The Holy Duo That we Didn't Deserve
/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
Other urls found in this thread:
Why were they so cute
so now that the dust has settled
is there a better historical drama than this or is this the toppest of kino
no tit cow sex scene is highway robbery
Should I just be gay since girls don't like me and I'm a complete autist?
Why is he so perfect?
First for not great not terrible
I need water in my thread now, that is all that matters!
bump for rads
Someone post the gross zombie guy please
>forcing memes this hard
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
literally fallout ghouls
This is the actual guy that
is based on?
Was he the guy that was ordered to go to the roof and look at the core?
Why are there so many fags in /RBMK/... serious question???
No, this guy was the firefighter. I don't think it we know who that guy is in the real footage. Sitnikov was the guy sent to the roof and we don't see him again.
you bitch asses dont even drum and/or bass
Why was the testimony about the graphite tips supposed to be such a big deal? He could easily have said something like "well the graphite tips are more resilient to getting damaged or banged up or eroded when the rods are fully inserted" and made it apparent there was a problem without grandstanding. Besides, as we clearly see here, it's not an actual issue unless everyone in the control room is either retarded or pussified. Dyatlov is still 100% at fault here and should not have relied on a single button to prevent a complete disaster, since that button could've failed for a number of other reasons. He didn't need to act like a fucking martyr for this.
He realized that the system was bullshit
that was the point. He needed to get it out.
He's so cute.
you nitch ass biggers don't even into kino nuclear reactor music
> Red Alert (1977)
Trailer -
Full movie
> Chernobyl - The Final Warning (1990)
Trailer -
Full movie
> Disaster at Silo 7 (198?)
Trailer -
Full movie -
Why must you corrupt male comradery with implications of sodomy?
Requesting BIG YELLOW PUMP BOIS memes please
rerequesting a webm of boris smashing that phone
I need it for shitposting reasons
Thank goodness she's done nude scenes
Who is this smart cutie and what happens to him afterwards?
He's burnt worse than toast
Listen to the Legasov tapes.
Listen to Dyatlov's interviews.
TV script ain't actual events.
>tfw 33,000 megawatts
kys retard
he just got cuter wtf
But he didn't splash around in fun water nor looked at core-chan vagoo
> Chernobyl - The Final Warning (1990)
The fags are ruining this thread. I understand that everything has been said about the science and psychology behind the accident but goddamn. Since when is this such a fagmagnet?
It is the official position of the mods, that a cunny thread is not possible in Yea Forums television and film. They told the redditors that the maximum detected amount of cunny was 2000 cuntgen. They gave them the propaganda number.
fags dont know how to keep their shit to themselves
more news at 11
Russian radical communists are protesting. They say HBO is doing anti-communist propaganda and that the miniseries was sponsored by the CIA and the US State Department.
Literally nothing wrong with the CIA.
>A series being praised for its period realism and authenticity being identified as anti-Communist
Really makes you think
It's finally fucking happened, a fujo self inserted to set up boris/valery
holy shit can I eat a graphite bullet already
because he’s a faggot
Why does dyatlov just fucking ooze cool in episode 5
They don't call him Chadlov for no reason
Post an image of one and I'll draw core chan coming out of one
but just a fair warning, I don't have my art tablet so it'll be on paper
Core-chan getting mating pressed by Cooling Rod-san (with Graphite Condom breaking) and the resulting meltdown, who do I pay to see this drawn.
>finish this kino today
>first thing I think is "I need to go on a Chernobyl thread right fucking now"
>read some old threads in the Archives
>it's actually full of gayshit and anime retardation
What the fuck?
You're as bad as a fujo
He's the most underappreciated character of the show.
Does anyone have the biorobots meme about their feet hurting and them tasting metal?
>the scene with the rain
he cute
Just finished it an hour ago, seems kind of disrespectful to represent a bunch of male scientists as one epic girl power feminist wet dream
go listen to the podcast, for the billionth time
>new to threads
>for the billionth time
its not like there's a sticky. Thanks though no clue there was a podcast, will be surprised if there is a good reason for this that doesn't just amount to pandering
well im out of ideas
any shitty core chan requests
did she look good in breaking the waves? pics pls
The reason is that she represented all the scientists who clashed with legasov. He was a chemist and didn't know much about RBMK reactors, the shit she does is shit real scientists did (For example, opening the window and putting the film in a machine to test for radiation). real swedish scientists did that. She was a required condensation for the sake of the story because it was only five episodes. I really respect her character more after listening.
