How do you pronounce Constantine? One time some comic book fag sperged out when I tried to talk about the film
How do you pronounce Constantine? One time some comic book fag sperged out when I tried to talk about the film
like how it's spelled
Con-stan-tine is how I 'nounce it
Tin as in "tin can"
i want tilda
My brother is a big Hellblazer fan and hates the movie because "that's not John Constantine!" I told him he's being a sperg and that it's a good movie regardless
Who doesn't?
Constant Teen
Like a teenage girl who never gets older
Co-nasty-ant-inne if you don't want to be an uneducated pleb
Good, spergs must be punished
Pronounce it like common russian name.
alan moore says it's "tyne" like the tine of a fork
Con-stan-teen. I thought this was standard.
Yeh well that's just Alan's opinion
didn't he create the character?
the fuck is a tine
Khan’s Tintin
Like the Emperor
now sure why your friend would freak out over it
Watched that movie last night, fuck the random cool tools he gets from the four eyes guy, belthazar was cool and he looked like a better 2 face. Could have been better. No chemistry between the leads as well cause Keanu acts like an austismo
Constant Teen.
Say just like Shia did
ah wait are these the sme guys ?
I think it's "tine" like above says
This movie is filled to the brim with occult symbolism, but that actually makes it better.
Man, pre Marvel superhero movies were aftually unique, fuck the comic book fans, the fact that they implemented the red king sigil in the movie makes me believe the people behind it knew what they were doing.
Tell your brother he’s a big fat faggot there’s even a hellblazer comic where he acknowledges there’s an American version of himself in LA
No, Alan Moore did not create hellblazer
>*gets smashed by a demon out of fuckin nowhere*
i dunno who the director is, but i like 'im
What the actual fuck is his problem?