Who would play this guy in his inevitable biopic?
Who would play this guy in his inevitable biopic?
I love hearing his sissy pussy voice in video clips where he tries to continue the jewish holocaust of their neighbors. Its like if a delicate and defenseless baby was sitting at a console and with a push of a button could murder millions of people and spend trillions of US tax dollars, without ever breaking a sweat, sleeping like a little angel.
why does he love bombing shit so much
unironically give ma rundown on the psychology of people like him
he unironically thinkshe is doing the right thing
I hate that fucker
>Muh jooos
I don't care what it takes, I want Israel to destroy each and every one of those Muslim shitholes.
I support Israel and I'm a Zionist
He is.
Bob Balaban
More importantly, who would play this guy in his inevitable biopic?
my cat's tapeworm
allowing people like this man who were denied significant power through their whole career to hold the power they now hold is precisely what's wrong with Trumps' administration
It's better to let them have their own place though, as shit as it may be. Otherwise they just come to the west as refugees.
t. European
He's a chicken hawk neocon. I mean, the guy
literally supported the Vietnam War but personally avoided doing military service in Vietnam on purpose because "he considered the war to already be lost." And to this day he insists the Iraq war was successful. He just loves war and bombing people.
Idris Elba
responsible for the deaths of so many people and he doesn't even have a jaw
Kill yourself
Tommy Lee jones
Not to the us.
He loves money and hates browns, these proxy wars make a lot of money and stop Zionist frowns.
Muslims: Exist
Jews: "I'm going to murder you and take your homeland."
The kike can’t meme
He's literally a beta cuck who thinks he has power because he's a willing pawn of international Jewry. Literally the lowest form of human being. Belongs in the gas chamber with the rest of the kikes, unironically.
Why should he? Plenty of poor idiots better suited to fight. I'm begging serious. Why should he fight in it even if he supports it?
Like Churchill, he believes the west can achieve the most power if it is willingly a slave of zionist global intentions.
Jews really are monsters, how you can drop white phosphorus on kids and then play the victim makes you not human in my book.
>Your land
There is no such thing as palestine. They are Arab squaters.
Americans, how do you feel about dying in the Persian desert for this war?
"Kids" that blew up buses.