Craig Mazin is a fucking chernobyl autist who wanted to do everything right, it's autistic how right he got it. the only things that were changed were for the sake of the story, which is understandable. Its not a 1:1 biography of the event.
heres episode one friend, enjoy
more chernobyl meme, more
capitalist decadence fuels degeneracy
>degege gnzh[s]
What did he mean by this?
>caring about russian
hey man, I'm a bored and drunk
give me a break, atleast its not fag shit
very good comrade
post more memes
drunk ruskie for 'delete this misinformation'
t. Ukrainian
To be frank Legasov character was not pure Legasov either but a combination of Legasov and Velikhov (Second deputy director of the Kurchatov Institute & Legasov's rival). The whole China Syndrome thing digging under the reactor using miners was Velikhov's idea, Legasov disagreed with him and criticized it as a waste (it did turn out to be a total waste in the end.)
They collaborated with the scientists in Moscow, Legasov sent the data he collected to his boss, Velikhov put his team of students and assistants to work doing computer simulations and calculations, Alexander Kalugin which was the RBMK specialist at Kurchatov helped out Legasov and trained him about the workings of the reactors etc.
Anyways Khomyuk character was a good idea, but Legasov was to some extent a compound character like her. (Some of his lines were actually Velikhov's and the two were not fond of each other at all. Both of them throw stones at each other in their memoirs.)
I'm not gonna complain since I had no idea who any of them were, never heard of Legasov or Scherbina before the show (I knew about Dyatlov, Akimov, Toptunov and Yuvchenko cause I reaearchd the accident and why it happened).
It's a good and Craig Mazin did an epic service by producing this show.
Peaктop Бoльшoй Moщнocти Кaнaльный?
Most of them are deranged, damaged, bipolar self-harming teenage girls and grown women who are into yaoi porn.
Actual gays just gush over the actors, they are harmless. It's the yaoi cunts that are spreading filth and degeneracy.
He did such an incredible job being close enough that it's fucking phenomenal, I can forgive the condensing of people for the sake of drama. I know that boris and valery were bros from the start and all that, but you need some kind of tension for characters to move, otherwise whats the reason to watch it. Honestly its good shit
i wish mazin wasn't stuck with shitty corporate movies like HANGOVER THREE LEL because this shows his competency at writing
hopefully this version is unfucked
noice, your drawing even under inebriation (your earlier post) produce a very nice figure. Hope to see you around more drawfriend.
By the way, whilst serving the Soviet Union, I couldn't help but notice there was some graphite on your drawing
>Dyatlov is still 100% at fault here and should not have relied on a single button to prevent a complete disaster
The button is there to drop the rods. There´s no other way to control the reaction apart from dropping rods.
dubs confirm
the eternal thot strikes again
I slam beers like legasov slams fags
any requests?
Cause it's a tumblr denizen yaoi fangirl so fucked up and damaged to have a normal relationship, she channels the unfulfilled sexual needs and ginormous sexual frustration into fetishizing gay male sex and "shipping" totally straight dudes and bro relations into graphic gay porn. It's fucking sad really. The only sex act they ever get is masturbating over the imaginary gay porn they pin on straight guys (which include shipping 12 year old boys with adult men and vomit-inducing shit like gang rape porn defiling the memory of dead people who died doing heroic acts -not to mention they have living family members.)
Normal gays crushing over actors & characters is one thing. I know a number of gay Chernobyl fans who express harmless crushes on actors and don't defile the memory of the dead.
It's the vile toxic feminity you need to worry about, not the harmless gay dudes.
>i wish mazin wasn't stuck with shitty corporate movies like HANGOVER THREE LEL because this shows his competency at writing
I hope this inspires some more historical autism from him. This show was amazing, and his work and attention to detail should hopefully net him some well deserved new gigs.
he'll either move on to being a kino writer, or it was a fluke and god I fucking hope its the former
I require "virgin BBЭP vs Chad PБMК" propaganda material, comrade user.
I agree. Legasov was bros with 2 other guys (one journalist and one physicist) and both of them tear up when talk about him in interviews).
