How the shit did this movie ever get made in America? And nobody went to jail?
How the shit did this movie ever get made in America? And nobody went to jail?
Dude it was a different time lol!
the controversy following this was the direct responsible of cp not being legal nowadays
if anything, this had way bigger repercussions than anybody could have dreamed back then
Louis Malle is French so he gets a pass.
Literally the 70s were probably the only decade it could have happened in American film history. 60s was still the transition period from old Hollywood to New Hollywood. Spielberg and Lucas’s impact hadn’t completely changed the course American films would be taking next. 70s was the sweet spot.
the method by which Jews injected porn into most cultures worldwide was via "artistic value"
This was the criteria by which pornography was determined in the Roth decision in the late 50s. If it had nudity and some "artistic value" then it became a freedom of speech issue, not an obscenity issue.
So jews started making Holocaust movies with nudity. These obviously were "artistic" so they could not be censored.
Within 7 years they were pushing full blown hardcore.
thus Pretty Baby was CP but dressed up with enough artistic nonsense (Louis Malle literally never made a good movie his entire life) to make it "important"
We're still pummeled by the same Jewish garbage today.
Only available in SD on vudu, what a crime
can someone describe what happens in the movie I ain't googling that shit
it's art bro
Yeah man you'll get arrested and jailed for googling an old movie. Fucking redditors man, end your life please you useless pitiful faggot
There's not a single sex scene with Brooke onscreen.She is naked several times but not on sexual provocative scenes. She gets kissed ont the mouth but fully clothed
In resume, nothing illegal in there
Nothing. Brook Shields is nude in a couple of scenes and there is a off screen scene were her character has sex with a man.
For some reason, this aired late night on TV in my country 10 years ago. The uncensored version. I think someone maybe lost their job over that decision.
america used to be free
>not sexual provocative
that's for an untrained, easily suggestible jury to decide. even pictures of fully clothed minors can be deemed to be cp
You can literally rent the movie off Amazon, it's not illegal.
its on netflix
What country? I can't picture Netflix adding a movie like this, not that it's illegal or anything but would make people angry and boycott them.
Complete garbage. The CP laws had nothing to do with Pretty Baby or the pictures of Brooke that appeared in Sugar n Spice. There are significantly worse Swedish (Barnen's o), Dutch films (Vor een verloren soldat) and Italian films (Novecento and Maladolescenza), among others, that are still legal to watch in the US because they weren't deemed obscene
It had more to do with the late 1980s general backlash against all pornography and in particular 15 year old Traci Lords faking her age ten years later and creating a huge amount of illegal material
UK , its probably the edited though i wouldnt know myself, its been on there for years thought
based netflix
the marketing focused on being controversial. it kickstarted a retarded movement that gave a voice to prudish wackos
chances are, american government was also interested in fanning the flames, since pedohysteria was the perfect replacement for the war on drugs bullshit back then
> There are significantly worse Swedish (Barnen's o), Dutch films (Vor een verloren soldat) and Italian films (Novecento and Maladolescenza), among others, that are still legal to watch in the US because they weren't deemed obscene
Maladolescenza is in a legal grey area at best. It's never been tested in a U.S. court. At any rate, it's not legally available on home video as the DVD (which was never officially released in the U.S., anyway) was pulled from circulation after it was banned in the E.U.
>It had more to do with the late 1980s general backlash against all pornography and in particular 15 year old Traci Lords faking her age ten years later and creating a huge amount of illegal material
The early federal CP laws (such as the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977, and the Child Protection Act of 1984) predate that incident (which happened in 1986), though, as did state laws like the one upheld in New York v. Ferber (1982).
What DIDN'T happen until after Traci Lords was SCOTUS determining that bans on possession (not merely publication) were constitutional (Osborne v. Ohio, 1990).
Although Pretty Baby didn't start the movement to ban CP (that began pretty much immediately in the aftermath of Miller v. California), it (and The Blue Lagoon, and to a lesser extent the photo shoot) did generate a lot of publicity and public debate around the issue, which was a significant factor in some of the legislation.
