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great thread


stupid mobilefag

That's nice. Good for him/her/whatever that is.

it is going to take more than two bags for her to even out the beautification scale but the effort is still applaudable

lol she thinks people will belueve she walks


Why is there so much trash outside? I live in a lower middle class neighborhood and it's very clean outside.

That's a weapon,prove me wrong

do you live around white people?


do you think janny snaps pics of all his work and shares it with his friends?

>his friends
don't be mean

>implying you don't drive everywhere
go for a walk, fattie

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retarded thread

She (?) is doing a good thing.

>(s)he does it for free

I don't have a car or a license

Why are black neighborhoods covered in chicken bones?

don't take this the wrong way but: hahaha, cuck

wypipo will do anything for reddit karma, why isnt #scoopthepoop trending in SF?


now if only there was a diet and exercise challenge for her

to ask the question is to answer it

what if I told you that after you spend all that time picking up trash off the ground and putting it in bags, all that happens after you put it in a garbage can is the garbageman takes it outside the city, and puts it in a big pile on the ground.

does it really matter where on the ground that trash happens to be? I think it'd be better if it was spread out rather than festering in one big garbage dump.

twist: She's only walking around his own house

>edgy haircut
Its reddit personified


God fucking damnit I hate this city so fucking much. Like how many times am I going to see some freak make a fool of my city online: first I see some faggot walking around naked on twitter, then I see trannies dancing around downtown on Instagram and now I see some fucking BEAST bragging about how she picks up garbage after niggers yet cant find the time to eat a salad or throw out that pile of garbage behind her; all in one fucking day.

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