I hope Mazin won't be stuck with the corporate shit anymore after this.
Stinikov and Core-Chan holding hands, the more wholesome and /cute/ the better
Yeah i know im a degenerate
Hells yes.
As a history autist I truly hope he does.
The fact that he saw that he needed some kind of drama really tells you how good he is at writing stories. he pulled off amazing character development, just with boris alone. How he goes from being a party man to depressed man who knows what needs to get one, which I know is party on Stellen being steller, is incredible
im on it
what history stuff do you guys want from him
>warlord china wen?
I just want more communist kino desu
what's not to love
There actually were girl scientists in the remote teams running calculations and computer simulations for Legasov and Velikhov. Also there was the legendary Dr. Guskova wbo saved all but 30 of the radiation burn+poisoning victims. That woman was a certified badass and the world's #1 authority on treating acute radiation sickness. Too bad they didn't have any room to show her.
seems interesting user, do you have any recommendations for topics on the subject? I'm always interested in those aspects of historical narrative you don't hear about too often
Stalin times. Show Lavrenti Beria, the founder of NKVD (predecessor of KGB) everyone knows Stalin but no one knows Beria who was pure distilled evil and made Stalin look good.
There's so much shit in Stalin era.
This is gonna be a real faggy answer, but honestly, something that he has a passion in, and preferably I don't know about. I'm not really science-y and didn't know much about Chernobyl. But this series has honestly inspired an interest in science and nuclear energy which I've never had before. So I hope it's something new and interesting that I can read into and enjoy.
He has another non-fiction project for HBO lined up.
Seriously hop over to /his/ user, they'll give you the good shit on Beria.
>Stalin forbade his bodyguard detachment from leaving his daughters alone with Beria
fucking SOURCE
Some interview, i'm gonna try and find it again.
>you will never get your face smooshed by core chan
Calm down
On which subject, female scientists/pioneer doctors or radiation medicine?
Both have quite a lot of literature but a good chunk of it is in Russian, never translated. You gotta be a bit more specific cause I can't type up dozens of topics.
>its probably going to be upbeat
sozs user, I actually had a look myself online after i posted, I know a bit of russian but I'd prob have to get my mum to translate for me, but it certainly is interesting like you said. Always funny how complex history is beyond the narrative
What was with the cuts to the ashtrays
>Stinikov gets an eternity with Core-Chan in /RMBK/evin
he's the real winner out of all of this
I've read a fair bit about that sick fuck Beria but I'll check what /his/ anons got. Stalin's daughters memoirs have rather interesting info as well.
Alright I'm off for the night, I'll be back later
here's some of my actual non drunk work if any of you fags are interested, otherwise, I serve /rbmk/
I'll calm down when I see them eat graphite and die.
alright comrade,
you're finished
how could they eat graphite thats not there?
Dr Guskova wrote a book and published laods of scientific papers.
Midnight In Chernobyl book has some parts featuring her work. It's amazing how many people she managed to save with limited means until Dr Gale showed up and brought the expensive Western equipment.
Anything short but intense like Chernobyl will be cool as fuck.
-One of the two Russian revolutions
-Warsaw uprising
-7 day war (or is it 6 day can't remember)
Many many events like these in history I could probably list 20 if I thought real hard
When the fuck do the Emmy Awards take place? I need to see my boys getting some shiny trophies
Probably wouldn't work, but Tiananmen Square. Got the ruskies already pissed off, might as well go for the chinks too.
Seriously, we need something good surrounding the Russian Provisional Government or the Mensheviks (thats the one that didn't side with Lenin in the Commune split i think). Like I get all the fanfare around the whites and reds with the Civil war with the Czech Legion and that, but personally I found the politics of the whole thing, especially with Kerensky far more interesting. After all, men with the pen dictate over history far greater than men of the sword
The 1991 KGB coup would be kino. HBO could even reuse the same actors.
Please be good, please be good
>colin firth
yeah, it'll be good. when he's not in romcoms hes fucking kino
jesus christ so much of russian history is so depressing
/RBMK/ on the right
you're right
And this time they also tried to hide it, but Norway and the United Kingdom learned about the explosion before the Russians.
The safe boats didn't work, Russia refused the help of British and Norwegian, claimed collision with NATO submarine, etc. etc.