>pedohysteria was the perfect replacement for the war on drugs bullshit
Funny, since the War on Drugs survived the first wave of "pedohysteria," as you call it in the late '70s and early '80s, to rage all through the '80s and really only die down in the mid-late '90s. The second wave of "pedohysteria" in the '90s (which was mostly stirred up by the controversial Calvin Klein ads) was really just one facet of a broader push to "protect" children, which also included the "Tipper sticker" ("mature content" warning label) on music CDs, the Children's Television Act which effectively killed off the Saturday morning cartoons (and a lot of the afternoon ones, too), the Communications Decency Act (subsequently ruled unconstitutional), and the advent of ratings systems for broadcast TV and video games. All of which could be argued to have been more of an outgrowth of the WoD than a planned "replacement," for it.
If anything, the real replacement for the War on Drugs was the War on Terror.
war on drugs was admitedly a tool used for the government to demonize, arrest, and ostracize political enemies. they always knew drugs weren't really that bad
pedohysteria is a perfect replacement for it, cause every male is objectively a pedo. much better than terrorism, since it joins the THINK ON THE CHILDREN bullshit with SEX IS EVIL AND SINFUL that americans love so much
not a tinfoil hat, but this shit seems too much convenient to have emerged organically, and americans are no strange to massive propaganda campaigns to overthrow entire governments and shit
The Blue Lagoon is the superior Brooke Shields film.
wanda nevada is prime brooke. but she's an angel on pretty baby
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
The U.S. government has never admitted any such thing. It may well have been all of those things, but not "admittedly" so.
Also, the phrase is "think OF the children," not "on."
And what I'm saying is that the actual historical sequence of events belies your argument.
Besides which, there's always Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by [collective, in this case] stupidity.
this lmao, this is why cunnyposting is such a good reddit repellent , zomers really think if they look at images from instagram they'll be arrested by the FBI
You'll get arrested if you're in Australia, Canada and the UK though
>The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people
>We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalising both heavily, we could disrupt those communities
>We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes… and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did
John Ehrlichman, Top Adviser to Richard Nixon
brooke was my first cunny fap
>unsimulated sex scenes
Oh my
only cucks live in those countries.
This movie is literally only rated M in australia. Third lowest classification
Things which disgruntled former staff members claim when they are trying to make a buck are not the same thing as official government statements. It may well be true, as I said, but that doesn't mean the government has ever admitted it.
She was like 16 in that movie, that's grandma age.
it was a different time
WTF are you on about? There are no unsimulated sex scenes in that movie.
imagine unloading on that tummy
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
Literally perfect body, how can roasties try to compete?
that's splitting hairs, but okay, not official
>witch hunting
>war on drugs
>war on terror
the correlation is clear, not saying american government invented it from stracth, but there were few options and they were more than likely to use their know how to help the most convenient one
here's obama on massive spionage:
>If it's technologically possible to make an impenetrable device or system, how do we apprehend the child pornographer? How do we solve or disrupt a terrorist plot?
you might be right about porn but not about little girls. cunny is literally the jews biggest enemy
they can't, that's why they banned it
How do people fap to this? Her chest looks so weird without tits.
>implying McCarthy was wrong
why is this illegal again?
just what the wiki page says lad
It isn't.
It's banworthy here, though, and will the get thread deleted soon, I'm sure.
if i fap to this, that would make me one of those paedophiles you're always talking about?
that is a pretty nice ass I have to admit. No pedo though
what would be precisely the ban reason, since you seem to know so much about that?
I've seen it (years ago before it was banned, FYI), and there is no unsimulated sex. The main thing in the movie itself that probably got it banned was a brief crotch shot of Eva, though (not a close up, but in the frame).
Cute little nips are sexy, I can enjoy boobs, but for a little girl flat chest looks perfect.
why do you guy's speak as if there's something wrong with being a pedo?
For starters, this is a worksafe board....
Someone please tell me shes of age
post cunny, the best part.
>enjoy little girls
>enjoy mommies/milfs
>hate girls my age/in their twenties
Whats wrong with me?
chances are that wouldn't the ban reason, you silly
have you read the global rules?
not sure just said that was one of the main reasons for controversy surrounding the film. the uncut version was never released on home video it said.
Literally nothing.
you're just enlightened. you're above average taste
Oh god was that real CP?
me too. girls in their 20s are fucking disgusting. literally the most abhorrent soulless creatures on the planet
It isn't illegal. That's why these professional mainstream pictures exist on the internet and haven't been removed.
don't remember anything about cute little girls on the rules. they always post nude old hags without nuking threads, so it can't be nudity, right?
protip: if it's on google images it's not cp
no, it wasn't
Depends on your jurisdiction's definition of "pornography".
