Could be sarcoidosis.
Could be sarcoidosis
Impossible, the tests with chest radiograph, CT scan of chest, PET scan, CT-guided biopsy, mediastinoscopy, open lung biopsy, bronchoscopy with biopsy, endobronchial ultrasound, and endoscopic ultrasound with fine-needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph nodes came back negative
it's lupus then
Sit down monkey man, let's hear what Chase has to say.
It was a different time
What's the context here? Am I missing something..
Might be vasculitis though.
Lets treat sarcoidosis and see what happens
could be autoimmune
Patient is 25 Male, has an uncontrollable erection since three days ago
Based. This gets suggested way more than lupus.
>tfw have sarcoidosis
Patient is a 28 year old male, still virgin.
Patient must be lying, but why?
Lets invade his home and see what she hides
Put him on the incel ward. Full restraints. He is a ticking timebomb.
>I too am in this episode
Based Wilson.
>muh ethics
>muh strained friendship
>more mouse bites
>"foreman, you're black, i want you to break in"
>"just because i'm black doesn't mean i'm a professional home invader"
>foreman is actually a former career criminal covered in tats able to pick locks, hotwire cars, and shoot a gun sideways
>cuddy, I need you to rub your big jew tits all over my face and balls
>will this help the patient
>I'm Jewish
house i dont like being friends with you, you make me miserable and bring me no joy but i wll continue to be your best friend forever because i am secretly gay
Give him 70 kgs of milf khazar milkers, three times a day for a week. Tell Cuddy to cancel her apppointments.
>this vexes me
>hey House, remember that time I fought the Nazis through the power of swing but they fucking killed me anyway? That was pretty cool.
ok would one of you cunts just post the gif already?
It might be niggerosis
Hey, I remember you! You ruined the last one of these threads as well!
Get laid you fucking loser, and stop taking your frustrations out on Yea Forums!
>*fucks a little girl with cancer*
>*kills an african man under his care*
>*fucks his drugged coworker*
Oh no, the patient is suddenly bleeding from his asshole!
he really was /ourguy/
Why was he so based?
He's Australian.
hes so dreamy
I need 20 ccs of medicine drug, stat!
Start him on leeches and apply a poultice of poppy seeds and cow dung
>*solves the most cases*
>*gets House job*
>*dabs on Foreman as he gets to push pencils*
House, are you mad? His yellow humor is on the clouds!
Thanks for the laughs. user.
Unironically my favorite show
>all this gets done in 24 hours
That's some tight freestylin
Do a lumbar puncture to confirm
>patient gets this in one day
>I can’t even see a specialist for seven months
This is my second favorite unnecessarily long gif I watch every time and always laugh at just as hard. Right behind...
what? he did? Dr Robert Based
>Tell Cuddy to cancel her apppointments.