And they still don't have tools and experience to raise the sunken submarines, it was done by Dutch.
honestly wished the republicans backed out of ww1. things seemed to be on the up and up, maybe not a completely democratic nation, but honestly i would have been better than what came with the reds or whatever whites fucking wanted
though i have no doubt that if they did back out like Lennin did, the Entente probs would have invaded and installed a puppet government
Watch the French documentary.
complete brainlet here, can somebody greentext how people get sick from radiation or how that shit even works?
>get hit by radiation
>your dna is literally destroyed by the force of it
>DNA is the blueprint to everything in your body
>your cells cannot regenerate
>your skin dies because you lose it and it doesnt replace, organs fail, shit just breaks down because you have no blueprints to your house
Putin killed these guys. They could be saved.
>your cells have dna that they use to replicate
>essentially cookbook for everything in your body
>radioman kicks door down
>dna completely obliterated, i.e chemical bonds that keep it in order destroyed
>cells don't have cookbook
>can't cook
>or cook wrong recipe and make cancer
>skill, organs etc cannot regenerate or function due to lack of cell imput
For fucks sake, the series is over, why are the generals still up? It's not like there's much to discuss anyway, the series was too short.
they could have been saved
DNA is important because its basically your bodies blueprint. Every cell that forms tissues that forms organs that forms organ systems that forms your entire body is directed by said DNA. The thing is that your cells die all the time, it's just that new cells come to replace it. Radiation scrambles your DNA to the point where new cells are unable to be created. Without any new cells to replace the old your body basically decomposes while you're still alive.
these generals seem to be discussing the incident itself, the people involved and the political circumstances surround it. So in other words, prompted discussion, which I think is what it aimed for
> It's not like there's much to discuss anyway
You said it.
what film? source?
thanks, but how is this radiation created? Also is it safe when the reactor is fine, but does it come out only after an explosion?
firefighter clothing
it's still in the hospital
So do the bodies of people hit by alot of radiation actually decompose when buried?
No. The reaction requires fission, essentially what they are doing is constantly tearing shit apart. They use radioactive isotopes to provoke this reaction, the only reason it was dangerous was because it was uncontrolled and exploded.
I liked her in it. The aspect of going from a pure girl to a whore was kind of hot too.
if you get hit by enough radiation to sterilize your body of microbes, it'd turn into fucking goo anyway
I have no clue wtf you're talking about
>Also is it safe when the reactor is fine, but does it come out only after an explosion?
There is shielding around the core that absorbs radiation.
>how is this radiation created?
When fission occurs a heavy element breaks down into lighter elements. The heavy element had mode mass than the lighter one it fissioned into and the difference of mass is emitted as radiation.
My hottest fantasy is telling Legasov how much he means to me and perhaps even giving him a hug if he lets me but if he doesn't want to I shall respect his wishes
You are a fucking degenerate
September 11
Acute radiation syndrome (ARS), also known as radiation sickness
Radiation can occur both naturally or artificially, for example from the sun naturally or from an x-ray machine artificially. Radiation really is just an emission of energy, and while you may not realize it you're actually exposed to radiation all the time, just at a level that's safe.
The plant generated energy by relying on fission from uranium. Basically, uranium-235 is an isotope, a irregular version of normal uranium, that can support fission. Fission is the process by which the energy is created. The neutron of a uranium atom hits the nucleus of another. The speed at which it does this causes that nucleus to split. This split releases a large amount of energy used to power the plant, but also radiation. The radiation is normally contained though. The problem is that when the reactor exploded, all that radiation was no longer being contained ans instead was released.
Imagine going back in time and making a thread on Yea Forums that there is going to be a tv series about Chernobyl written and created by the guy who made Hangover 3 and Huntsman winter war.
What the hell are you saying?
thanks for the info, I actually learned something today
> Lol silly user with his gay fanfics and headcanon hahaha
I never checked the date or remembered never followed those awards, this might be the first time, apparently is in uh, September, but does it refer to shows from 2018? Or from 2018 to 2019 in September?
Neurovascular ARS sounds like by far the least shitty way to die.
So you are telling me that the Lead coffins for the firemen are ARS holes?
in Chernobyl
stupid whore
Which thing that thots do is worse?
>writing/drawing gay and rape stuff with Legasov and others
Why? The radiation there is not that much higher than the background one. You get more irradiated when you fly on a plane for few hours.
