>Several versions of Tony's last words were shot, and in one when Thanos claimed to be inevitable, Tony simply said "fuck you" before snapping Thanos and his army away.
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Almost Had Iron Man Drop the MCU's First F-Bomb
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would have been some shitty last words
Now that would've been f*cking epic!
>I hate you 3000
just give me the direction of the next movie already
Better than "Uuuhhhh I'm Iron Man".
I still don't understand why he had to snap at that moment. They had not only Cap with the hammer, thor, wanda, captain marvel, doctor strange, and iron man now as the most powerful person in the universe with all stones all against thanos. They could have just killed him with their regular powers right? How come the snap didn't kill gamora who came with them from that timeline either?
>Several versions of Tony's last words were shot, and in one when Thanos claimed to be inevitable, Tony simply said "feed you" before snapping Thanos and his army away.
That's a good plot hole but I feel as though the snap would target anyone loyal to Thanos and Gamora was no longer loyal at that point.
Still a lot of other enemies to take out, they might have lost just against the rest of the forces. Maybe.
Thank god they didn't, I would've gone deaf in the theater from basedaboys screaming.
Apparently the re-release will have Tony stick middle finger at Thanos before doing the snap.
Damn. BASED!
Say what you want about the marvel movies but iron man's death was pure kino. Felt straight out of a comic book. Im glad they didnt go with the fuck you route because the scene wouldnt have as much effect.
>thanos brings back vision from the dead
>dr strange cant take the time stone right after tony dies and bring him back from the dead
Eat it, Barney!
I've heard a rumor that the re-release will contain a small cameo by a fat, orange-skinned alien with a bad wig as a part of Thanos' army. Supposedly they cut it because they didn't want the controversy. But now that it's been out a while they aren't really so concerned anymore.
robert downsized jr. costs lot of money
Turn your brain off bro
It's the same reason why he didn't teleport him off of titan before he dusted, he hates him and thinks it's funny messing with him like that.
Suck my dick Barney
>In one version, directed by Sam Raimi, Tony went on a minute long rant about blacks and mexicans and something about Thanos could have accomplished much more by simply snapping 13% instead of 50%, before ending the rant by laughing while yelling "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, SHURI, YOU DUMB BITCH?"
He probably COULD but why would he? Strange is protecting earth from entire alternate realities and extradimensional gods. He can't set a precedence for abusing his power just to hand out happy endings. He'd never be able to get shit done.
>Thanos uses the stones to wipe out half of the fucking life in the universe
>he merely gets injured
>Tony uses the stones to kill a few thousand soldiers
>dies instantly
Just how fucking strong was thanos? Then why did he get BTFO so easily in this film?
Saying this is a plot hole is retarded. Might not be great writing but it's very clearly stated in BOTH movies that there's only one exact scenario where they win against Thanos and that's where iron man snaps him and his bros out of existence. If he dicked around using the stones separately or had thor fuck around with hammers the official explanation is "it wouldn't have worked, thanos would have gotten the upper hand somehow and fucked em all up." Might not be a *great* explanation but it certainly isn't a plot hole.
Tony was a normal human who couldn't handle the power of the stones.
Remember in Guardians of the Galaxy Quill can barely handle the power stone alone and he is half god-like.
>Suck a fuck, you big grapefruit looking bitch.
What could've been.
In infinity war that tall grey guy says that thanos is the only being to ever use 2 stones in the beginning. When he snapped he was hurt but barely, it took two snaps to cripple him. With Hulk he was crippled after 1 and tony died after his.
Pretty fucking strong when you think about it.
