>character describes heist plan while we see it happening
ITT: Tropes you actually enjoy
Niggers dying first in horror movies.
th best is when the actress shows her pusy
>villain is the personification of a concept.
The one brutal bludgeoning scene in every crime movie
Based Coen brothers
>Character runs down other characters one by one via a voiceover.
>Inglourious Basterds
>bad guys capture home base while the operators are away, leaving the tech nerds, doctors and other assorted non-combat guys to take it back
Name 1 movie
Armageddon, Oceans 11
1 movie.
It's more of a TV show thing.
Villian's quietly competant number two starts to doubt villian's methods and turns on them near the end
Music plays during fights.
>a main character leaves the show
>makes surprise reappearance the next episode
>she has a penis
Wolf of Wall Street
>Attractive female slowly emerging from a pool or body of water
>slow pan from legs up to an attractive females face
A man moves his family out of thw big city to his father's old farm and tries to make a go of things and is hassled by locals at the feed store.
>best friend gunslingers crack jokes in the middle of a firefight
>Main character goes from poor / down on his luck to rich and successful.
>Always a scene where he get's instructed on success / how to be successful from an idol / mentor figure
> Always a scene where the fame / success gets to their head and they hurt the people closest to them
> Always the downfall scene where they get unraveled by drugs / another vice
> Goodfellas
> Wolf of Wall Street
> Boogey Nights
Director specific I love tropes:
> Use of voice over in Scorsese films
> Shots of nature / grass in Terrence Malick films
>scenes showing an event from different perspecitves that vary wildly
>Retired Protagonist
>Comes out of retirement for one last job/ride
>Good Fellas
But does he survive or die at the end
>The Hero's enemy/the villain is his former best friend
>I specifically love it in the mission impossible franchise when a character you didn’t know was wearing a mask takes it off and reveals that they’re actually a good guy in disguise. The bit where they do that in fallout made me so happy.
>what’s plan B?
>there is no plan B!
>the villain’s henchmen are bumbling screw-ups
>allusions to Casablanca or other golden age cinema
>the villain presses the detonator and nothing happens
>click click click click
he dies valiantly, usually with a cool line before death
>the protagonist has nothing to lose
This never even happens though. Why the fuck did this become such a commonly upheld cliche. I know Scream 2 really popularized it but it must have been a well known trope before then.
It happens in literally 99% of horror/slasher movies that have at least one darkie in them
>Character starts out with noble intentions, gets lost in their crusade for vengeance, does terrible things with no regret
>Character starts out with noble intentions, does terrible things, gets killed and expresses his regrets while dying
Name one where it happens. It doesn't happen in a single Friday the 13th or Halloween movie and those are the most popular slasher franchises. I've seen a retarded amount of slasher movies and can't think of a single one where a black character dies first off the top of my head.
>good guy kisses the girl
The shining.
True enough. But he dies like 2 hours into the movie and he's one of only 2 characters to die, the other being the 'villain.' Hardly seems like its the basis for the trope.
Shrek 3
Gremlins is another one.
dang I love that one too op. If I had to say something else, I'd say that I'm a sucker for training montages where the weak sucky character works his ass off to god status
>while we see
>Villain is introduced before hero
>No Countries for Old Man
>The Dark Knight
Name 10 movies where this happens you racists incles.
This is a sign that you're about to watch pure 100% kinography.
Literally google it, autist
>character tells a story
>the story is shown, but all the voice over is the only audio
>characters still talk, but the voice over is what we hear
if you werent a zoomer you'd know that it actually did happen a lot but not anymore since people started complaining about it
Smokin' Aces
1. The Shining
2. Gremlins
3. Scream 2
4. American Psycho
5. Chronicle
6. Evil Dead (2013 ver)
7. Serenity
8. The Babysitter
9. Jurassic Park
10. Dr. Giggles
>the protagonist has enough and becomes a “demon”
Great pick
>Character says something to protagonist at the start of the movie
>Protagonist says it back to the character near the end of the movie
Lord of the Rings
>villain is the personification of a concept
>the concept is killed
You killed this thread
American Thunderbirds.
>Character 'dies' and everyone presumes they're dead, being able to finally escape their past life and live in peace
>Something major happens that relates to their past life and they come back from the dead.
Yeah, and proud of it.