>caring about females personalities
this is why I'm fucking a 37 year old woman bros
It wasn't CP.
Was she of age?
Ooga booga bix nood
Wrong masha kino is on google images
do you think roasties unironically think they can compete with cunny? its like the average Yea Forums incel vs alain delon
No, but it's art, not porn. Courts (in the U.S.) have actually ruled on this.
>aaahh respect womyn
>burger can't comprehend that nudity is not the same as pornography
Stereotypes are true
Maybe, maybe not.
>Courts (in the U.S.) have actually ruled on this.
Different times
Cope pedophile cope
why would you want a bitchy entitled 23 year old roastie who uses her sexuality like a machine gun when you could have a cute and playful feminine cunbun?
nothing wrong with enjoying the female form
You're the one who's sexualizing underage nudity, idiot
Nope. Recently, even. Within the last decade or so, those photos were exhibited in a gallery in New York City (IIRC), and while there was some controversy over it, the ultimate determination was that there were not illegal.
I can buy a copy of it if I want and have it framed on my wall if I want, moralcuck.
>dude just bang them bitches haha dont have to talk to them!
>never had a gf btw
Then post it and get banned
doesn't mean it won't count as cp if the government decided to fuck you up. good luck explaining its artistic value to a kangaroo court
I dont sorry but this is one of those few times when i can say you are
>Yea Forums nanny decisions are literally federal law!
Get real.
>another incel projecting
takes one to know one, kike
If what you were saying earlier about those pics were true, this post is requesting illegal material and is a criminal act.
feds only go after cp creators. unless some roastie dobs you in and they're obliged to do something. most retards who get caught show their girlfriends their collection
It's legally available to stream on Amazon. There's nothing to get in trouble over.
well I live in australia and some photographer a few years ago tried to do something similar with the same style of photos of some young underage girls and he got in trouble for producing child porn.
He tried to cite the brooke shields stuff but they said "lol this isnt the USA senpai"
Then don't post the fucking thing
how about the subway guy? or that big operative to catch wankers on some famous darkweb site (magic kingdom?) a couple of years ago?
muh jews
Why dont you go to /pol/ to whine about your conspiracy tgeories
>show their girlfriends their collection
lol are you so mad you can't even spell check?
that's what happened to that glee guy
Well obviously. Some random photographer taking pictures of underage girls can't just say it's art and keep on doing it. Pretty Baby was made by a famous respected filmmaker not just some pedo creep.
>how about the subway guy? or
He was fuckin gooks in thailand get it rite
it won't help you a lot when showed as evidence to a prejudiced jury. press is a different story cause they would invent bullshit if they feel like doing so, anyway
Im on a phone :^)
Silly /pol/tard
fucked one (1) willing 15 year old, literal whore. and that was all
this guy was also a known photographer though and wanted to include some in a public exhibition.
Two words: bench trial. Judges tend to be very generous in considering what qualifies as art.
And really, unless you have actual hardcore CP in your possession, no competent DA would ever try to make a case based on something like those pictures. People who actually get busted for CP always have really nasty shit, not picture of Brooke Shields. One of the reasons why Maladolescenza is untested is that no one has actually been prosecuted for having it except one or two people who had huge collections of actual CP and so weren't in a position to fight it.
Yeah, the laws in Australia are completely different. You also have a broader definition of obscenity than we have, and films have to be passed by the censors before they can even be legally distributed, which is not the case here.
like one in a million he was legit retarded to trust a roastie
They were onto him obviously that one was just a excuse]
That's why you don't have a jury trial on these things. Every defendant has a right to have their case heard by a judge without a jury, and the fact that something was streaming on amazon would be a very strong argument with a judge.
>Some random photographer taking pictures of underage girls can't just say it's art
Instagram mini models say otherwise
do people seriously think that feds come after people for watching a movie lmao?
