw, she has a better ass than almost every modern woke actress (incl. Brie)
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives
Fuck off faggot bobody cares about this garbage movie saged
is alita cute and funny i can't sleep at night because i'm not sure
now these are the quality threads I look for when I arrive on Yea Forums for my daily dose of retard juice. keep em coming user!
Literally zero ass
It's a cute ass tho
Reminder the alita discord is ran by an incel SJW discord tranny that hates Yea Forums.
>it's not a baboons ass so it's flat
All ur ass are belong to us
She certainly isn't going anywhere especially to Alita 2
t. nigger
Don't give a shit about the story I only watched it because I have a leather fetish
Based Disney funding Alita 2.
Best case scenario they have the same amount of ass, sorry.
That being said, Alita a cute. I'm sad about what happened to her.
>he doesn’t understand 5 inch high heels are designed to make ass look bigger and perkier
Pee comes from the balls user.
They're both acute.
Fuck off back alitrannies
Wrong. That's just an added benefit.
But body weight fluctuates. While her ass has always been on the small side, that famous picture with the rough unisex outfit made things seem worse than they are.
Her ass after the 7:00 mark looks good, regardless of heels.
How are you faggots enjoying /trash/? HAHAHHAHAHAHAH
is this in the big negatives then?
I don't believe you
Why is Disney trying to recommend I travel to Russian occupied territory as my closest theater?
I know alitafags have heavy overlap with /k/, but this is pretty ridiculous.
It's just a flat ass
They are all trannies or tranny 'allies'.
/alita/ threads were nothing more than an assault on Yea Forums from outsiders.
Not even the Yea Forums weebs liked the Alita movie, because it was fucking awful.
Those threads were so embarrassing they put /mlp/ to shame.
All discords are run by trannies, by definition. More importantly, all discords are ran by Discord Inc.
>Flat ass
To the /trash/ where she belong
New instruction to marvelfags: You love alitafags now. Disney is the distributor now, remember?
>still have stupid watermarks everywhere
it's not fucking FAIR
The Blu ray comes in a month. You all ordered four, right?
So, in the magna, her name is Gally. Everyone says her name is very masculine, but to me, Gally is a very feminine sounding name. But nips pronounce their l's as r's. That means that her name should actually be Gary.
1 for watch
1 for collect
1 for display stare at it
1 for cuddle with it on bed
What if the author wanted to name her "Geri", but the spelling is like "Gally" for the moonchinks?
Wouldn't it sound more like "Girly"?
i cant be the only one who wants to like this movie but cant get over the bug-eyed hideous design right?
4k uhd preorder my dude
somebody link alita discord?
"4"? You mean "all", right?
think of it as Galley thats more or less how they pronounce it
Sounds like Gah-reee. Japanese r sounds have a soft roll, I can see where someone might thing she is named gary or geri
Then she should have been called Jelly.
How the hell is Girly masculine name?
It's easy to find on 4plebs.
>Gary: Battle Angel
I like it.
thank you
Why they make her look like a literally child? This is wrong on so many levels
Best kino.
Alita is incel, she never had pussy.
As long as a woman has a mouth, she works.
>Alita is incel, she never had pussy.
She's anatomically correct.
Not sure about the womb part tho. But, considering we already have the tech for artificial womb, a cyber uterus is not too farfetched.
Let's colonize Jupiter
There was a rip based on Video-on-Demand, but it also has ads on it.
That novelization is basically licensed fan fiction.
>There was a rip based on Video-on-Demand, but it also has ads on it.
It doesnt work thatway. Theres no shill for alita
Imagine defending an actress who loathes you because you're such a faggot
know your place Alita fags
>t:seething marvel fag
>t: seething marvel fag
actual reminder
I didn't even know about that. Yikes.
Actual reminder
What if I told you I defend every single franchise on this board, even the objectively bad ones
Cope faggit.
Her ass is the least of my worries really, her face looks like a mix of Joseph Gordon levitt ad Heath Ledger. You'd have to pay me to bang that bitch.
>You'd have to pay me to bang that bitch.
You have to pay people for not automatically throwing moldy vegetables at your face when you step out of your makeshift NEET coffin
What's up Brie
The glass ceiling. Except it isn't.
Alita crashes through a glass ceiling. Except from above. Trope subverted.
>Trope subverted.
An outdated gimmick that I couldn't defend even in TLJ, regardless of my desire. Also, this clever back and forth we're having is extremely cringe worthy, but you must have felt it by now.
Oh sorry, I didn’t realize this was a conversation for two people.
I didn’t even think about it when I saw the movie - just occurred to me now.
>Oh sorry, I didn’t realize this was a conversation for two people.
I hope so, otherwise it would be even more pathetic. And your movie is okay btw. I'm not the one spewing inaccuracies left and right.
My gimmick is to correct people on what they're wrong about and it's fun.
Yes it was just my “shower thought” on seeing you guys talk about Brie vs Alita. Not particularly interesting observation, I know. Guess the other guy left.
This movie is trash and you’re a faggot
> Brie vs Alita
That I am in support of Brie doesn't mean I'm against Alita. But the way this board casually turns on actors/franchises at a flip of a coin is annoying.
>pre-GoT season 8
Oh my god! I'm so glad that bitch Emilia had an aneurysm, I hope she dies kek!
>post-GoT season 8
Oh my god! I love Emilia! Top waifu best waifu!!!
>pre-Captain Marvel
What a talented actress Brie is! I wanna suck on her bosom!
>post-Captain Marvel
Dude what a cunt lmao also fungus feet!
Rodriguez? You mean that dishonest Tarantino tier hack? You must be crazy bro!
Did you see that movie? What a true auteur the director is? Who run the world? Alita chads, that's who!
It's all comical to me at this point, but I'll continue to call it out whenever I get the opportunity.
Of course
You're just gay
no one wants that manufactured fake star
>everyone has already forgotten about it
Truly revolutionary, this was
She has a boyfriend. Imagine being so gay you find her unattractive
That's funny because last I checked your virginity general was nuked off of this board fucking faggots
>was nuked
Normal Tuesday.
How did this have worse CGI than Avatar?
i want to like it but the only torrent i've found so far has, i think, chinese urls bouncing around the screen like fucking pong. also it looks blurry, like it was shot on an older model iphone over someone's shoulder in mongolia.
Ha, her face really does!
Underrated post, user.
Can't go anywhere when you're already in the trash.
Alita is for Mexican cocks not white boiis
Thats an easy skip right there
The VOD rip is less yellow and blurry, but still has ads on it.
I never got on any of those bandwagons, thank goodness. Except the Alita train. Choo choo.
Those were the days...
when Yea Forums loved /ALITA/
i wanna drink my dear
i'm sorry but alita fans are a bit cringe
Us too.
Normiebook is actually the least normal place
not sure which Swayze character that is, but I want it to be Dalton