The yaoi smut at least is some kind of productive, or I'm just biased because i sometimes fujo it up myself and like them.
Going there, paid with patreonbux from betas just to take photos of you is just attentionwhoring.
Guskova was based and like Legosav came up against the Soviet system.
>You get more irradiated when you fly on a plane for few hours
>Jared's tiny teeth
I'm too old for this shit
no one ever posts threads on Yea Forums even though its QUINTESSENTIAL nuclear kino
Jared really has a weird mouth.
>I didn't go in there and I wont
You kidding? Yea Forums is what memed me into watching Threads.
That's great.
Some objects are still highly radioactive for a human. For example, some spots on the ferris wheel make dosimeter go wild, because they left some spots during cleanup
Time post NSFW stuff that is actually related to the thread. Try and stop me mods.
You sick fuck
What movie is that?
"EБATЬ" means "FUCK" (It's all going to shit)
Read the threads
I want to draw Martyr Legasov but the real deal and not Jared Harris. What should I have him holding? I was thinking the article he wrote towards the end of his life.
1986 periodic system of elements
Tapes have been lost
mic and tapes
Akimov tried to manually drop the control rods on the control pannel when he noticed they got stuck halfway through - it's a complementary system that drops them using it's own weight instead of hydralics - but it failed because the heat displaced the rods.
Controlling the reactor then was pretty dificult. Only other way were to manually introduce them in he reactor core one by one like they did at Lenningard when it went out of control but they weren't counting on AZ5 being a kill switch
Cool suggestions friends
I'll probably go with the tapes then
Dyatlov (1994)
Can we please have some more Dyatlov :3
He looks like fucking old Biff.
Looks like a maths teacher going into work.
he was seriously ill and spent some time in prison
He looks like a very nice old man
>ywn have a binder thrown at you by him
why even live
god he fucking oozes sex
how does he not have a single fic about him
The ties in this show are aesthetic as fuck.
'80s chad
hey, user. do you taste metal?
there you go
You need to go back"er", fren. First threads up until episode 4 were great.
What happened to these threads lol? I enjoyed them tremendously while the show was airing but they now turned into 100% gay shit. What the hell?
Please continue posting gay Chernobyl fan art, my Finnish friend really likes them!
Both of you should be impaled on radioactive graphite stakes.
>emergency reactor detonation
peak chad. RBMK reactors come with built in scorched earth tactics switches.
I still find some gems here, but everything's going to end some day, innit?
At least attention whoring girls don't defile the memory of good people and producing disgusting shit that would cause great distress to their surviving family.
What harm do these photo girls do to anyone really?
And now imagine Legasov's children and grandchildren seeing that fucking vile shit. It's even being mentioned on reddit at this point so people who normally wouldn't hear about it now know. It's only a matter of time before it spreads further through Russian social media and reaches the living decendants. He has great-grandchildren at this point I don't know how many. Just fucking think about that and tell me. What would you feel if someone wrote/drew disgusting vile shit about your family and everyone in your school saw it?
I just want to look after him after all the shit that he has been through ;_;
We have to protect Inga as we failed to protect her father.
>edgy hexagonal fuel elements
top kek
>Tapes have been lost
Says who?
Chads have been posting them in RBMK threads lately:
Tapes and dosimeter. He is holding a dosimeter in most of his Chernobyl vids, make it dosimeter in one hand and tapes in the other.
And the Russian title of his posthumously published last article was Moй дoлг paccкaзaть oб этoм.
Listen to the tapes first if you already haven't
Fucking deviants, the internet ruins everything with its faggotry
Thanks friend. I completely forgot the title.
I've listened to the tapes multiple times and I'll be happy to listen again.
Yeah, damn right
How many of your friends and relatives watched the miniseries?
I've made all my friends watch it who made their bfs and gfs watch it too and my parents also watched it and loved it. My dad is an extremely shy, autistic and eccentric Russian scientist and the longest he's ever spoken to one of my friends in my life was when we were discussing Chernobyl.
My 96 year old babushka also really wants to watch it but I don't think it's good for her as she has PTSD from a different Russian industrial accident to this day.
City 40 says hello
>This is the actual guy that
no its not the same guy. The guy in the video is someone who lived at least 45 days after the event. Here is another photo of him.