>People who actually get busted for CP always have really nasty shit
where's the proof to such a crazy claim? if the media tells you some celebrity was accused of cp posession, the most moderate comments on any mainstream site will ask for him to be castrated and skinned alive, no questions about the quality of said child porn
>this post is requesting illegal material and is a criminal act.
lol no thats like saying if you write "kys" its a crimminal act
>any mainstream site will ask for him to be castrated and skinned alive, no questions about the quality of said child porn
this the brainwashing is too hard nowadays
Im surprised this thread is still up wake up mods
It's hard to get away with the "art" defense these days, things were different back in the 70's. I remember seeing an artbook my mom who's an artist had as a kid that had paintings of naked children in them. Was pretty surprised they were allowed to publish that stuff even if it was just paintings.
pretty sure that's a bannable offense on 4channel, too
kill yourself faggot
It's like 5am here, mods are busy cooking bagel bites for breakfast.
alri pedo
Well if your so sureits ok go to the police and tell them you have these movies in your possesion
Which legal stream of OPs movie would be best to avoid the Feds?
evading bans is as easy as taking a piss
What? we legit are discussing the movie and the ramifications of it even the janny is deleting the (nonillegal) pics so hes watching
why should someone tell the police what films they've been watching? Why would the police even care what films people watch?
go back to redite' you colossal faggot. Yea Forums is for little girls
just don't
Like i've mentioned already, it's legally available on Prime (not for physical copy though)
why is Yea Forums filled with so many scared little normalfags these days?
To prove the point whether if its illegal to watch/posses it or not
profiling? why do they need any intelligence anyway?
It isnt 2008 anymore grandpa
for me, it was jenny agutter in walkabout.
If its on amazon especially on prime its legal i tried to buy a bb gun but the zip code i was in prevented me from doing so if anything the movie probably censored still not touching that fucking thing with a ten foot pole
>literally available to rent on youtube
I really don't think the feds care unless you're already on a list :^)
Time to move on even little girls are getting old
>not the railway children
what a pleb
So Brooke had to have taken lots of ((producer)) dick to be cool with multiple underaged sexual roles right?
it's technically illegal to own pornographic material period but you don't see the cops caring. And besides, when did making something illegal make people stop wanting it or having access to it? didn't work for alcohol, didn't work for weed.
>unless you're already on a list
Well if you are on 4channel its very likely
>muh jews
Broken record
move to what? younger ones?
that's what I love about these cunnies, man. I get older, they stay the same age
She doesn't swim naked and do full frontal nudity in the Railway Children.
>it's technically illegal to own pornographic material
It is?
>the controversy following this was the direct responsible of cp not being legal nowadays
People also forget that America used to be far less uptight in the 70s and were the ones that commericalized the pornography industry (Deep Throat and arguably Playboy magazine way back in 1953).
>prudish wackos
It's ironic YouTubers come to Yea Forums to get their talking points. Yet remain prudish wackos when it comes to sex.
Black Pilled
Rec Ice
Alex Jones etc
>Muh pedophilia
how vapid. she's way cuter there without doing any of that lewd shit
can you even go lower? memes asides personally thers a cutoff point
rent free
yeah, if it passes the miller test it's qualified to be banned on a state by state basis
>how vapid
Lets not kid ourselves you only like her youger version because you are vapid
The 70's was a weird time.
you can go lower, but there's an objective bottom
i started with 13, and now think 9 is prime. 7 for a few ones
>miller test
How accurate is that
>weird time.
Better time*
based rustin
Based Clint, wasn't that unscripted too?
too much arguing
not enough qts
>and now think 9 is prime. 7 for a few ones
your a fucking monster
>it's on Netflix
What did they mean by this?
posting off topic stuff will just get the thread deleted.
Yeah there was a interview about it
They remove the nude scene so it's okay.
Whats the point then
>offenssive measured using contemporary community standards
surely sounds objective and scientific
what is she doing, looks drugged.
It's just you and me kid was kino as well.
What do you mean dude?
Peter Fonda was a lucky fuck.
That's what happens when someone else is brushing your hair for you. It makes you feel sleepy. Like a cat getting clapped.
Fuck what's with Brooke being the Eva Green of underaged actresses?
How the fuck did he get away with it?
Are any br rips of this
She was perfect
You're never had someone else comb / play with your hair? You haven't lived.
>a cat getting clapped
hello swede
>there are people on here dumb enough to download this
Pretty sure that's universal language.
Ooooh, Jenny Agutter!
i very much doubt it, if its only the directer and milly in the room who the fuck told anyone that happened
I downloaded it 7 years ago what's gonna happen to ME OH NO?
I maybe autistic because no i dont feel like that when people touch my hair plus i always keep it short kinda like this
Really not attracted to women close to my age on either side. Five years older or younger is great though
Sure thing felix
Probably the censored version if they ripped it from tv.
it's still got brooke's nudies
it's funny how competent and diligent normal fags think law enforcement are.
