>he pirates movies
He pirates movies
Other urls found in this thread:
>He watches movies
OFC I pirate them you dumb frogposter.
Also fuck amerimutts I'm not going to give you a dime.
he cute
he based
>he is a kike
He’s not based, stop appreciating him
You are not a person who makes movies, therefore you should not care about m-muh piracy.
I only pirate the seven seas matey
Yes, and i would download a car.
>>implying i have money to buy them
I do, it's so easy and free movie. Google 123 movie and just stream that shit. Fuck you cucks getting ripped off by a pedophile filled industry run by Jews and people who actually think their better than you. Lol. $20 a movie no thanks
I don't own a tv and I pirate to keep up with people
i'm not paying to do that and I only do it because I can for free otherwise I wouldn't bother
they are not missing a sale from me
so let me get this straight 80% of movies are made in Hollywood and I should support something that's predominantly not in my country. good idea I'm American support my California I'm going to cry if you don't you wouldn't download a car would you fucking faggot post holyshit
imagine being American in 2019 and thinking your ideas are worth anything imagine it just imagine you guys are the biggest joke in the world your country's falling apart and you can't stand each other all the time it's great I can't wait until you are a big fuck nothing Burger of a failed state
> it's so easy
That's the fucking point right there.
Be it a movie or an obscure show from ages ago i can always stream it right here and now, no bs attached.
As a customer they always try to rip me off, as a pirate i don't have any of their shemes.
It's their nown fucking fault, honestly.
that whiteboy
he cute
So your whole tactic here was posting some dejected pepe the frog which realistically you could out on any post and implying that picture is people who pirate. Amazing, I wish I had 50iq.
Btw this picture is op
based schizos
Yeah and now that theres a dozen different hosting sites you have to subscribe to like 5 of them to watch anything. Its all a scam, might as well just steal until it's working for the consumer again rather than the retailer.
Wrong board m8 go back to pol
>Take yer pills
Also not an argument. See ya
you might not like it but this is peak based
Is this thread the retard convention?
Ops mad people think he's stupid now he's butthurt in his own thread.
Cute. Stay mad, ima stay pirating.
I also refuse to go to the theater anymore, glad their numbers are declining.
>He browses Yea Forums
My boy is cute and smart
Not fooling anyone op, slide this garbage.
>me one day, want to buy early 00s chinese flick because colleague recommended it
>nowhere to be found
>look for a torrent
>immediately find one and watch later in the evening
dumb frogposter
Were those seals autistic?
>123 movie
enjoy your 0.5kbps bitrate lmao
real chads download 100+GB UHD rips
just delete the thread OP, its over
>he uses vlc
>he uses an outdated version of vlc
>If you use VLC media player on your computer and haven't updated it recently, don't you even dare to play any untrusted, randomly downloaded video file on it.
>Doing so could allow hackers to remotely take full control over your computer system.
>That's because VLC media player software versions prior to 3.0.7 contain two high-risk security vulnerabilities, besides many other medium- and low-severity security flaws, that could potentially lead to arbitrary code execution attacks.
I used to be happy with .rm anime
its so funny how zoomers and boomers are afraid of hackers and viruses. at least i understand boomers, they didnt have internet and are retarded when it comes to technology. zoomers are simply dumb
This is a pretty big issue. Especially for people who use public torrents.
Very based AND redpilled post
>he gives money to jews to molest even more children
Post your recent downloads
I for one don't care at all.
This day and age this is a fight against windmills.
Hell, the fucking NSA is watching me masturbate.
If my system gets slow and i suspect foul play i just set my box up anew, and that's it.
But bots don't even slow your system down anymore.
He is not op
x265 10bit for 2gb? where do you find this shit
It's paranoia at this point. Even autism.
Why would i care about stuff i have absolutely no control over?
Next thing people advise me to use loonix.
If it doesn't affect me why worry? If they'd be mining CC this sure would be a reason to interfere, but aside from that who cares?
Privacy is a myth, as is security.
I got all the privacy i need just because i am nobody and no one cares for my box.
If you are an exploitable someone that may differ, but this isn't true for 99% of users.
And if you are in that 1% fixing your VLC won't do shit for you.
I not only pirate them, I regularly do kodi movie nights on twitch
Based. Fuck the Jews too.
You're saying you shouldn't take any prtoective measures no matter how easy? That's retarded
who here /bittorrent/
When I rip stolen movies to make torrents I always leave the FBI copyright logo on it just to give everyone a laugh.
yes i do
do you expect me to go into a store and buy physical media like a caveman?
No,it's not.
Take that VLC-Info: i just don't care. Why would i?
It's Browser_X this, Player_Y that and compressig tool_Z another.
Seriously, as long as my electrical bill doesn't skyrocket i don't care anymore.
Why would you?
I don't give a fuck anymore, i don't even notice.
based retard poster
>giving money to Hollywood
where can i downlaod the movies. help please
No one cares about your porn.
hackers care about passwords and banking info and any other sensitive info on my computer
There is no banking info on my computer.
Passwords? What, to porn sites?
Get real. 99% of people are totally useless to them.
>he pirates movies
>he then complains that films are pandering to the left
>There is no banking info on my computer.
Of course you don't do any online shopping or banking. You're probably a NEET.
You must be (a)underage and/or (b)mega retarded
You are retarded.
Fuck you.
Arent you worried about your Steam account????
>giving money to the left
My bank and i have a certain chain of trust.
No, you don't get to empty that account.
If you think so you are stupid as fuck.
I lost my steam account because i didn't hold up the accordinge-mail account.
There was no hacking involved.
>I'm so smart for not wanting any security measures on my pc
based af
answer my question then
nice try , NSAfaggot
mutts on suicide watch
Just go to europixhd dot net and stream them, user.
>paying for movies
Fuck you.
There is no way they can fuck with me.My bank would just pay me back.
Nothing they could use.
Why worry?
> Arent you worried about your Steam account????
It's gone, but not because of Hackers.
>There is no way they can fuck with me.My bank would just pay me back.
The point is to try and prevent it from happening in the first place you retard. And not have to go through the hassle.
Whenever I pirate something I put this on and turn the volume to max so everyone in the neighborhood knows what's up.
Imagine being this based desu. Yikes.
Assblasted american mutt detected, go and fuck yourself piece of shit
faggot ass homosexual gay nigger suck a dick
i refuse to believe people pay to watch movies
Oh no some elite hacker might bust into my computer and find my collection of reaction images, ancient naruto fanfic, anime collection, and milsim games. Holy shit I better learn to encrypt my useless worthless data so it's only the NSA going through my uninteresting information.
>Pirate movies
Just fine. Ok, first go to the BitTorrent site and download that. Then go to /t/.
>he believes art shouldn't be a human right
based laid back no ambitions user
>Yähg Sbarro
>he movies pirates
Stop pirating movies you fucking neet faggots
As soon as they change the laws so that they favor companies less. Intellectual property is horseshit. I didn't buy a license to view your product, I bought a fucking copy of your product and I'll do whatever I want with it.
Course, they'd also have to lower the base prices for physical copies of media because that shit is fucking ridiculous too.
so much this
stop pirating you incel freaks