Why is Colbert so petty?
Why is Colbert so petty?
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because he rapes children
Because he's a giant faggot
how's your first week of psych 101 going, reddit?
Imagine being 200 digits away from being right
You're thinking of his buddy, John Podesta.
It's going okay
cool, don't spend all your time making bullshit youtube videos instead of studying you absolute homo
Does the guy making this video understand that people joke with each other?
Colbert is a simpering wristlet little numale faggot, no wonder he'd have to rely on these psychosocial mind games to form his basis of his confidence. I could dislodge his trachea into his wind pipe and kill him with one kick.
no, he's probably 18 and thinks he's smarter than everyone because he read a couple chapters in an entry level psychology textbook at his community college
Yeah why does everything have to be autistically dissected. Sometimes people do shit just to do shit.
These are the brainlet responses
hes obviously a pedo
welp i'm gonna be obsessed with this channel for the next few days
i love autistic people peering through a steamy window into polite society like dickensian workhouse children
thanks for letting us know, reddit
Conan got two scoops backstage
based truthposter
Look at the demographic he appeals to. There you go.
Well yes user, he IS a catholic after all.
does this look like the face of someone who fucks children, kills them and then drinks their blood in ritual sacrifice?
This is the most autistic video I've ever seen. I kinda think this guy should go to therapy.
That is the face of someone who just took a shower after he fucked children and drank their blood in ritual sacrifice.
>Walks onto Conan with a fucking spear
I know it's all probably scripted, but jesus christ, Colbert looks so pathetic.
I am 100% convinced now that Colbert is a complete psychopath
You might think he's reading too much into it but Colbert coming back with his dead horse story is 100% an attack and you're out of your mind if you think it's just bants.
I don't know if he's a psychopath but he has seemed imbalanced for a long time now. Go watch his strangers with candy interviews. He has some bitterness streak that puts a lot of negative comedians to shame, which is no easy feat. But he hides it. It kinda bleeds out though just like this zoomer is suggesting. I still think the zoomer in the video is blowing shit out of proportion but the fact I noticed it too a long time ago makes me wonder if there is something there.
This is our brain on /pol/tism
More like /r9k/tism
>OP promotes his shitty channel
>no mentioning of Conan being a BIG GUY
Dropped. You obviously don't want the Yea Forums audience.
>the random counters
Colbert does come off as an ass in this video though
>the ole' "which direction you're looking is indicative of what you're thinking"
Get the fuck out of here.
what did Conan do to him?
They explain in the video assuming they were being serious about Conan calling Colbert talentless in an interview early in his career.
I usually hate comedians being so petty and critical, but Conan was right.
Why do left wing people visit Yea Forums?
Everyone hates you here and we all laugh at how out of touch you are and how you can’t meme.
I mean keep going I guess but it puzzles me.
Stop posting this retard.
Low self esteem.
The left isn't one person or one view
can you dont
If you can't tell Colbert is on the verge of snapping then you're a fucking retard.
You fucks have autism.
Obama is the same. That guy was thin skinned as fuck.
fucking based image
Stop shilling your embarrassing video, man.
Fuck you, stupid nigger. I'll make all the videos I want and you kikes can't stop me. 1488, bitches.
Gombald dlump
it sucks that Conan needs to go on Colbert's show and be nice to him so he can try to get viewers
>Conan's show reduced to 30 minutes long
>forced to start a podcast
where did it all go wrong for Conan? with the Tonight Show job falling through?
Conan got fucked by Leno's show being the lead in. That's literally it, and it was enough to really knock him down.
I mean you can't feel too bad, he could never work another day in his life and be stupidly rich
I think Conan's tired desu and TBS probably doesn't give him shit, paywise.
It did knock him a bit, but his new show was still great.
This is some JFK Zapruder shit kek
Conan is the only decent person on late night.
And he actually has an interest in nu-media while also not coming off as pandering, like when he had Pewds on or plays games, etc.
>like when he had Pewds on or plays games, etc.
Yeah, because that was totally set up by Conan himself, and he clearly knew who was present that day...
Even if it wasn't (which you're probably right), I can tell that he's genuinely open and curious. I don't ever find him coming off as contrived or condescending
is this autism? its just some light banter
I'm not totally disagreeing, but claiming that he "has an interest in nu-media" is just false. Even Andy comes off more knowledgeable about current affairs and trends, than Conan.
Reminder that body language "experts" on Youtube are people with (self-admitted) 0 credentials or actual expertise. They're complete frauds and you're a retard if you take them seriously.
Pure autism, but Colbert is a psychopathic liberal.
Kill yourself newfag.
1. This is autistic overanalysis of behavior by a 17 year old sooner retard that probably struggles to make friends in real life
2. Colbert has always been a huge seething passive aggressive faggot that doesn’t like boisterous, conservative men. He spent years literally imitating another man for a living.
This is satire, right?
>Colbert has always been a huge seething passive aggressive faggot that doesn’t like boisterous, conservative men. He spent years literally imitating another man for a living
This is autistic overanalysis of behavior by a 17 year old sooner retard that probably struggles to make friends in real life
Has anyone actually watched a current episode of Conan? It's fucking pathetic.
