So when i she going to get her own movie? If that sham Cap Marvel can get 2 hours why cant our girl Rogue??
So when i she going to get her own movie? If that sham Cap Marvel can get 2 hours why cant our girl Rogue??
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
Why don't you take your capeshit and go back to playing fortnite?
>Rogue is know for 90´s cartoon and 2000´'s movie
think when you post
What the hell are you talking about retard? x women is capeshit. What difference does it make if it's a cartoon or movie?
go fuck your self moron
Why the fuck are you defending the soulless drivel known as capeshit? Grow the fuck up pussy
shut up cunt and learn your place
>basedboy sitting in moms basement reading about superheroes catching purse snatchers
>being above anyone
>Deus Vult says it
try again fag
>degenerate consuming disney capeshit propaganda
>calling someone else a fag
the irony is strong with this one
t. attention whore
This name is anonymous dumbass.
Zoom Zoom
you're the dumb bitch
because that Rogue is long dead.
No you're stupid.
> wait 40 min to reply
ha ha ha ha
Kys retard.
Am I missing something?
Captain Marvel is implied to be a heavyhitter and they portrayed as a heavyhitter. The only thing they got wrong is that they tried so hard to keep her out of the way because RDJ didn't want to renew his contract and Hollywood loves Heroic Sacrifices too much.
kys namefaggot zoomer
Imagine being 18+ and watching superhero cartoons.
Pic related is your brain.
why is this tripfaggot ruining a good thread about the best character in the x-men
This isn't a thread about Cyclops user