Post you’re favourite marvel movie and you’re favourite dc movie and then we will judge each other based on our picks
Post you’re favourite marvel movie and you’re favourite dc movie and then we will judge each other based on our picks
This woman is a desperate retard.
Haha epic dude, you sure made me laugh with your wit.
spider man 1
green lantern
dont @ me, ryan reynolds is a god
>pussy wettening intensifies
holy fucking based copy that shit here so i can use it too
fuck comic book movies
You have no clue how to speak to women so you act as if you dont care that you're talking to her by spouting stupid internal memes but you also still want to carry on the conversation, pretty cringe bro
>I'm partial to Daredevil
You're partial to being a stupid fucking thot bitch cunt slut whore
How tall/attractive are you that a non-obese woman actually continued to talk to you like this? You must be an actual 6'2" 12/10 Chad since even with a good opener these women will ignore any guy below an 8/10.
Did you make this thread just to brag about that?
She's obviously below average, and if he was a Chad she would probably laugh at his autistic opener.
you’re also retarded, op
7 decides how I respond
IDK why u posted screenshots of ur gay text messages.
On topic:
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer
*screeches like a downie*
dick pic
quite pungent my dear was that eggs?
keep going
I'm sorry, I have autism. please accept my apology.
Wanna see my batman payamas?
send her a pic of literal shit
Spider man 1
The dark knight
>that reply
you annihilated her user holy shit
“Have sex”
You horny?
have sex
Daredevil and Punisher are comic kino, are you sure they're not a tranny? I thought you'd need a cock to appreciate those.
I love how she BTFO all of Yea Forums and their senseless endless shit flinging with 1 sentence
have sex
Your thread's a 2/10, just like the imdb scores of most DC movies.
could work out in your favor
God I half assed this, why did I win this. Forgive me anons. I was eating and reading.
that bitch ugly
post more pics of the girl pls
OP is finally getting laid
Holy shit is this how kids date these days ?
Top kek
>this thread
have sex
Objectively this. Been there, done that. Don’t pretend you haven’t read it OP
Absolute mad man
i am
This girl is a 4/10 and OP is probably 6.5/10
who the fuck takes requests from Yea Forums if they actually want to have a conversation with someone? what madness is that?
With Caitlyn
Can someone tell me why this Yea Forums-tier shit is being tolerated here?
sure thing chadpussy master
go back to your capeshit/GoT circlejerk babby
Yea Forums has been a dumping ground of shit for at least 4 years, if not more
This whole thread is a capeshit circlejerk, brainlet.
i don't know the difference
>white knighting a random tinder thot
because he is talking about movies with her
where do you think we are?
Stop abusing woman. We're not your plaything.
****OP HERE***
bad news guys. She unmatched me. Oh well. Here’s another one for the inconvenience.
Jannies hotpocket break
Reply already Caitlin REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Epic!! Bring out the Yea Forums memes!!!!
Just fucking end this thread
have you tried dialating?
Why do you keep matching with 4/10 girls? Show us your total matches please and disclose city.
ask her if she can water bend
Welcome to the best thread on Yea Forums.
I dilated your mom’s cunt with my cock.
We need pics of these thots, deliver
>Can someone tell me why this Yea Forums-tier shit is being tolerated here?
Fuck off loser we're having fun
I wanna break a janny's hotpocker
By that I mean I wanna shove my cock into their gross boipussy and hopefully rip it
he might be using his real profile which is a little weird for trolling
which one in the pic is her?
calling faggot OP CRINGE is white knighting now?
absolute state of reddit niggers. fuck off. hope your mum gets raped lmao.
OP sucks at this, here is a convo I had on Tinder.
Everyone here agrees Krystal was hot a fuck, right?
this is literally the only Yea Forums tier thread in all of tv right fucking now faggot
you should try and go back
>Hey baby are you ok with being the worst avatar?
he doesn't know what 安価 is
now this is some real new fag shit right here
you are really fucking weird
zoom in on the pic buddy shes uggo
It's fun
>Feb 9, 2017
sure ya did
Because Yea Forums is a waste land of tranny porn and pics you promised not shade bullshit. Yea Forums has been Yea Forums for years now.
>Jannies are too busy jerking off to their anime porn to delete this
>you are really fucking weird
Redditors exist to spoil good times
Marvel - Blade
DC - A History of Violence
Also what the fuck is even going on in this thread?
If you ever feel lonely just shout a percentage and I'll come and cuddle with you
>thread with a decent premise and intriguing buildup but no payoff
classic Yea Forums
>back pedaling this hard to save face after white knighting random tinder thot
man of steel
iron man
we live in a society
Funny, but a girl who likes Daredevil has better taste than 90% of women.
Based and Red Pilled, also chekt
user, you're delusional if you think anyone even knows what that word means in the first place, 4channel isn't a message board, it's social media for retards
thread's over. op is a fag. post daisy instead
4/10s only go after 8/10+
City is Boca Raton
She just likes it because she wants to fuck Murdock.
She doesn't care about the story in the slightest.
I can't decide if this site is parody or delusional autists who think their opinions are winning dialogue... There used to be smart people here.
marvel = CRINGE
dc = BASED!!!
Post pics of Stephanie
No it's because it's Netflix. Also why she likes Punisher. Women are plebs.
nigger please that image is not yours. I find it funny that you picked Boca Raton though, so I'm gonna go ahead and laugh at your post anyway.
>There used to be smart people here.