>down to 30 minutes
>set looks like Eric Andre's
>only two chairs
>no desk
It's almost as if having a late night show on TBS isn't the cash cow he thought it'd be
christ this is autism
Which Drumpf tale was he mad at here?
he didn't have much of a choice. he got dicked over for cuck man colbert who was chosen to spew podesta approved fluff pieces on clinton. conan may have been willing to play ball but the fix was in long before he even knew the game was afoot.
Colbert wishes he was a funny as he thinks he is.
Conan belongs on late night, not regular hours. His comedy was always crazier compared to theirs. Seeing what he became on The Tonight Show was all the proof anyone needed.
I still don't know why people gave Jay Leno so much shit. It's not like he sabotaged him. Conan's numbers were shit, so they needed to let him go and go back to someone who they knew was a success.
I love this image
yeah, conan toned down the weird comedy when he moved to The Tonight Show, which alienated his old audience, but he was still too weird for the people who liked leno. he ended up losing his old faithful audience and his new audience by trying to satisfy both.
at least he got a luxury holiday at the tropical paradise that is Haiti and owned drumpf at the same time
Don't forget how he had on that ex mexican president who stole millions from their government but he flipped off drumpf so he's epic as frick
Colbert is the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It wasn't just Trump being elected that broke some people mentally, it was the fact that a lot of these people thought of themselves as righteous trend setters and moral betters. To have been rejected so thoroughly by so much of the nation had to have been a belt to the ego that they had never even considered.
And now he's just another partisan hack. Same as any other.
>supports abortion
*fake catholic
factual and truthpilled
I bet this guy believes Matt Damon really hates one of those Jimmy show guys.
The only time he was a believable actor was at the end of this video:
based urangoo poster
>muh power moves.
You do realize that this is all part of the show, or rather IS the show?
>hey i pretend to put you down, then you react to it.. then later i´ll have you on my show we do same thing. This is going to be great.. they think we are in a fight and it will be entertaining for them.
Imagine wasting your time sitting analyzing these shows for body language when the dialogue and mannerisms are fucking on purpose to entertain you.
They are just staging themselves.
I bet conan and colbert are laughing their fucking ass off that you think these are unintentional things they are doing. When it´s totally preplanned.. Look when colbert is on conans show later in video, he´s got his own horse story. You are supposed to believe there is some legitimate rivalry or drama between them.. THAT´S THE SHOW..
It´s no different than when rappers who are just as much of a show, pretends they got a 'beef' or whatever. And then the audience is reading in the tmz or whatever, about how is dat beef n shiiet developing. IT`S ALL ON PURPOSE!! my goodness. That people can be so fucking naive..
>Trump Derangement Syndrome
Everyone knows that
What does that have to do with the fact that Colbert is an unlikable man that is incapable of hiding his bitterness? Most people in the entertainment industry can hide that side of them when the cameras are rolling and most of these people are pedos.
>They're complete frauds and you're a retard if you take them seriously.
Dude this shit isn't rocket science. The things the youtuber points out in that clip are definitely real trait reveals. Colbert and Conan are definitely both very nervous when they speak to each other, when they have other guests they're calm a friendly.
You can smell zoomers in this thread just by these replies holy shit
It’s true dawgs once you get older Yea Forums shitposting becomes gay
doesn't everyone in hollywood rape kids these days?
30 years ago we had Dick Cavett having deep conversations with fascinating people. Pop culture actually had some brains. youtube.com
t. autists that can't recognize negative body language and tone of voice
>I could dislodge his trachea into his wind pipe
How does that work?
I don't get it. Why is he trying to set up some kind of Colbert hates Conan thing?
I will never understand why how you yank fucks managed to make such bad choices for your talk show hosts. Conan is the only acceptable one. You have such shit taste you even took James Cordon. These people shouldn't be on TV let alone be allowed to mingle with A list celebs. Meanwhile in the UK we have based talk show hosts.
>Meanwhile in the UK we have based talk show hosts
The worst thing about Graham Norton's show is Graham Norton himself. Such an annoying man. And the less said about the rest, the better.
>I don't get it
You might genuinely, unironically be autistic
And? Answer my question.
Agreed. It’s painfully obvious this is not a real genuine interaction and it was never set up to be one.
I'm not a fan of Graham Norton himself but if you look past his annoying voice you can see how skilled he is at what he does. His show is 100 times better than any of this other shit
He's not trying to set up anything he's just pointing out what he's seeing which is pretty obvious to a normal person who can read body language
Youtube shekels. Same as that other body language reader chick. It's easy. Just find a video of someone famous online, project your biases onto them and act like you know what the fuck you're talking about. Redditors eat it up.
based nigtarded phoneposter
do we all watch the same videos? lil scared desu
I think he's just naturally a bit awkward when he doesn't get to be in a character, also anyone would feel outdone next to Conan he's great
Literal autist detected
this but unironically