Slow motion entrance
>mfw i forgot my face
>Good guy has arch nemesis
>Good guy is fighting lesser nemesis and is about to lose
>Arch nemesis shows up and kills lesser nemesis
>"I'm the only one who gets to kill you"
Unforgiven is so good
>>Retired Protagonist
>>Forced out of retirement for one last job
while i like that too, i prefer this one
Recently : Evil straight white man fighting with mary sue white woman and her nigger orbiter
>nigger orbiter
my sides. what even is this?
nigger + beta orbiter
>slick heist unravelling montage
Ocean 8 was a travesty
>”have a nice life”
>beta orbiter
the language of you uneducated dogs. nvmd i asked.
meant for>duh
Nigger btfo
Austin Powers International Man of Mystery
henchman betrays villain
The media back bvll meme is toxic musculiniymty and had its peak in 2014. Now they are omega males too.
>character describes perfect heist plan whilst we see them fucking it all up
>we see in great detail how a character outsmarts other characters
This even happened in infinity war
Fat black Police chief chewing out the loose cannon on his squad.
Said chief warms to the loose cannon by the end.
>hot girl is forced to do sexual things with an incel tier guy
>movie starts with last scene
examples? can only think of Chigurh as personification of chaos/random cruelty of life or something in that vein
>here comes slipknot, the man who can climb anything
goodfellas/casino have got nothing on this kino
based gannicus
based pusy poster
>the villain is a messiah figure turned evil
clever ways of introducing the main characters names
>abignale! not abignalE not abignaale!! not abignalale!!!!
is it a trope for a movie/show to have none or minimal women? because i like that
This film is why i am disturbingly aroused by famke janssen and women in uniform in general
joker in TDK
nurse ratched in one flew over
patrick bateman
yeah im thinking hes the villain
>henchman betrays villain for true love
perfect flick
The Killing
>bad guy becomes good
CIA in the dark knight rises
literal personification of a man in charge
CIA was an alegory for poor flight security in early 2000's
>Besides Optimus, what would you be without me
>Time to find out
Name a more kino scene
>Villain constantly outsmarts hero
>Villain dies a brutal death
>No speech about how they technically won
>No last-minute attempt by the filmmakers to justify their actions
>No moment after the credits where they get right back up
Fucking EVERYONE dies like this in Dredd, but a few other movies do it too. Terminator 2 holds a special place in my heart for being a Slasher movie to pull this. Even if Skynet lives on, that particular T-1000 is gone for good.
Music DOESN'T play during fights
>surreal final scene that clarifies the theme of the movie
>villain is all-powerful
>constantly one step ahead of protagonists
>beat the shit out of protags before without breaking a sweat and then went off to do evil business
>"ok guise we have to go to his evil lair where he's strongest and stop him!"
>they actually beat the villain
>MC/narrator is the villain
>you don't find out until the end
>Family dinner scene
>They all hold hands & the father lets out a prayer
God bless
>"foolish of you to face me alone"
>"im not alone"
>>No moment after the credits where they get right back up
this has got to be the worst trope
its not even true for half the movies you listed
and scream is making fun of the trope
>character walks off into the sunset
>hero and villain know each other so well they don't even have to fight each other
>they just imagine the fight instead
Most kino scene in the entirety of Sherlock series
>character slaps a folder on a desk and the files/photographs zip out in front of someone else
this happens in most capeshit, shit trope
>i see you too are a man of american culture
Villains number 2 turns out to be more intelligent and competent than the villain and becomes the real bad guy by the end of it.
>Wilhelm scream
>Howie scream
>scene with woman in the prime of her life, glowing in the sunlight and shit
>cuts to her mutilated body after being raped and dismembered
Hero was prime wire-fu kino
>Out of context scene at the start is actually the ending scene
It also had maybe the best ending I’ve ever seen.
It's not the start of the movie, but the film version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has Harry refusing to save Umbridge with the one liner of "Sorry Professor, I must not tell lies" which was satisfying as hell.
Your Mother’s sex tape, incel.
To quote the Rifftrax boomers, “The closest Harry Potter gets to badass.”
John Goodman in Barton Fink is the devil
Based, and redpilled.
>bully/antagonistic figure becomes best friends with the protagonist
>when the MC goes to a brothel, only to find out it's been replaced by a grain store
character says the n word
>when the employees bully the MC for his choice in cars and footwear despite the fact he is a paying customer
>villain is defeated in his lair
>lair and minions start inexplicably collapsing
One of the best examples of this trope.