That's just covering up a central venous catheter puncture. Those could've been placed on any or all of the victims.
There is a heatwave here in Europe. Help us.
this man is delusional, get him to an infirmary
Dyatlov is responsible because he pushed the reactor to the brink of disaster with the belief that there was a big red button that would make it all go away. Dyatlov and the state are both responsible. It's not mutually exclusive.
>mfw 40 degrees tomorrow
Got my parents to watch it after they already read about how great it was elsewhere. They liked it.
So that's where the Palpatine Medical Center came from.
If it hits my LAN on the 5th in the UK, I'm fucked.
Look lads I have cookies from Tula
I'll let you know if they taste like Minerchad
That's really bad taste. They didn't do that dangerous job so that you fuckwits can make shitty memes about it.
You really need to work on your boundary issues.
Can't wait to see the finished work friend
It happened again
Someone please post the beach edit, I never saved that
how pretty, tell me if you find something that uses cream, I have some expired that I need to use asap.
Thanks comrade. You served the Soviet Union.
The first photo is so uncomfortable to look at
>I told you I'd show you Hawaii, didn't I.
No! He’s the eternal face of frustrated competence and arrogance.
Someone should add Core-Chan as the third in the trinity.
we got the situation Under control comrades
have a bonus one
God i would ram her like i'm the fucking HMS Campbeltown.
Her shoulders are wider than her hips. Use your eyes user.
>Not liking girls with strong backs
>Not liking girls with strong backs
Man, you're moving toward the gay community. Be careful
And this one looks straight up from 2012
I never said that. I'm pointing out her non-existent hips and minuscule ass.
Smoked cigarette butts, whether on the ground or in an ashtray, are historically symbolic of time passing under tremendous stress.
This reminds me of one time I was watching Agent Carter a series set around the 50s, there was this office full of smoke but nobody ever smoked, eh.
>are historically symbolic of time passing under tremendous stress.
Also a symbol of the past. Nowadays there are alot less smokers. And alot less ashtrays
retarded show that got it all wrong
no wonder its praised by normies
bring some better bait next time
Sweden and Moldavia are not Europe.
alot of the acting and dialogue was sub-par and the accent situation was ridiculous.
>caring about acting in a tv show
>muh accents
there are millions of articles showing how retarded and WRONG the series are
also 1 million aborted babies because of the show
>appealing to mainstream news
chernobyl is mainstream you normie retard
>1 million aborted babies because of the show
>calling other people retarded means I'm not retarded
What are you even doing here?
unironically yes , read up , nigger
>complaining about weebshit on a chinese basket weaving forum
The memes in this thread are more cancerous than the exploded reactor in chernobyl
>unfulfilled sexual needs and ginormous sexual frustration
wew lad, wish i could help her out with that tbqh(with my penis i mean)
can somebody post the concept art of aleksandr akimov without a face?
can't remember if it was fan-made or actual concept from the tv show
You don't want a fujo girl. They are usually sexually frustrated and alone for a very good reason
hmm you have a link to the specific fujo that drew that pic?
No and if I did I wouldn't post it.
Please come back Vasya, our daughter needs you
>Europeans complaining about being slightly above freezing
I have
He made a great sexual deviant in Breaking the Waves.
No excuse.
whats the taste metal about?
You mean historical propaganda right?
would you be so kind as to share it with moi?
He literally said that he doesn't care about there not being blacks in the show.
if he is Russian then how is he black?
check and mate
racism outside of Yea Forums
>how sad
vk com/id333948593 but there's nothing interesting
It's fucking weird to me how Russians post that shit on what is basically their facebook. Isn't that where employers look you up?
Because he does not remember seeing black people working during the liquidation because he was the only one.
It's not exactly the same as facebook, a lot of people go on vk just for the meme groups and music.
She's probably using a fake name.
God I fucking hate the media.
Exactly. They are the very definition of scum of earth, right up there with the pedophiles mongering child porn. Some of them do create child porn fanfics even. They are sick, sick fucks who are fucked up in the head, they might bite your dixk off stay the fuck away.
One of my best friends right now is a former fujo. During her fujo days she was absolutely fucking unbearable, selfish, entitled and unpleasant in every way. Her discarding all her fujo shit coincided precisely with her becoming a decent person.