>If you like the movie you're labeled an edgelord
>if you hate it you're a brainlet
Is there a more divisive cape movie?
If you like the movie you're labeled an edgelord
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MoS is a great kino and no one here thinks you are an edgelord for liking it.
Now if you mean BvS... you can defend it as an ok flick and I wont call you retarded. But edgelords tried so hard to convince everyone it was some super deep masterpiece that the knee jerk opinion is to simply dismiss anyone who defends it.
Literally capekino and plebfilter
BvS defense is falseflag by people that hate MoS and want to hurt the people that like it
Well, BvS does lend itself to interpretation and conversation, wether you agree or not. Not something you can say of most capeshit.
MOS is made by people who don’t like or understand Superman and so they tried to make him more like Batman.
As flawed as Superman Returns was it atleast was made by someone who grasp what Superman is all about.
This scene alone is better then anything in MOS
Well, there's plenty of room fot different Superman interpretations. Also, Brandon Routh was miscast.
OP is a brainlet edgelord.
you've been wrong about this point for 10 years senpai. aren't you tired of being stupid?
Batman v Superman is much better. Man of Steel is well directed but the script is weak as hell and the only thing that makes it work is Snyder being talented enough to squeeze some pathos out of it.
If you watch capeshit of any kind you're not even a brainstem, much less a brainlet.
if you like this movie you're a Pajeet
If people loved this edgelord version of Superman they’d still be doing it. MOS underperformed and why they didn’t bother doing MOS II instead of shoehorning Batman in.
Shit, Aquaman did twice as much as MOS and that movie sucked
>I want my Superman movies to be transparent hat-tips to Christopher Reeves
I think SR was adequate in giving us the gee-whiz factor. That was it’s entire purpose for existing and I’m okay with that.
MoS was equally fine in exploring the actual consequences of godly beings wrecking havoc, and how someone like Superman can’t do everything, least of all when it’s during the events of his origin tale, unlike SR where he’s long since been established.
Memeing about SR being a better film seems silly. I’ll take the less than stellar justification for letting Jonathan Kent die or the Avatar-esque look if Krypton over Superkid any day.
People are historically stupid. Case-in-point: That’s why Captain Marvel made a billion dollars.
How well a movie does bears absolutely no relevance on the film’s quality
based and redpilled
seriously I'm disappointed how people can't read false flags anymore.
Guess the mcu is full onion
>Memeing about SR being a better film seems silly. I’ll take the less than stellar justification for letting Jonathan Kent die or the Avatar-esque look if Krypton over Superkid any day.
I said SR is a flawed movie! My point was even so it understood Superman.
What makes Superman different different from all the other capeshit heroes is he isn’t some edgy asshole. He’s got God like powers but is humble as fuck. Brooding, flawed, superheroes are a dime a dozen. It’s the entire Marvel universe
Dude, stop, go watch the first Reeves Superman movie. After you do, you'll realize that there is no point in recreating that, it's the quintessential origin story, 1978 Superman is a fucking masterpiece, Zack Snyder was at least competent enough to give us a different outlook. Fuck Hitop Films and KaptainKristian for ruining conversations about Superman. Hell, watch Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Bruce Timm made Superman the son of Zod (by method of cucking Jor-El, not kidding) and having him land in a place where he was picked up by mexican migrant workers and it fucking works, even he knew that retelling the Superman origin was futile.
>Bruce Timm made Superman the son of Zod (by method of cucking Jor-El, not kidding) and having him land in a place where he was picked up by mexican migrant workers and it fucking works, even he knew that retelling the Superman origin was futile.
Way to prove my point. Timm just like Nolan on MOS are Batman guys. Timm has even admitted he never understood Superman.
I liked it, the action scenes reminded me a lot of DBZ.
I really don’t think you watched MoS..
He as a character exudes the same amount of charm and humbleness about him, and the drive to genuinely want to help in any way he can. He literally spent his early adult life being a nomad helping people for no gain other than simply being there to help. And that wasn’t just information told to us to add character - we get to see that.
The only notable scene of “brood” was when Clark, who just donned his costume, was “forced” to do something he could not fathom to a force that would not move. His brooding was the guttural pain of the feeling of taking another life, and it was pretty appropriate.
You can have your gripes about the scene, and what it means in contrast to how Superman is, and even go as far as chanting the “not muh superman” people devolve into. I saw it as a film that sought to provide a different approach in handling why Superman develops such an unbendable code.
All i wanted was superman getting a "dark knight begins" arc. Where he goes around the world helping people eventually deciding to become a symbol for the people.
What i got was wanton destruction and a villain with a stupid motive and backstory. What still pisses me off to this day was him not saving his dad who got himself killed to save a dog. That scene was MIND BLOWINGLY stupid.
I was so hyped for that trailer and the movie was probably one of my greatest let downs i have ever seen in the theater. Ive personally skipped all DC movies because of this one and from what i can tell im not missing much.
>an edgelord
Thats what you want other people to think of you.
The one with Richard Pryor was better.
Unironically this.
Superman III is the ultimate pleb filter, better than MOS in almost every way. The part where Superman fights himself is more kino than anything in MOS.
Also directed by a true kinomaster, and not a hack like Snyder
Lol my friend and I saw this in theater close to opening night. I remember so well, everyone walking out and it was so quiet. Like it was a funeral. I told him finally loud enough for everyone to hear "that movie fucking sucked". I think people were still in shock at what a disaster it was and couldn't gather their thoughts.
What utter trash. But he did make the best capeshit film Watchmen. So he will always have that.
This movie is probably top 3 greatest capeshit ever made. Anyone who thinks different is a complete fucking idiot.
Not even in the top 3 greatest Superman movies
>MOS is made by people who don’t like or understand Superman and so they tried to make him more like Batman.
>this edgelord version of Superman
Utter horseshit.
Explain when the fuck he is edgy ever once?
Superman Returns is cape kino.
Wow these are some shitty opinions
>What i got was wanton destruction
By the villain, villains do villainous things fucktard.
The final battle between Clark & Zod only the parking garage & Wayne tower fall by their hands and Clark did zero structural damage to them. Everything else was the World Engine, the scout ship crashing or the satellite falling (which Zod pushed)
> and a villain with a stupid motive and backstory
How is bringing his entire race back to life stupid?
> What still pisses me off to this day was him not saving his dad who got himself killed to save a dog. That scene was MIND BLOWINGLY stupid.
No he went to get the dog because he wanted Clark to protect Martha and the Girl, he died because he feared aliens being revealed to exist in the world would cause massive upheavals across the world that could result in war and death hence his line "there is more at stake then our lives or the lives of those around us".
Retards will never understand Zod. Snyder Zod is probably in the top 3 best supervillains