What would you like to see in a sequel to The Neon Demon?
What would you like to see in a sequel to The Neon Demon?
don't care
average flick
Her butt.
I am so sick and tired of seeing attractive people everywhere I want them all dead I want them all skinned alive I can't handle this anymore
get off the internet and get off this board, it's for your health unironically
Full penetration
I'm willing to give you a handjob or blowjob if it will save life. I don't wanna go any further.
I'm a guy btw.
Take it easy, man
Alexandra daddario devoured by jealous 9/10 sluts who'll never be 10/10. 90% of the movie is them making her engage in a number of sexual activities and defiling her. The remaining 10 is a massive cat fight where they rip each other apart. The end.
Fuck off, fatty
Based user posting unattractive people to calm him down! :)
>triangle tattoo on her neck
I want to see some real Eyes Wide Shut shit again. Full blown elitist sex cult, with all of the details exposed. We're all going to die anyway, so why hide it?
I would like to see Refn make a cameo wearing his power blanket.
Just think about the picture in the op for more than a second. She wants people to want to fuck her. She doesn't want them but she wants them to want her only because it increases her status. She's purposely showing off like this only so it drives men crazy and makes other women angry and jealous. The entire dynamic of life just pisses me off so much. I hate that they have everything and I have nothing. I hate that she gets to decide who is beneath her and even though she acknowledges that these types are inferior to her she still wants to sexually tease them. It's horrible behavior and it's always rewarded. It's not just her or attractive people that are terrible it's the entire way life works that's terrible.
sick and tired is such an odd phrase
kek’d so hard
Just look in the mirror, your reflection will calm you down
You know what you need to do
This, or Hollywood house parties like True Detective Season 2, also Debicki
This, but I also want it to be more action oriented. Cast Gosling going full 1488 again only this time leaving no survivors in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
Everything about my life is determined by things outside of my control that happened while I was in the womb or when I was a baby and didn't know anything. I'm just suppose to accept this somehow and not be angry.
Fund it
An Argon Demon.
You have a few options, go inna woods and become a self sufficient mountain man, or use your rage as motivation to climb the financial ladder so attractive women like op will pine for your attention, or just get a mail order bride
more lesbian sex in blood
fat roastie detected
why dont u lose the weight fatty
I just want to FUCK one of them ARGHHHHHHHHHHH
Life's not fair, we're lucky to just be breathing air. Do what makes you happy, because life doesn't last that long anyways.
I like to tell myself if I ever got high status enough to get women to want me I'd make their lives horrible and destroy every facet of their psyche but I'm such a weak pathetic man that I'd probably love the attention for a change.
Once was bad enough
Is this the schlanga girl from Fury Road?
"thx for telling me something i hear every day"
7/10 boomer mom joke
There is no way anyone can think we're lucky to be alive.
Uh, yeah, most people are animals driven by instinct. It's like asking a dog to write a poem. They don't have the mental capacity or the knowledge to be better. If you haven't made peace with that fact, you're living the wrong way.
She dresses weird.
No one gives a shit about your shitty anime just because it's on Netflix now. No one is going to make a sequel to it. I don't care how much bisexual lighting they put on the main character.
I bet it would feel good to break the spirit of a vapid whore who is used to stepping on people
No, she is the Neon Demon.
Yeah right. Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks a periodic table is something you bring out for holidays.
I mean, it's better than the alternative, nothingness. Food is good, music is good, television is good, video games are good, orgasms are good. Is there shitty aspects of life? Of course, but it exists in duality, like ying yang, if all you knew was pleasure, it would be dulling.
Idk about them making a sequel to “Neon Demon”. I felt Nicholas made too impressionist piece out of its material so I would love to see somebody nail it right , a straight forward urban-noir.
More like semen demon
lol I like that one better
>it's okay that millions of boys and girls are sold into child sex trafficking rings to be used by the attractive and wealthy elite class as human sex toys because ice cream is so great bro
Same brother same
(Plus I'm pretty sure yo mama jokes are a staple of boomer humor.)
It would only make them like you more too. It's so ridiculous.
She looks like Joan of Arc
If you really think that then you should dedicate yourself to becoming an agent if vengeance like the Punisher. Murder some of these sick fucks and take their scalps for trophies, you don't care about living anyways, right?
Joan of Arc wasn't white user
I thought it was heavily implied from earlier posts that I am a pathetic waste of space with zero talents or positive qualities. I could never be a hero.
Based ugly psycho
Move to San Jose man, you'll never have to see another attractive person again I swear to god.
Everyone around me is indian and office parks.
Mix in some Chinese, Mexicans, and move the buildings together, and you pretty much have the same thing.
My mom :)