Holy FUCK this movie was pure kino
Holy FUCK this movie was pure kino
Other urls found in this thread:
>A gay D-list comedian inspires the name of a movie title\youtube.com
I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is cringe, this is reddit, this is cringe..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 10 minutes it was so painful.
Can niggers please leave this board?
If you are black your only chance of having good taste in films is if your a fag.
learn how to meme arrow
More interested in The Last Black Man on Earth tbf
Is this another "black people are oppressed in 2019" nonsense?
Of course.
this but unironically.
Why can't blacks make movies about things outside of being black? Can they only comprehend things through their race? Look at all the different topics and genres a white or asian director/writer will cover. You never see this with anyone that's black.
black user here. there’s this qt white girl in my university that’s been flirting with me for awhile, should I ask her out? I really like white pussy, but at the same time I’m trying to stay focused on my studies. wat do?
Starring Tom Cruise
Being a nigger is what being a nigger is all about. Same with the faggots.
The same reason that they are always crying and bitching about how why peepo don't understand them and there needs to be fewer white judges, critics, artists, authors, etc. They live in this bubble of blackness where only their perspective is valid.
Go for it user, you got this.
>college student
Good bait crackhead
because white people have no culture
>The Last Black Man in San Francisco
>There are 2 of them.
What did they mean by this? Honestly.
>black male
>in university
Niggas can't count
>black user here
You're actually a white cuckold
thanks, fren. I think I’ll ask her out tomorrow.
thanks to you guys, too
>black user
>college studies
That's a funny way to describe bouncing, dribbling, and shooting threes
Holy CHUCK this movie was pure grain