99.9% of policing is a facade. they make a big deal out of small things to strike fear in people. as if they're constantly watching and monitoring everyone's activity. then people propagate these myths more with ideas about "lists" etc. the truth is so far from this it's absurd. you could google "sexy little girls" for a thousand years while logged into your gmail and likely never have anyone look into you
well it works, normalfags only need the fear of punishment
Many YouTubers who have ASMR channels say they first ever experienced admr when someone whispered or when someone touched their scalp gently.
Honestly the movie isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. There's maybe 2-3 nude scenes in it, the biggest one being her taking a bath. People act like she's getting violently raped and is going to destroy society's morals just because it shows a teenage girl taking a bath.
Maybe but is it worth the risk?
Honestly, that's straight up schizophrenia, i've got absolutely no doubt in my mouth about it.
My name is Devon Stack. I run a YT channel called Black Pilled and this film is an immoral abomination. You will all burn in hell for eternity you sinners!
>no doubt in my mind
Stupid fucking auto correct.
schizophrenic? who? me?
then how do people get vanned
Bad luck
Wow you sure showed him
by being full blown retards like madthad when he bragged about having cp on facebook
Getting arrested for other crimes and then the cops finding their stash once they have a warrant for their house.
maybe if you live in the UK i can imagine being arrested for any slight offense. any other country should be safe lmao
didn't madthad brag about cp on facebook for like 2 years before feds did anything lmao?
>Black Pilled
This guy makes good points about Hollywood undermining family and always portraying small town USA in a negative light but then he'll just say weird shit like how The Apartment promotes adultery. Or how Pretty Baby is the most evil satanic movie ever made and that everyone involved in its production should have been hanged.
>as if they're constantly watching and monitoring everyone's activity.
You really think the nsa caisnt watching im not saying they are omnipresent do you really think arent aware of what happens here
Like I said before may be Im different but that doesnt work on me
Well I mean on the last one you have every VIP in the crew likely running a train on 12 yr old Brooke Shields.
you can see her her little cunny
They did have an unnaturally large amount of evidence on that retard.
No she said she was virgin
>unnaturally large
Not realy
Technical virgin
>having to assure people you're a virgin at 12
That seems like a serious red flag to me.
Honestly I was terrified the first time I downloaded questionable webcam videos and expecting a midnight raid any time but nothing ever happened.
That's the weird thing with Shields though. Apparently her mother was really protective in spite of what you'd think. She has always maintained that she lost her virginity at 21.
bad luck for them thad was only joking
A virgin is a virgin
I just mean, for as much as they turned up, you'd think they would've caught on sooner.
i remember in 2012 there was a cop car parked outside my house and i remembered a cunny thread i posted in a few days before and started freaking out lmao. oh how my perspective has changed
You need to build a propper case to lock these degenerates so yeah
I feel for you dude. Your missing out.
or 2013. that's when the bot started i think
>Hollywood undermining family and always portraying small town USA in a negative light
Like how give some example
Small towns no matter where always seem bleak
OK cp is ilegal but what if the girl is not underage anymore? say that she did it when she was twelve but was no published, then when she's adult she does, why is that illegal?
your the pedobot?
>he doesn't know
That screen shot is one of the most red pilled things I've read here.
cunny has been part of Yea Forums culture since the beginning, tourist
based and cunnypilled if i may say so
becuase the image in question is of a prepubecent child so it falls under CP
but the whole issue zith the cp being ilegal is that an underage person can't consent right? so once she's adult she can consent and publish those images an make bank
That reminds me of one day the cops came to house over something completely unrelated (Sending poison pen letters). My mum gave them permission to search my room.
This female pig said to me "why are you getting so upset, is it your computer? Then she said in the most smug voice ever "because we can search it".
It was disturbing to hear because you could tell she wanted stuff to be on my computer just so I could get a harsh sentence.
(I'd never met the bitch before but the arrest was personal for her)
And these are the people calling others degenerate.
>(Sending poison pen letters).
Who were you trying to kill
>Sending poison pen letters
Fucking beta.
>so once she's adult she can consent and publish those images an make bank
No that would be possesion and selling illegal material
whats your point
>things/don't click/cp
The only unnatural thing there was his stupidity.
hes a nigger so its expected
That /pol/, like most groups acting like they have some sort of authority on morality and ethics, if full of sex perverts, crooks and opportunists who think that once they are able to define objective values they aren't subject to them anymore.
