Other urls found in this thread:
After all these years I’m still surprised nobody has realized Star Wars was an homage to warhammer 40000
>The Emperor
>Swords in space
>wars in space
>psychic powers and the force
>las guns
What the FUCK is that on his face? Fucking disgusting.
>no xenophobia
>no heresy
>no grimdark
this post reeks of heresy
Warhammer did not invent sci-fi
Germany in the 40s was a 40k LARP gone too far.
>something made in 1977 is a homage to something made in 1987
Lucas is a fucking time traveler?
Both Warhammer and Starwars are based heavily off Dune.
And to make it Yea Forums e-celeb drama related:
I hate Warhammeredditors so much
>*boyega pops on screen*
>*confused look*
Is he secretly /our guy/?
Who is he pic related ? Say his name you piece of shit
>starts choking and flapping his arms
It's all that's left of the man he was meant to be.
Fuck off star wars is the reddit teir space fantasy we got 40k
This. There is even an entire board dedicated to 40k, it's called /tg/
>static shot of the desert
>can hear heavy breathing
>immediately starts to mimic it
he looks jewish
It's just fake amazement. He's acting the way he thinks he's supposed to act, i.e. "The cast are actually IN the film? WTF?"
I like the 9/11 edit of the reaction where the plane crashes into the tower when Eric says "Is that Kylo?????"
Based warhammer
>invented star wars
>invented judge dredd
>invented warcraft
>invented starcraft
>invented lotr
stop shilling you channel you hick
reacting to reaction videos is even more onions
I wish I was half as enthusiastic about something as he is about a dead franchise.
You forgot dune.
>mfw I saw his gf
monkey see monkey do
You know that Warhammer was the My Little Pony of Early Yea Forums, right? They got a containment board like /mlp/
/tg/ is kind of bad these days. I chalk it up to newfags who openly call for there to be a 40k board when they're posting on the 40k board.
It's a ripoff of dune, retard.
This made me physically ill.
I can't believe James redeemed himself, what did the joker trailer do to him?
I always though both are inspired by dune
40 000 seems like a combination of D&D(which in turn is inspired by LOTR) and Dune
She fucking hates him. Look at the way she looks at him.
yeah at least she's his gf and he gets to suck her pusy every night!! wtf do i really need to "put myself out there" as the normie niggers say??? i 'm way better looking than he is. fuck normies, we need a Yea Forums-incel led world
basically the family tree goes like this
The woe-begotten look he morphs into at :28 seconds always makes me irrationally angry. It's so unashamedly fake.
low quality bait
I wanted to write "low quality bait" but seeing all the replies I have to write high quality bait
Good job
Im starting to think that 40k board gaming is a fucking wide scale larp that doesnt exist, I have never seen any pictures of people playing it, never seen advertisements for expansions or new versions, nothing, but apparently its this big fucking thing at least by the video games
I have 4 separate friend groups that play DnD but after like 4 schools never seen a person that plays 40k
>Why yes, I want a self contained, stylized action movie, light on story and lore, set in the Warhammer 40k universe, and directed by Zack Snyder. How could you tell?
How does he make money to buy so much useless crap?
>reaction videos
>unboxing videos
Children fucking love this shit.
I wonder. Surely YouTube doesnt pay that well
AIDS lacerations
Remember the video he made where he claimed he was somewhere with his wife (some nerd con or whatever) and there was 2 separate beds in the hotel room.
>for once, Yea Forums was actually right and this is some cuckboy for real
You can get rooms with two beds in most hotels.
>Nintendo fanboy
What a surprise
I know
This is for when you go away with a family member or a friend when none of you are looking for sex while you're away.
If you don't sleep in the same bed as your wife just kill yourself
>If you don't sleep in the same bed as your wife just kill yourself
Kaposi's sarcoma
shit i'd watch that
Only Mecha fags and literal anime hating grandpas play that garbage
I hate this guy's face so much. He just comes off as so pathetic.
Used to play 40k and Necromunda back in high school with a few mates in the 90's. But never knew anyone else that played it.
It wasn’t the joker.
It was us.
>no starship trooper
>no jugg dread
My wife sleeps on the floor.
I saw two men in their late 30s at a board game shop playing warhammer once. They were fawning over each other’s figures like girls fawning over jewelery. Actually now that I think about it they never played any sort of game. It was really sad because one of them had a wedding ring on, so some poor kid is probably gonna grow up with this faggot loser for dad. No camping trips or working on the car in the garage together, just dad sitting in the basement painting his dolls and giggling while mom downs another glass of vodka and looks up old boyfriends on Facebook.
thats very specific, you have this expirience?
God damn I want to powerfuck this dude's frumpy, frigid wife so hard it turns her into a resentful shell of a human, so bitter and cold, disgusted by the thought of the soft cunnilingus and noodle dick he's been giving her for the last four years.
