Why was it so good?
Why was it so good?
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still had 90's themes/memes peppered all over the place.
Its kino
I didn't like all of the gay/penis shit in it, other than that it's pretty decent. Not Another Teen Movie is far better tho
Back then they at least tried to tie all the references into a coherent plot.
I recently watched it again after years of not seeing it and thought it was surprisingly good. Made me want to watch the second one-- the second one is fucking dogshit compared to the first one and I honestly completely regretted watching it after.
Pleb taste detected
The first 3 were good
I thought so to. Go watch them again in sequential order. The second one is miles worse than the first.
Nah, second one is still pretty good. I don't much care for the rest.
I like four better than three. I would rate from best to worst 1 -> 2-> 4-> 3->5 (even though didn't get past the first ten minutes in 5.
Is 5 the one where Charlie Sheen dies from having a massive erection? Yeah, me neither.
hmmm. I think that's three.
no wait, I think it's four
When they piss from their fingers I don’t think shit can get much funnier than that
I like the part where the two dudes arguin over stupid shit like if a mouse is ever outside a house or is it a rat.
Some of the best parts of the movie
Brenda carried all the films, the only female comedian to ever be funny
She’s fucking great but I honestly watched them for Anna faris
That shit was funny
The guy with the gimp arm serving them food still makes me nauseous
yeah, she was all right but I really think all characters had equal importance.
yeah, I like how get in the argument with the dude in the wheelchair. Dude in the wheelchair when invited to dinner said "I'll be right up, I'm going to run upstairs and jump into my jogging suit". There was a deleted scene on the actual bluray of him driving like some hotrod car pulling into the parking lot of the university or whatever like a madman skidding and what not with some crazy ass license plate.
Correct answer although 4 isn’t all that bad
>OH SHIT!. First cops, now this!. Imma be a star son!.
>carefree optimism of post-USSR pre-9/11 America
>parodied films from the same era
>race humor without being offensive since people could take jokes back then
>clever twists like the usual suspects reference
>followed the kino Scream storyline so faithfully it stands alone on its own quite well
>because it stands alone as a horror film it bizarrely switches between horror and comedy instantaneously
Same, I can't remember anything about SM3 besides Anna in this top
Can't find too many good pics tho
Wayans' Brothers were still involved before the unfunny Jews took over most of production.
She had implants when she was in the house bunny?
I forget how hot she was.
What's your favorite scary movie?
Obviously not. They used some other type of movie magic.
She did recently get a boob job but nothing too big. She’s a smol lady
Third is the best one. Then 1st. Rest are bad
@ 1:15
yes i know it isn't real, also tfw too stupid to properly use spoiler tags