seriously..what the hell is wrong with you spider-man fans?
Seriously..what the hell is wrong with you spider-man fans?
>not wanting to bang aunt may
She’s supposed to be cast as a old fucking lady
MJ is supposed to be a white ginger
How is that sexualized? She has no ass.
This says alot about our society
It's there anything these people don't spergout about?
White male suicide rates
Yeah I'd bang Tomei so hard she'd land on 2020, but that's an awful fucking picture to convey that point.
This is beyond horrifying. Is there no depths people won't sink to?
Oh by the way my nine year old's drag concert is next week. We're so proud. ;_; I hope you all attend
Black on black gun crime.
>picture of someone fully clothed in jeans
>wtf why are they sexualizing her
I thought that they were transadult, so the degenerates can finally do what they want to him without fear of judgment.
We live in a society
>We want more women in these movies!
>But NOT attractive women because t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶I̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶ they're being sexualized!
>it's not creepy to sexualise aunt may but it is creepy for spidey/mysterio
yea, and mj is niggualized
because faggotry is sinful
Any complaining that women do about sexualization and all the other Anita Sarkeesian whining points can be boiled down to "I feel threatened by women more attractive or otherwise more desirable than myself, be they real women or fictional women, which results in me being inwardly scared and outwardly angry."
>caring about d*sney's fanfic when pic related exists
Unironically a more faithful spidey adaptation and better story than anything made on film.
Aunt MoMay
yea like that time Doc Ock took the place of uncle ben. haha great .
>media does X
Every time
Earth-92131 had Dr Otto Octavius as a mentor to Peter Parker. Also he wasn't the role of Uncle Ben you idiot.
Please don't use "spider-man fans"
People that like the character are losers with superiority complex, and we hate when MCU fans get bulked in with us.
Read the fucking Ditko run if you disagree.
Anyone else notice they skipped over Uncle Ben in favor of making Tony's death the new Uncle Ben?
Fuck off, Spider-Man is easily the greatest superhero of all time along with Batman
>Uncle Ben as Otto Octavius
read the Ditko run
You are unironically correct but Yea Forums and Yea Forums hate capeshit and Yea Forumsntrarians have a particular hateboner for Batman
Muslim crimes against humanity.
t. nintenshart that didn't play the game.
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums hate capeshit
That's all they watch and read.
>t. butthurt Snoyfag
hahaha thanks for proving my point exactly that you didn't play it. It's a million times better than literally anything on your port machine.
>Implying I own any of the shitty consoles
Go back to Yea Forums, you console peasant.
female promiscuity
So you didn't play the best game of 2018. Noted. You have no right to an opinion.
disney ruins all
You could ask the same of this board. Constant outrages everyday.
I would.
>a literal nobody on twitter makes a post
don't you get tired of your faux outrage?
why the fuck does the director put himself in the movie?
why wouldn't he?
happy hogan is an important part of the whole mcu storyline
maybe he could cast the character instead of being a faggot
They've never read ultimate Spider-Man or Trouble have they?
>Unflattering jeans and a short-sleeved shit
13% of the population, 50% of the crime.
>Put a MILF instead of an old lady to play Aunt May
>WTF, why are they sexualising her
>foot tattoo
the hallmarks of a slag
>they've never read ultimate Spider-Man
and that's a good thing
he plays the part well tho, unlike tarantino who just inserts himself in movies because of ego
It's less about Aunt May and more that I've had a thing for Marisa Tomei since I saw My Cousin Vinny as a kid.
yeah favreau totally doesn't do it because of ego at all
>G'wan, Parker
TIL Flash was Jamaican.
chucks suck and fuck
fucking based
horseshoe theory, amirite?
everyone is retarded but us
He's a good enough actor that he can get away with it. Tarantino makes me cringe whenever I see him on screen.
>the hallmarks of a slag