>"There isn't a white man in American who would trade places with me. And I'm rich."
Would you?
>"There isn't a white man in American who would trade places with me. And I'm rich."
Would you?
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I would like to meet Jackie Chan.
I would like to have a big dick.
No, he's black.
>have to appear in adam sandler movies
yea nah
Lol like Chris Rock has a big dick.
i'd rather be dead than a nigger
> be black
oh god, no
Can I keep my white man IQ? I might try having black skin just for the free college, welfare, and trashy white girls.
It would take all of his money and fuck off to a log cabin on a lake and fish and read books for the rest of my life.
I would instantly trade places with him. The racism he's whining about wouldn't exist because I would live miles away from anyone.
i think theres a song about this by johnny rebel
but deep down you'd know, you'd smell it, hell you would taste it. that you are a nigger.
on a side note, holy fuck these captcha's are fucking relentless, JUST LET ME POST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
He's right. I discriminate against certain people as a white guy. Basically I look at it like % chances I'll get fucked over. Profiling works.
he's an ugly screechy nigger
no thanks
hell yeah, that would be my dream life
>oh no the people I never interact with will have opinions I will never care about
>no one would want to become a rich handsome famous guy who's race is fetishized by white women
yeah man, no fucking way.
no I wouldn't, but he is self aware and thus based
Well you don't get free college, whites get more welfare, and you could get white girls though.
>a living caricature for dumb white americans
fuck that, being a nigger in america is pain
the racism he's talking about doesn't exist period. the only racism that exists is that black people are treated like babies in need of constant protection.
A bear would smell you and eat you
>whites get more welfare
Proportionally they don't.
What he meant is that there isn't a white man in America
No; but not because his life is harder than mine.
No, blacks smell really bad.
This guy nailed it
I'm glad i'm not American so I will never switch my place with one. Not to mention he's a nigger.
Before or after he sold his soul to Adam Sandler?
oh nonononono
Chris Rock is getting pretty old so no.
I would
Anything's better than the sorry existence I am living.
Yea it's a dumb pretense born of his own racism