>fist fights Hulk and beats him
>takes Stormbreaker to the chest and doesn't die instantly
>can take a giant ship to the face
>fights an entire planet (to get the power stone) and lives
>i am inevitable
Thanos easily beat Hulk in a fist fight at the start of Infinity War and Mantis could barely keep him under her mind powers which puts his mental strength near a Celestial like Star Lord's father. I think his backstory will be explored further in the Eternals movie
>Thanos snaps
>its empty
>he looks to Tony Stark
>he reveals he has the stones
RDJ wanted Tony to be dead so they can't try to lure him back for future movies
>First F-Bomb
call me when they drop the n-word.
btw why are americans so prudish and infantile, why is this any news?
Sounds like bullshit to me
Doesn't banner call Hulk a "fucking asshole" when he doesn't come out in Infinity War
>I am...inevitable *snap*
>are you, though?
The only way Tony could take the stones from Thanos was by gripping his hand and using the nanomachines to pull the stones from the gauntlet to his armor (convenient that the armor and gauntlet are both nanotech but whatever)
Once the stones were transfered to Tony's armor/hand, the energy from them was already surging through his body and killing him. He would have died anyway, so the snap was the only logical option left.
The original fight choreography for Captain Amerca's fight with Thanos.
>Tony gets the stones
>"You didn't see that coming?"
don't think
The little guy will clearly win because of his superior speed
That makes sense. Thanks.
>using the nanomachines to pull the stones from the gauntlet to his armor
Except you literally see the stones falling out of Thanos' gloves into Tony's direction as Tony gets hit away.
Because Strange told him it was the ONLY one way it could work, and yes, that is incredibly lazy writing, but that's how they wrote it.
>Loki and all the other people Thanos directly killed didn't get brought back
Fuck you, Hulk. What about all the people who died in car or plane crashes or committed suicide cause all their loved ones died? Retard.
>Go to see Thor Ragnarok with my Son
>Dad, what's an orgy?
Fuk you Marvel.
>Go to see Spiderman: Homecoming
>lol dad, watching porn is funny.
>Go to see GOTG VOL 1.
>lol, assholes
They were weak-willed
Maybe that's the case but I've seen it twice and didn't notice that.
I totally just got that he was reminding him that there was only one way they could win.
You have to admit it was ballsy on the part of the writers to trust the audience to remember that strange had told stark there was only one way to win in the last movie.
How the hell are you unironically supposed to make a giant guy menacing when the only other giant guy to ever be introduced is a joke character. Not to mention, people hate 2-d "I'm evil because I want power" shit so you're not supposed to make Galactus' plan of eating planets somehow compelling
Maybe don't watch PG-13 movies with your nine year old, dumbass.
>you're not supposed
I hope Captain Marvel kicks his shit in
>people hate 2-d "I'm evil because I want power"
Galactus would die if he didn't eat planets.
I think if they show him, as the comic says, a force of nature much like the idea of death, or someone like Anton Chigurgh, he could be a great foe.
I would make him probably not speak, and make Silver Surfer his mouth of Sauron. He is just a being that consumes and consumes. The avengers would have to to some weird cosmos shit to kill him. Nothing like a fist fight.
I don't think he could work as a multi phase villain though. One movie is enough for him.
Possible explanation is that by rewinding time there, Strange would also be undoing Tony's snap, bringing back Thanos and his army.
Execpt it seems the time stone's power can be applied within just a small, local reference frame, like the small ring of trees where IW Thanos used it. So it's an explanation, but not a good one
Anyone think the set up for multiverse is bringing secret wars into the mix?
Galactus’ entire thing is that he’s closer to a force of nature than a living being. He’s the last survivor of the previous universe who consumes planets to remain alive so he can lead into a better universe when the current one dies.
I was referring to the fact that Gamora wasn't snapped out of existence. Reading comprehension is a great tool for someone to have.
Alita did it first and it was fucking epic
Youtube and the internet at large has made cussing so ubiquitous who would even notice it?
they fucking repeat it in the movie like twice
Why are there pearl clutchers on at this hour? What are you doing on Yea Forums? Why do you care when a healthy human being learns about those things eventually anyway?
So many questions...