>camping trips or working on the car
No my dad plays chess
This is the kind of shit said exclusively by women, or men who are so afraid of doing things women don't approve of that they try to gain approval by disparaging the interests of others.
Hey man. It doesn't work. And the whole reason they don't like men doing shit like getting into Warhammer is because it's time and resources not spent on them.
This man and his son is far more likely to bond over that interest than it is to create resentment. Men have been doing that since before Warhammer. My grandfather was passionate about toy trains, and he shared that interest with me when I was a boy. He was also a high ranking officer in the Air Force, and one of the most intelligent people I've ever known. I enjoyed seeing him return to a sense of childlike wonder over something like that, and it makes me sad to see attitudes like this which would discourage that.
>Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control
>This embracing of what were unambiguously childrens characters at their mid20th century inception indicates a retreat from the overwhelming complexities of modern existence
>Fans dont wanna admit SW is for children, they get upset about being childlike
>A 12yo boy had seen SW over a 100 times: I said can you promise never to see it again? He burst into tears. I hope the lad, now in his 30s, isnt living in a fantasy world of secondhand childish banalities
>SW created the big-budget comics mentality, ate the heart & the soul of Hollywood
>Superheroes flying around in spandex saving the world are fine for children, children of all ages btw, but its not for me
>I read comics when I was a kid, I dont read them now, I prefer adult oriented stuff
>Became an elevated art form? Its still Batman running around in a stupid cape. Its for kids, adolescent in its core
>Action without human beings. A 1st in film history. Kids used to be able to learn how a man should act by watching films. Morals. Comics make heroes for businesses
>I hope we get Avenger fatigue soon. There are other stories to tell
>Superman Vs Spiderman, Iron Man Vs Superman… I cant believe people are paying to see this shit
>Spandex must cost a lot. Im baffled by it
>Superman makes me vomit. That whole empire, religion. Its so important that superheroes suffer… I dont give a damn, I shit on the US
>Hate em. Theyre bullshit. Grow up
>SW & Superman have nothing to do with art
Tarkovsky 1982
>Theyre punishment
>Poison, cultural genocide. Audience so overexposed to plot & explosions & shit that means nothing about the experience of being human
>Produced by humans who cant stand looking at other humans. Thats why the industry is full of otaku!
It's mostly a euro thing, even more so a bong thing. The rest of the world knows of the meme voice acting in the 40k vidya, the novels and the occasional youtube video.
all I can focus on is that syphilitic sore on his fucking face
what the fuck is that, cover it up with something, fuck
My wife has to save up good girl points before I let her get into my bed with me.
>a trilogy starting in 1977 is actually the follow up to a trilogy starting in 1999
I think Iñárritu's and Miyazaki's quotes can be combined for full accuracy
Produced by humans who cant stand looking at the experience of being human.
It's the ugliness of the mind, selfishness, fear and insecurity that the capeshitters and weeaboos most shy away from.
based eric working incels into a shoot
>Yeah, I love Star Wars. How could you tell?
>ignoring all the playstation VR shit he has in his channel
I feel that, my dad like buses and trains and tanks (he even drives a train for a living and loves every single day) and whenever he talks to me about that stuff I honestly could not care less, but I enjoy listening and always strike a convo about it because he could talk about that stuff for hours and loves it.
He also saw an advert for world of tanks and was really excited to play it, I meant to set it up for him before I left
Based and absolutely true. For My grandfather it was lead soldiers. He had an entire collection of vintage ones, and had dioramas of some of the most important battles of history. The man was 101st airborne and dropped into normandy on d day.
based Xbros don't watch capeshit
Why yes, I admit I haven't been truthful. When I said was a 100% was more like 85. How could you tell?
holy shit gigachad would be awesome as Togurou make it happen Japan
why did he buy three seperate console/game bundles
Anyone here actually tried soi milk? Too poor to buy myself one.
Jay Dyer did a hilarious side by side parody of this.
>mfw Jontavious makes my wife's pusy stretch even further than DeAndre
Anyone has video/pics on his gf's body? Those type of girls always have big, fat, round asses.
>a euro thing
britbongs was more into fantasy until GW axed it
>No camping trips or working on the car in the garage together
are you an /out/lier?
explain miyazaki's pls, i'm retarded
>I hate to tum up
Why does Yea Forums keep posting this ugly fucks face. Nobody wants to see that shit on his face or his fat grotesque man child expressions.
Jealous of the fame that Eric received, I see
studies show that men sleep better when they're alone, but women sleep better when there's a man in the bed.
so, if you have important shit to do for a week, kick her out and sleep by yourself, you'll have a better sleep.
the romans (the ones that mattered) would have 3 beds per household: one chamber for the man of the house, another for the woman, and a central bed, the "fucking" bed where they'd have debauched roman sex, but otherwise they'd sleep in separate beds.
it's been so long since i had someone in my bed i can't tell if the study is accurate
i don't sleep well regardless