Nice meme
I don't understand how you get matches
sure, but that's not what the word is you tard
Posting in legendary thread. INB4 epic /r/Yea Forums screencap thread. There will be memes made of this, I guarantee this. OP is a gentleman and a scholar. Keep being you, you glorious bastard.
Good input, newfag.
>she's still responding
desperate roasties never cease to amaze me
the days where people here understood what the term social engineering meant are long gone
welcome to nuchan
>The irony of a Batfag telling someone else to get better taste in superheroes
I figured that, I was just trying to be funny
Based thread that spites redditors
Here you go
Sure it is, see pic related. I can post any of the others too if you’re not convinced
I’m attractive and have a prestigious job listed in my profile
holy shit this is the worst thread i've seen this year, what the fuck is this lmaoo
I'd hit it, she's sexy
See, the thing about niggers is that theyre only 13% of the popularition, but they commit more than 50% of the crime. Batman should be beating the shit out of niggers, not white folks like us, we're too busy having jobs lol. Anyway, would you be willing to sit on my face this evening?
>dental assistant
every time
No buddy
You're just ugly
She would reject me in an instant
>no replies
Exactly, so are you, which is why they go for 8/10+
bane post with a whore user
>main pic is a pic with more than one woman
instant left swipe
how am I doing
you're doing fine send her a dick pic
Talking to girls on tinder isn't even fun, not even in a trolly sort of way, let alone serious. I dunno why so many people here do it as a hobby
>tfw chads have so many options that they can literally decide beforehand whether or not they'll take this match seriously
>tfw dont have a prestigious job that makes me desirable to women
>have to make up for it by being super attractive
>am not super attractive
The topic will get jannied before anyone responds at this hour, but here’s an old one
I can't imagine taking time out of my day to speak with airheaded women in the vain hope that one of them would grace me with the opportunity to buy her dinner.
you just told her you raped someone? without a follow up?
It says +99 messages at the top user
she just unmatched me lol
◇ R○y@£€ f|u$/-/ ◇
Send someone this.
"Consensual rape?"
It's called "hooking up," boomer
be super smart
or super funny
or super charming
the comedy thing usually works best for outcasts
How the fuck?
Part 1 of 2
"I barged my meat stick into a willing flesh vessel"
The girls he replied to didn't reply back
Part 2 of 2
There was a bit more that cut out but whatevs
it's called being attractive and fit are you 15 or something
fuck you then nigger
post your face if you're so fucking attractive
6 decides what I say
she gave you her number after you told her all that?
wow tinder really has changed
I want to fuck fox
How the fuck does being smart attract women? I lost my sense of humor 10 years ago and I'm too bitter and jaded to be charming
I'll assault you if you catch my drift
im the not person who posted the picture, if the dude does have a ryan gosling body pic and she wants to hookup that is a common interaction
Why do I even do anything at all if I'm not attractive? What's the point?
How about I ASSault you?
Online dating is literally a kike demoralization scheme (seriously, Tinder and Bumble are financed by JEWISH VC capital firms).
I am a 6-7/10 guy depending on the day and get zero attention from girls on those apps. I admit my picture aren't great but I should do better than that.
On the other hand, in person I get checked out by 5-7/10 women frequently and am often able to get dates/numbers just by approaching women in public. The women on these apps are looking for chads and chads only, there are plenty of girls who don't use these kike apps and will date you. Delete and approach IRL, it builds your confidence, you find better quality girls, there is no downside. Like pretty much everything in life, you eventually learn that the seemingly quicker/easier option is actually much worse for you than honest effort on your part.
i wil rape you if i get the chance
I love it! Krystal was hot as hell!
add a haha
at the end
That watermark is masterful bait
>mentions liking watching netflix
she sounds awesome
>got a six but was too slow
Yeah do this, I made the post and I agree
dumb fucking autist that’s actually going to get him laid
I can't go outside to meet people in the first place.
ugly people still have sex retard
Am I doing this right
That's a very shitty attempt to cover up that phone number. Can someone please do some recon work for us here?
Ant-man (2015)
what does
>(___)___ ___
even fucking means????
Guy who posted the screenshot here, not posting my face but here’s a body pic
I have two shirtless pics on my profile, but not as the first few pics
First covered number is a 5 so you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting it right from there
4075??57. Second ? has a rounded bottom so it's either 3 5 6 8 9. Call 50 random numbers and you can get this thot.
Where do you find those women? I'm done with college and not sure where I'm supposed to look. People recommended volunteering, but the volunteer groups around here are typically filled with middle aged or older housewives.
Asking for her phone number, ya dunce
Yes if you’re 8+/10 otherwise it’ll backfire
Not anymore. It's only the top guys and all the women.
>tricking women with this body
lol nice pump there lad. Anybody can get this body by going to the gym 3x a week for a year, assuming they aren't overweight to begin with.
>claims to live in Boca Raton
>8 PM
>another post features dental assistant from Nova
>no one is going to lie about going to Nova
I don't know where the truth ends and the lies begin. Huh.
How many mg natty are u
>snyder is a teevee poster
Covered numbers are clearly 565.
ay, can I get an eye pic
you'e got to look interesting but not pretentious
So in the case of television and film, list what directors you like. Make sure to include at least one that chicks like, someone like Wes Anderson or something.
Just don't be overbearing and don't make it a robotic list.
Talk about your not mainstream smart nerdy hobbies that aren't just playing games or consuming media (pc repair, models, etc).
Make yourself more interesting then the average neckbeard, like you might be an interesting person to talk to.
Goth chicks especially love this kind of stuff.