Nearly half a year since its theatrical release and still no bluyray. wtf
>it seems the time stone's power can be applied within just a small, local reference frame
not in Dr Strange's movie, he uses it on an entire city
>So many questions...
>Fuck you 3000
Kinda undermines the power of Avengers Assemble if even with all their power they couldn't beat Thanos without the stones despite him being a regular, decapitable, living being
It flopped so hard there won't be any kind of home release.
It'll be out in a month
digital is in just a week or so
Hehe fellow gamers Tony Stark almost said the f work. hella epixx omegalul
It will be out on Disney+ in december. Bluray and digital probably somewhere in late august
Why can't you people just shut up about that stupid movie?
because it literally feels like a early 90s film with amazing CGI & so-so story Jim did the best he could with condensing the story into film & it payed off on account of his pure passion to bring it to live on the big screen
I honestly believe this.
Did you actually even watch the movie? Thanos was wiping the floor with all of them and very nearly took the gauntlet several times. It was literally the only way to win.
>thanos brings back vision from the dead
Vision was destroyed by Wanda's power, not by the stones. Tony died due to the combined power of all the stones. Time stone can't undo that.
There's a million ways to instawin against anyone with just one infinity stone.
teleport them to the sun
revert their timeline to where they're a baby
mindrape them
take out their soul
one punch them
turn them into bubbles
that would have been so cringe
But using them is extremely difficult.
I made a comment that was relevant to the topic
sorry if that offends you for some reason
>I made a comment that was relevant to the topic
No you didn't.
>Several versions of Tony's last words were shot, and in one Tony simply said "fuck you" before snapping Thanos and his army away
>Alita says "fuck your mercy" before snapping her arm off in Grewishka's head
are you stupid or what
Ahh, yes, two evenly matched masters of their respective disciplines: Strength and Dexterity. Truly a battle for the ages.
He wanted to die so he didn't have to play iron Man anymore
lol the theater wouldve fucking LOST IT
marvel let disney cuck them, that shit would've went down in history
If Tony survives, he would use the stones to wipe out any potential threats against Earth, ala SHIELD. Strange wanted both Thanos and Tony gone
>he thinks those things have anything to do with each other
technically punisher the dropped the first fuck unless they're still considering the shows non-canon
lost it
This is why modern generations are pussies. Back when I was a kid my dad let me watch stuff like the Terminator and Robocop.
Anyone else wish they had just let Farmer Thanos be? He was just a cool dude who wanted to tend to his Farm, maybe play some Doom on the old PC.
Wait, so not a single one of these capeshit flicks has a single instance of the word "fuck" in it?
I guess it really was made for (man)children.
Ding ding ding! This. So much this!
It's also the case that Vision refers to the matching energy signature and then a "sufficient power source".
>jews tricking gentiles into sullying themselves in the eyes of the Lord with profanity
>I'm the goddamn Iron Man
I would have seen the flick if this was in it.
You mean your wife's son.
>zoomer doesn't remember when movies didn't come out on video until 6+ months after release
Frankly, it only being 3 months on average these days is a godsend but you don't know how well you have it.
While I agree with this, he did it to save everyone else. So that they didn't have to fight
why couldn't they just give that gauntlet to Captain Marvel.
she was shown to withstand the gauntlet when thanos used it on her. why not give it to the overpowered fuck.
Imagine if he said "I am even more inevitable than you".
>i'm inevitable 3000
I would have clapped
They only killed Thanos at the beginning of the film because he was weak from using all the stones twice. The past Thanos who came to the present was pissed as hell, had an army and was at his strongest.
Look what he did to Thor in that end fight and he threw Captain Marvel around like a rag doll.
>Several versions of Tony's last words were shot, and in one when Thanos claimed to be inevitable, Tony simply said "YOU'RE GONNA VANISH LIKE PURPLE DRANK IN A NIGGER HOUSEHOLD" before snapping Thanos and his army away.
thats a bit harsh
"I am inevitable."
"I am evitable."