She's right. Based chocowhite queen.
>and all the teenagers on tumblr clapped at once
Fuck tumblr, gimme a screenshot.
Haha she's so ugly haha she's only in the movie to fill diversity quotas whooee
>a celebrity messes around with a “not muh” fan in a non politically charged way
>OMG racistz BTFO!!1!!
Shit Spider-Man.
Shit MJ.
Shit Story.
Shit Director.
Made by Marvel.
>tumblr link
this is what passes for threads now
I think she's cute.
What if I'm only kind of racist? Like i believe that the *average* IQ might differ between groups and it might be influenced in part by genes, but I know that it's just the averages that differ and that there are good and bad people from every race, ethnicity and religion?
When did she say fuck?
Also, why is she in Londonistan?
She didn’t.
That’s from the tumblr user in the link.
Keep in mind, this person doesn’t even like FFH.
>shitskin MJ
Makes me wish for a nuclear holocaust
>of course it's a gamer
fucking retards.
But they bought the ticket anyways? What point are they trying to make?
wow can't believe she's so brave expressing such a controversial opinion
But she's actually ugly tho, sorry.
They have no actual love for the media consume and are only buying tickets out of brand loyalty/virtue signaling.
I.E. a bugman
that is pretty based
Not really. It’s like calling someone based for putting their trash in the recycling bin.
There’s just something aesthetic and visually appealing when it comes to flat chested women
not only based but blue pilled
is there anything /our/girl can't do?
Cringe and bluepilled.
The duality of man
>Why the Samurai Jack finale was perfect
Where’s that?
She didn't even say that, are these people mental OK?
Just another post a few posts down on that tumblr.
It's thought out and decently written at least, but the Samurai Jack finale was trash.
off to the re-education camps trumptard
It’s weird; in another post they’re trashing the finale just like everyone else.
They’re on Tumblr post December 2018.
It’s clear they’re not all there.
Must be hard work to fake an outrage.
IQ tests are as scientific as a Meyers Briggs personality test; they aren't.
So yea, rating races based on a biased metric might not be racist if you're coming from a place of naievity, but it IS inherently racist