>female secondary protagonist isn't a forced love interest for the main protagonist
Based Mako from Pacific Rim
>character describes heist plan while we see it happening
>none of that actually happened and the real execution fails terribly
>A woman or her partner gets killed mid-sex in a horror film
I hold those Jason flicks close to my heart. I enjoy all horror films with sex scenes in them but when they get killed while naked I reach nirvana, it's so hot.
goddamn every time I laugh, you fucking cunts.
>Villain's story/motive reminds you of yourself and how you shifted from left leaning to strict conservative.
>music playing during a scene
>gets revealed that the song is actually playing in the movie
>villain stands in front of two pointy objects in such a way that just the two tips appear over the back of his head
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
What movie(s)/animes/shows?
>Ocean 8 was a travesty
People willingly watched that?
ex machina
altered carbon
Too bad Altered Carbon was garbage despite the hot beaner, main character, Mark Anthony and the blonde MILF.
>character gets greviously injured but not quite dead
>gets sent to the hospital/doctor, given only a small chance of survival
>actually fucking dies
only show I know that had the balls to do this was Deadwood
I love when there's a meticulous plan laid out but the viewers don't really get to grasp the true purpose of the plan until it has already been carried out.
>the blonde MILF
>female protag tied to a chair along with the rest of the heroes
>villains come in, begin to sexually intimidate her
>she starts to seduces them, begins sucking one of them off
>eventually is sucking 5 guys from the chair, blowbang style
>as they finish, they all pass out from sheer pleasure
>female protag stands up, wipes mouth, as rest of the heroes stare
>"What? I grew up with six brothers"
Even the Scream 2 claim is bullshit because the actual nigger that was involved in the story only got killed during the final act
Give any examples
top jej
Mentioning this trope is now a trope in itself
Name one movie where this happens
This is actually one of the worst tropes, where the characters go into detail about what the plan is and then you know for sure it's going to fail. It spoils what's going to happen as you know it will go horribly wrong, and wastes time because the plot is not being furthered.
>Sequel is set decades after last and two characters still hold a grudge towards one another
Before you were born, so like 2004, this was a really common thing, until people started noticing and filmmakers stopped being racist.
It's still common that the darkies don't make it to the end, though. In TV shows they cycle blacks, see The Walking Dead.
Name 4 more.
>movie has two female leads
>they're best friends
>they have a fight at the end of the 2nd act
>they make up in the third act just in time for the climax
>the "villain" is based and redpilled
Anime doesn't count
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Character conversationally narrating a story to friends while the story transpires on screen
>villain is the protagonist
Nightcrawler, American Psycho, some Scorcese films. Breaking Bad.
The fucking Mexican dude from Ant-Man
name 1 (one) movie on par with death note
>two factions are ducking it out
>Evenly matched
>Neutral 3rd faction enters
>Wrecks both sides
This. Absolutely fucking this.
>bad guy and good guy have sexual tension/feelings for each other
>bonus points if it's two girls
>bonus to the bonus if it's the movie DEBS
>girl bully (with or without a posse) and shy female or male victim
>CFNF, CFNM, and CMNF in that order
>Narration is bullshitting details while the actual events are shown
Manos: The Hands of Fate
When I was a teenager I wrote a comedy movie about two black guys who realize they're in a horror movie and try desperately to avoid being the first one killed off as well as sabotage one another into being the first one killed. Meanwhile the white cast is getting butchered in the background. The twist ending was that the killer was a black guy.
brb stealing this
The Room
Post it, NOW.
based, weebs btfo
Unironically kino
Unironically good idea and you shouldn't have told it here
Get Jordan Peele on the line
The Wayans Brothers just woke up in a cold sweat
Jordan Peele is stealing this right now.
This is so good
fucking slipnot
Do you still have that screenplay? I don't know the legal process but you should do whatever it takes to protect it against plagiarism asap and then try to sell it. Literally just DM Jason Blum with the idea on Twitter.
Godzilla's Revenge
this isn't an appropriate reaction image for this post
You should watch out for that nigger Jordan Peele, he might steal your idea
emoji movie
I don't have it anymore lmao this was ~10 years ago before I started actually writing films.
Don't really care if the idea gets stolen, I'm a white dude just enough out of touch with black culture to not make a good movie out of this.
Tell y'all what if anybody here ITT steals this just throw "Clark Allen" (not my real name obv) in the credits somewhere and that'll be good enough.