/pol/ isn't some conservative/trump fanbase, they're literally contrarian to whatever is happening in the world, mostly the US.
When Bush was president they were unironically libertarian, when Obama was president they shifted to conservatism/nationalism, now Trump is president and I slowly see the rise of socialism there.
If Hitler somehow ressurected and became the leader of the US they'd unironically be communist.
You've essentially just done the same thing. Not the brightest are you.
Only because I can't go to wherever you live and tell you what a fucking beta you are, faggot. That's not a problem when you know their address.
Even in the rare event you do get tracked most cp is self generated anyway and the cops focus on the actual abusive shit.
but it's your own fucking picture isn't it? Is it illegal to publish an underage nude of yourselve?
/pol/ was not a board for bush's presidency, and only existed during obama's second term. /new/ was around during the elections and they were all in support of ron paul (thats where the ron paul happening meme comes from).
if you produce your own drugs its still illegal, mate. doesnt matter that its "yours" in the eye of the law.
How the hell did you miss that case in America where the 18- girl was sending nudes to her 18+ boyfriend, landing them BOTH on the sex offender registry, her for producing child pornography and him for statutory rape?
who is this smug cunner
I pay attention to these stories. I'm a privacy autist. There are a few ways.
Some people just straight up log in to their real Facebook and join child pornography groups. Others upload their collection to Microsoft Cloud or Google and they are instantly reported with tech like Microsofts PhotoDNA.
They also collect ips from bittorrent and edonkey (which yes, is still around)
and send out subpoenas for those. Of course running javascript on tor hidden services as well. And if a file locker (Rapidshare/Mega/etc) gets raided and ips or personal information (e.g. signing up for premium) can be tied to uploads, that will be followed up.
>How the hell did you miss that case in America
by not being american
>where the 18- girl was sending nudes to her 18+ boyfriend, landing them BOTH on the sex offender registry, her for producing child pornography and him for statutory rape?
wow man, truly the land of the free, meanwhile your whole culture is about promoting sexuality, basically baiting people, disgusting
Remember when Louis Theroux play wiff-waff with a pedo?
>by not being american
I'm not American either, it was news all over because of how ridiculous it was. It was posted over and over on here in particular.
Who won, Louis or Saville?
The pedo won you can see the winning shot in the webm. It's from his show A Place for Paedophiles.
Should have known that the man with experience in handling small balls won, really.
What's the show about? Don't want to be put on a watchlist by googling it.
>getting on a watchlist for googling a louis theroux documentary
normalfag brains are truly an enigma
You just did it again! You fucking beta!
Sneaky Jew interviews alleged "pedophile".
bro youre on a gookmoot submitted watchlist just for visiting this alt right site.
I shitpost naziboos on /pol/ so maybe im in the lower tier.
And since im in slavland shithole probably won't ever get vanned.
>he doesn't know.
That boy was a bit older
And the nudity wasn't in a sexual context
Louis Theroux isn't Jewish.
Valensiya S
you must be new on the cuncun scene
is this movie hebepilled?
without a doubt
its obviously a movie for cunnysseurs by cunnysseurs
It portrays a sexual relationship between a 12 year old girl and a 30 something man in a positive light so yeah.
I wanna build a time machine so I can back and get deep inside brooke's tite little 12 year old body
Please refrain from posting my wife
The show is about disgusting paedos getting what they deserve.
hahahaha no :)
I remember back when i was like 13 in 2009/10 i logged on isohunt and literally searched "child porn" and downloaded away. Nothing ever came of that either
a nice comfy place where you don't have to work, have all your meals cooked for you and get to play ping pong?
sign me up!
i cried during this movie , its so beautiful. wish i could protect every cunny from the evil world of normies and roasties
Interesting. Is it as good as lolita?
better because it has actual nudity
wow congrats on living in 3rd world country that europol/fbi never bothered to contact
I live in northern europe
>13 in 2009/10
Fuck me I'm old.
the pic was literally saying 'you fags here on pol agree with the age of consent, imma convince you otherwise'
i'm already starting to feel old in my mid twenties, cant imagine how you 30 yo boomers are holding up.
Not yet in my thirties but I was a senior when you're 13.