Woah, that's a good point.
Woah, that's a good point
Other urls found in this thread:
cant believe these images. anybody seen a negro pick a book?
Black people are superior. Their brains are smaller which makes the neurons packed more densely causing them to be more intelligent.
kek, this meme works because 9gag users read 1 book a year.
I've never seen a black person read, no.
>1 book a year.
literally more than the average person
They read in prison. Mostly true crime stories and Harry Potter though.
Literally only once and it was my ex girlfriend. Other than her I have never seen a darkie read.
I've never read a book in my life. I can't even read a Yea Forums post that's over 3 sentences.
average nigger IQ > average inecl IQ
9gag is so fucking cancerous
So you're the reason that retards write literally four sentences and then at a TL;DR at the end of their retarded story or argument.
TL;DR: have sex with a librarian
only retards read books. anyone with anything going for them know how to do things intrinsically
>When you've only read one book but it's the FBI crime stats
Fucking onions poster, you're worse than OP's horrid bait.
>lets completely flip reality and pretend it's real
unironically a good way to get black people to read.
So are you even more dangerous if you've never read a book?
Which book?
prison justice wakanda
Well as much of a dog fucking pig molesting shit posting degenerate as I am, at least I'm not a namefag.
I'm black and my head is fucking huge. My friends say I look like Alien from Alien vs Predator.
I read only 2 books this year
please fuck my white wife
t. whiboi
Culture of Critique
The communist manifesto
>1 book per year
Damn. I've read 2 entire books in my life (23 years old) that wasn't related to a course. Why do you guys read books? I can understand reading certain things because you enjoy the story/writer and there isn't a film version, but why do readers act so smug? Every person in a modern or Western country reads all fucking day about countless topics on social media, and the internet in general. Why are you faggots so smug about an archaic hobby? This isn't a shitpost btw, I genuinely don't understand why reading has become veganism, and if I'm missing something please share and I will listen
Good day M’nigga *tips do-rag* might i interest you in *adjusts fingerless watermelon gloves* muh own special blend of *cites crime statistics incorrectly* whipping dat white pussy like your ancestors whipped mine *adopts a pitbull*
>he thinks looking at twitter posts and facebook statuses is reading
I think your post is a good example why people should read.
Are readers that smug where you live? It's literally the best way to learn and a gateway to new ideas. The process of reading seems to allow you to stop and reflect in a way that TV and documentaries can't. Good fiction entertains in a way television never can, because the actors are your own mind. It's harder to stick with, because it requires brain power, but it's a very rewarding hobby. For yourself, not your social status.
>Why do you guys read books
I'd explain it to you but you seem to have the attention span of a fly and would probably start drooling
There are so many ways of getting information these days I think people who still read shitloads of books do it just so they can tell people they aren’t failures e.g. i new a girl who would always tell people she read like 40 book that year but I never actually saw her reading and she was definitely overcompensating for being a retard
Did this fucknut really just put Yea Forums posts and tweets on the same level as books? lmfao... this is what our education system produces. Get a good look.
read siege
Lmao. Whybois wish dey smart. Whybois wish dey SMART n STRONG like black BVLLS. Give it up whybois
Fiction is literally just comic books without pictures
Yes user everyone who's not a retard like you is just acting smug.
honestly if you ever do anything creative, like writing lyrics or poetry or even something like videogames, it helps to read books to understand better creative writing. easier and more entertaining than taking a school class on writing
And who says comic books aren't stimulating?
i refuse to believe that a young man in his 20s has only read two books in his entire lifetime except that he lives in africa or syria
How. Don’t pull the “I can’t explain it to you sweetie your too dumb XD” because that’s a cop out for retards who regurgitate others opinions
>this art isn't art because I said it's not
I don't know if I would call those with limited literary range "dangerous". They certainly are misinformed. Those who display antisemitism are commonly incapable of listing the last five books they read, because they simply don't read that much.
Anyone who has a diverse reading range would realize it's obvious that contempt for jews is a misguided endeavor.
It will make you more interesting too. In both vocabulary and general knowledge.
All books are lame as hell and boring. If there was a single good one I might give it a read.
at least daytime is
>alien takes your shoes after murdering you
You know how gamers are so hype for shit like Star Trek Holodeck-level vr? Reading is really the closest thing we have to it and it always has been. Of course it's not tactile but in terms of putting you into headspaces and realities far outside of the mundane it doesn't get better. Movies and videogames give you the illusion of that sure, but more often than not the avatar experience of following a plot with a static actor in front of you puts up an almost impossible barrier of not letting you feel like Ryan Gosling beating people to death with a hammer or whatever people do in videogames that's probably mostly the same. I don't know if that's coherent, but it's just my two cents.
lies. if anything they read the bible.
I hate reading so shorten your post please
>All the sciences
This is the funniest aspect of the image
This. I just listen to an audio book when i'm driving or working out
Who says they are? Fiction and comic books are for brain dead nerds who are trying to convince themselves they’re smarter than the “sheepish masses”
>knowing how to read
That's just a movie trope now. The bible is too hard and boring for the modern criminal to read
When you're a kid reading is top tier entertainment. You're fully immersed in the story of the book. Don't really care about books now, and don't know how it is to start read books when you're grown up but when you a kid it's pretty cool
Huckleberry Finn
Heart of Darkness
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Power of Habit
Culture of Critique
A Song of Ice and Fire
Brave New World
The Republic
Robinson Crusoe
Crime and Punishment
Jurrasic Park
The Light That Failed
all good and more entertaining than anything to hit the box office this year, have fun.
What kind of topic or stuff do you like? If you don't like history you won't got an erect no matter how many people told you that the book was entertaining
I didn’t say it not art. But art has nothing to do with it just because something is art doesn’t mean it can’t be shit. Look at most modern art it’s shit that says nothing just because your favorite vampire novel hasn’t been made into a movie doesn’t mean it’s high art that’s under appreciated it just means it’s not just shit but also unpopular shit
Sometimes I actually envy retards like this guy. To be able to just do mindless manual labor your entire life and never think about anything must be a comfortable existence.
>Culture of Critique
If you read to feel smart then you've already lost. Obviously non-fiction is a lot more stimulating, but reading a novel will do you more good long term than watching most films.
Nah its real. When I was in prison I read the Bible a lot
>t. 11th grade english teacher
ur a fag hav sex
KOTM mogs all of these. Try again.
Blacks get pain if you try to make them read a book even a childrens book they are that fucking retarded.
poor wagie
It's interesting that you and the "mindless retard" found yourself in the same community.
Dude get a grip you aren’t secretly a genius your the same as everyone else except you need reality check
ignorance is bliss
i wish i were never stuck behind have seen too much and too dumb to know more
fuck. (you're not wrong, I just wanted the boy to read)
>all these segues and weird hedging
Just admit you're wrong and go shit up someone else's thread, I think they're crying about 4 year old trannies a couple threads over.