Movies with the central theme of alcoholism?
Movies with the central theme of alcoholism?
What's the criteria for alcoholism? What's the minimum threshold that, once you've crossed it, you know you're a lush?
Leaving Las Vegas
1 beer
Have sex
Based lazy college senior guy
The scumbag steve/good guy greg image macro years were the most kino for memes.
It's just not the same anymore.
Alcoholism is a broad label. There are functional alcoholics, the people that show up to work every day, then there are flaming alcoholics, people that wake up, throw up, and continue drinking. For the former I'd say drinking regularly, in more than normal quantities during the week. The later is self explanatory.
If you have alcoholism you’d you’d know it
every adam sandler movie
Okay thanks. I guess I'm a very functional alcoholic.
very true user
That's good I guess, just don't let it spiral out of control.
Brb opening a bottle of wine
If you are drinking beer as anything besides breakfast, or a chaser for cheap booze, you are not an alcoholic.
I drink 1-2 can of beers everyday. That's fine, right?
I know I'm an alcoholic because I try to stop drinking but always find myself driving to the liquor store after maybe 4-5 days sober. I'm fine during the work week but on my days off I get stir crazy and can't stop myself. If they would just legalize weed I'd use it as a substitute
>gatekeeping being an alcoholic
My brother has a medical marijuana card and I've heard that its surprisingly easy to get one. You might even be able to doctor shop for one. My brother gets me vape cartridges and it's pretty sweet.
Not really. But it could be worse, I suppose.
If it starts to negatively effect your everyday life and physical/mental health. If you drink every day and you're able to carry on just fine then you're probably not an alcoholic.
It's easy to get one here in florida it just isn't cheap. You have to pay for the doctor's visit, then shell out hundreds of dollars for the medical card, then renew it every six months, and pay for the weed on top of all that.
Im the same. And technically it isnt what all the alchies cry about. I barely get any withdrawls except sweat from my ass hole. But yea, after withdrawls i want to go to the liquor store so bad it consumes all my thoughts when I am out. I never had a problem quitting for deployments or even when I worked as a truck driver. But the year I spent on probation was hell because every time I went in a gas station I had a little voice screaming at me to buy a 12 pack and demolish it.
old meme
An oldie but a goodie
If you drink daily to the point of intoxication
I didn't used to get withdrawals, back when I still exercised regularly, had friends and was generally less depressed but still drank like a fish. These days I get insomnia, nightsweats, shaking, aural hallucinations and even shat myself once.
Leaving Las Vegas is the goat of this genre
>tfw miss the innocent days of being a 9gagger
Alcohol is the liquid kike. It steals your money, damages your health, and can even put you in a bad marriage, or prison. I'm quitting after many years, but I slowly eased off. Alcohol is so bad, if you quit cold turkey, you can die if you were a hardcore enough drinker.
The Lost Weekend. black and white kino
So basically many hardcore drug, but not as bad
It's like that here in Jersey too. I just forgot that my brother had mentioned all of that to me. My bad.
It's just as bad as cocaine, but it's not nearly as bad as meth and heroin. I've never done meth or heroin and will not.
Is alcoholism genetic?
>drink 2 beers
>want to get high
wat mean
Muh genetics is the biggest cope
I was a methhead in my early 20s and am an alcoholic know, and trust me booze is worse. Meth withdrawals are being hungry and sleepy and that's literally it, also you aren't reminded of it every time you walk into a grocery/convenience store
Yes. Alcohol definitely has genetic links and it may have had to do with who had shitty water and who didn't. Note that Europe had shitty water back int he Middle Ages.
>I was a methhead in my early 20s and am an alcoholic know, and trust me booze is worse
It just strikes me that methheads are ghastly and wired, and can be horrifically violent, or not. While drunks are usually fat, stupid, and violent, as in a medium violent (usually) as a rule.
society's relationship with booze is pretty fucked up if you think about it
for $10 and ten minutes of time i can buy a cheap and legal drug that's easy to get into me even in a public setting and is gonna put me in a semi-deliriant state for a few hours if i get it down in a fairly rapid manner
if i spend $5 less i won't feel anything and if i spend maybe $20 or $30 more, i could straight up die
Based. The Lost Weekend is, I think, Wilder's best film
>also you aren't reminded of it every time you walk into a grocery/convenience store
And that's got to suck. Well, I'm quitting drinking, so oh well. I don't have to walk those aisles.
>society's relationship with booze is pretty fucked up if you think about it
I don't think it's fucked up.
I think it's neat how we were getting drunk before we knew how to write.
It's legit, (and not them) Native Americans can't hold their liquor for shit and neither can the Irish, even though culture (((lies))) and implies the opposite at every turn.
Most other meth users I knew were completely functional, they just used it like most people use coffee, and went to bed at night without staying up for days. I knew a few weirdos with gross skin and bad teeth, but for the most you wouldn't know one if you met them. Although if you notice someone is drinking way more water than any normal person would need, that's a definite sign