>character says an incredibly cliche line or an established movie quote
>Someone next to them is like "whoa, that's good, did you just make that up on the spot?"
>bonus points if the movie takes place before the source movie came out
cba to read through the thread but
>unassuming mild-mannered guy you thought was an assistant is actually the leader/big bad
is my favourite trope
How do you that with file name? (Asking for fren.)
>big, band villain is front for another one or an organisation.
>it was all a metaphor for capitalism all along
Already been done. I can't remember the name, but it was one of those direct to video slashers horror-comedies that came out after Scream's success in the late 90s. It was pretty bad. Your post was better than that movie.
Actually not required, "while" is perfectly acceptable in American English (apparently, lol plebs)
Fantastic does this
Thats scary movie
Harold and Kumar Escape Gitmo
Ok, go ahead and name all the horror/slasher movies where this happens.
star wars
Genuinely good idea and I'm laughing to myself at the image of the two main character's arguing in a car while in the background a white character is having a brutal battle to the death with the killer
Would Fury Road fit this?
I can't even remember any dialog after Joe's face is ripped apart, rather abruptly at that.
I like how Walter/Hank basically had the same dynamic as Light/L.
protagonist and antagonist team up
Shouldn't it have been Oceans 13? Or 14?
Name all the horror/slasher movies where this doesn't happen.
Checkmate atheist
game of thrones did this a few times i think.
>villain is so mad at the hero that he has to kill a henchmen
>villain fights hero and absolutely kicks his ass
>despite grievous wounds, the hero displays incredible tenacity in fighting on
>still loses/dies but makes a huge impression on the villain
Because it's just like that Frasier thread we had earlier lol
The villain was the friends we made along the way
>Excuse me, Sir, the bad guy is going to do X.
>I know this because I've seen it before/ I would do the exact same thing/ I taught him.
Only movie I can think of with this is Star Trek 2009, but I know that I have seen it, elsewhere.
>quote at the beginning of the movie that you don’t learn the context of until near the very end
>bonus points if it’s the dying words of a character or if the emotional context gets completely twisted around when we hear it again
>he’s going to X.
>how do you know?
>because it’s what I would do
>character's narrations are entries in a journal
>narrator is writing a story
>fight scene in the middle of the movie, you expect the hero to wipe the floor with random goons
>one of the goons actually turns out to be really good and gives him a hell of a fight
>character comes down with disease/drinks poison/some other ailment with hilariously over the top symptoms
>goes through all of them while smart character deadpans through the list of symptoms unaware of what's happening behind them
There’s the whole drive back with blood-transfusion, and then when they arrive at Citadel the peasants rip Joe’s corpse limb from limb. Joe’s surving son realises he’s lost and let’s Furiosa ascend and take over. There’s not a whole lot of dialogue, but there is a substantial conclusion that wraps up everything after Joe is killed.
Not like The Fly, where as soon as Jeff Goldblum dies the movie ends, despite there being a few loose ends regarding his gf’s story.
>Hero is actually the most dangerous character in the entire series but follows a strict moral code that prevents them going beastmode
>Events transpire and they decide to stop following their rules
i love this. i don't care how much of a narrative crutch it is, i love the efficiency
This except
>Character announces he's poisoned the food of one person at a dinner (or something like that) because he knows they're the mole in the organisation
>he describes the process of death from said poison
>one character starts coming down with these symptons
>the villain says he'll provide the antidote in exchange for a confession of guilt
>the poisoned character begs for the antidote
>He was never poisoned in the first place, it was a bluff!
Name 3 1/2 movies
No Retreat No Surrender is my favourite example of that trope.
A man must do what he can to brace against the shit of a simple day
I can't remember any off the top of my head but it's happened in multiple forms of media
"Grandpa's spooky storytime":
>old/grizzled/veteran character recounts a tale, legend, history or event they were personally involved in that's so horrific is stuns the younger, else wise unflappable characters into a spooked silence
pic related is an eldergodtier kino moment, and Robert Shaw is magnificent.
Lesser moment from a less regarded WW2 horror, "The Bunker":
(2:16 or so onwards for you mobile plebs)
It doesn't exactly fit the above trope, but I still get spookbumps when the Farc/guerilla prisoner in Predator recounts the ancient legend of her people of
>The Demon That Makes Trophies of Men
>"When things seemed hopeless, I stared down at defeat and found hope"
>the solution was literally on his feet
scary movie did it in the 1990s
>wise councilors are using the king/boss as their puppet.
I just love the modesty that these type of characters have, to rule with no fame.
I don’t know if it’s in any other movies, but the part in Resoiur Dogs where Mr Orange is practicing bring undercover, and it seamlessly transitions from him rehearsing a fake story, to actually using the fake story when talking to Joe and gang, to finally showing the (false) events of the story. So you hear beginning of story as rehearsal, middle as telling it confidently and ending as if it were real.
>lifeless eyes... like a doll's eyes...those black eyes rollllll white
Actually kino, well done user
I think the chinese really love this trope; it's rarely the king/emperor that's evil, but his grand vizier and councilors instead.
I honestly think this trope stems from black comedians from back in the day. Not very many 80s slasher movies even had black characters.
>The villian's motives are arguably better than the ones of the hero
>Villain POV episode
>Opening credits change to reflect that
High IQ
the bad side has some fire bitches
>b humour
>the hero was the villain all along
>the villain is the only one who can save the world
I love this shit
It happens in anaconda as I recall too
>there is no plan B!
>not "That WAS plan B!"
T2 had multiple fake deaths
I fucking love when this happens, doesn't matter how shit the rest of the film is
Sharpe and harper hated each other and had a near deadly fistfight when they first met
Creepshow 2
>characters who dislike eachother or downright hate eachother become best buds
It's more or less when blacks used to be token blacks. Which in a horror movie meant "your ass".
Formidable goons are great. Jackie Chan has a few fights like this. Unabashed kino.
Grand Theft Auto IV
[The Lost and Damned & Ballad of Gay Tony show some of the main game's events from different perspectives]
I like this trope also. Which is why it's 1000% more kino in real life.
In his speech to Congress after 9/11, one of George W Bush's lines was "Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done."
And then, in May of 2011, during his announcement of Osama Bin Laden's death, Obama echoed that sentiment; "On nights like this one, we can say to those families who lost loved ones to al Qaeda's terror: justice has been done."
I absolutely love that callback. I feel like it's a subtle show of respect to W.
>protagonist loses his weapon
>villain that we thought was pure evil puts his weapon down so it's a fair fight
I like a variant where the hero suffers extreme wounds like maiming or impalement or dismemberment, where it seems impossible for him to fight on, but he does some crazy shit (pulling himself through a weapon, using his own body parts as a weapon, pulling a knife out of his own chest and throwing it into the eye of the villain) and actually wins
Alita did this recently
>villain cares for his men
>villain throws his weapon to the hero
It’s cheesy but it’s great
>the villain keeps getting the shit kicked out of him the entire film but somehow survives and wins through sheer tyranny of will
I dont get it?
Really? You like Citizen Kane that much?
>enemy pins down hero
>growls face to face
>hero reaches for some weapon
>strikes enemy and escapes
Tungur knivur
>Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.
Twilight breaking dawn pt 2
Obviously Star Wars TFA
The house that jack built?
Goku having broken limbs but handling piccolo at the end of db
Name one heist movie that doesn't suck. Protip: you can't. They're all garbage.
>The protagonist is fully aware that the fascist villain brings order, but still wants to burn it all down.
sex gifs
inside job
Tower Heist
The cliché is a lie. The *real* one is that black characters were used as comic relief, getting scared and leaving. They were portrayed as comedically cowardly. Bill Cosby and Eddie Murphy both riffed on it in their routines.
name one episode of one popular show that did this?
toy story
formerly cringe
Underrated af.
Warcraft III
Shrek 3
So, are you a cringe /pol/fag or a cringe Chapo nerd?
I love this shit.
>Information Age
>training montage with epic as fuck music
Us literally came out a few months ago
>Hero’s sidekick/loyal retainer is the real hero, but is too humble and simple to even know it.
The enemy faction is absolutely terrified of the hero protagonist.
Okuyasu and Josuke
At least in the original book American Psycho, the black hobo is blinded but survives.
Yeah no he's right, that post is super Boomer
>OMG dude politicians respecting each other, brings a tear to my eye errytime
Fucking based. I laughed so fucking hard at this.
If snatch counts
Snatch may be my favorite
Fucking kek.
The first time I remember seeing this was Raiders of the Lost Ark, and it really happens twice - once with the dude in the truck and again with the Aryan Giant at the airfield.
Raiders had another trope-making moment as well:
>Hero and villain/foe see something unexpectedly funny and stop fighting long enough to share a short laugh