just watched this for the first time. I’m blubbering like a baby.
Just watched this for the first time. I’m blubbering like a baby
powerful b8
Did you turn it off when he finds the blue fairy?
If you kept watching, you screwed up.
The ending was Kubrick's idea
it was also kubrick's idea not to make the film.
Was this Jude Law's best film?
Not a huge fan of the film but I would say it's his best performance
It's unironically some of Spielberg's finest kino
Laughably wrong. Kubrick wanted to make it but didn't think he was the right director to do the source material justice. It was his idea to give it to Spielberg, which he personally did.
>Laughably wrong. Kubrick wanted to make it but didn't think he was the right director to do the source material justice. It was his idea to give it to Spielberg, which he personally did.
this is completely made up
Oh, look, someone read the Wikipedia article on it.
Granted, that's 90% of /threads these days.
this is actually one of spielbergs best movies, imo, because it is immersive and otherworldly, and things feel irrevocably fucked, like some of the best scifi novels
Kubrick had been working on A.I. on and off for the last 18 years of his life (see our news story last September), and, according to the director's brother-in-law and producer Jan Harlan: "came to realise that Steven would actually be the ideal director for the project."
Eat shit.
I’m dead serious. I think this movie was a masterpiece.
See and also eat shit.
Only until aliens show up and fuck the movie.
Oh look, even more (non-Wikipedia sourced) shit for you to eat!
>Harlan recalled the meeting in 1995 when Kubrick asked Steven for the first time if he would consider directing the movie. “It was then a proposal,” said Harlan. “He (Kubrick ) showed Steven 650 drawings he had made with his vision of the film. It was totally against anything Stanley had done” — to ask someone else to direct his film.
Still hungry?
>When he suggested that Spielberg direct it, "I thought he was out of his mind. He was giving up one of the best stories he had ever told. But he said, 'This story is closer to your sensibilities than my own.' "
>Only until aliens show up and fuck the movie.
Advanced AI
lol i haven't even seen this movie i was just baiting.
but it sounds cool, i'll download it now.
This entire flick is Blade Runner for brainlets
OP, I hope you realize from this thread how much autism this movie always seems to produce. It’s the ultimate pleb filter in this sense that, regardless of whether you think the movie is good or not, plebs can’t get past the fact there are no aliens in the movie, that Spielberg came up with most of the dark scenes, Kubrick came up with the majority of sappy stuff in his original script, and other things.
It could have been good but the Disney ending ruins it.
It's based on source material by the same author.
There is no Disney ending. If you think the Blue Fairy was real you have failed the pleb filter that mentions
The ending is truly sad, fren
He should have died at the bottom of the ocean. That would have been a nihilistic ending for actual adults instead the happy Disney shit Spielberg put into it. He can't make movies for adults to save his life. Even Schindler's List have a feel-good Disney ending.
>plebs can’t get past the fact there are no aliens in the movie
>nihilistic ending for adults
>dead and nihilistic means it for adults
i thought they were aliens too the first time i watched it
but they werent
Based teddy
There are no aliens. Plebs think there are because the androids at the end of the movie have an alien-like appearance, but if you just pay a little fucking attention to the dialogue happening on screen it is obvious that the being talking to the kid is Joe the sex robot from earlier in the film.
it falls apart in the second half
>That would have been a nihilistic ending for actual adults
My mom loves this movie and she's usually right, so it must be good.
teddy was unironically the best character in the film
It's an okay movie. I always thought the ending was aliens and I was always so confused why aliens just show up randomly at the end. But if they are robots that makes more sense.
I feel like being able to spend 1 more day with your mom is way more sad and bittersweet. Much better than your ending.
Bullshit they were aliens
>mfw we still dont have a real life teddy
To the retards still not understanding it.
The "aliens" at the end were actually advanced AI. The AI kept improving on themselves over time in a singularity-like phenomenon. The boy was revived because it was one of the first truly self-aware AIs that were constructed and he was perfectly preserved.
It's like Human archeologists thawing out a caveman. Except it's very advanced AI thawing out one of the first self-aware AIs the Earth has seen.
A.I. is the perfect test to see if someone is a brainlet or not. If the person realizes it's future AI they passed the test.
nah they're robots, its just poor character design's fault they look like aliens
Agreed. There was something really hard-hitting about that that a conventional ending like the other wouldn't capture.
>aliens have to come from different worlds
U r not as smart as u think
Nah the point was that they are so advanced that they look otherworldly. It's a good design but people are just too stupid to understand this.
Makes me wonder if Matrix made the right decision to make the humans batteries instead of brain power like the original script had them be. Maybe people here would shit on Matrix now as well due to not understanding it.
its a literal nonissue if the movies explain it correctly either verbally or nonverbal
both movies made a mistake in that regard
And this is exactly the reason why capeshit bullshit is now the standard. Everything has to be explained because people will complain they are too stupid to understand what is happening and that it is the film's fault for "not explaining it well enough to their demographic".
It's not the movie's responsibility to teach people basic critical thinking.
What was the point of the future mecha saying that they had found "the very fabric of space-time" when they tried to bring back humans with their memories? Was it to imply that orga/humans are something special, that their existence is somehow encoded into the universe? It seemed like an offhanded comment to make - I know that this was part of the justification for why Monica could only be with David for a day.
It was a while since I last saw the movie but If I remember correctly they said they could revive her based on the strand of hair they found off of her but that the DNA was too damaged so they could only let her live for 1 day or some shit. No it doesn't make scientific sense but it was more to show that the AI aren't all-powerful beings and that the boy no matter the situation still desired the love of his mother even after thousands of years long after humanity went extinct. Basically showing the purity of the AI and the rottenness of humanity.
Jude laws only good role.
t. retard repeating what he read on reddit.
>it is obvious that the being talking to the kid is Joe the sex robot from earlier in the film.
Second to Jude Law.
now thats a hot take
The DNA wasn't damaged, they said that their research project was a failure because there is some inherent limitation to bringing back people - the future mecha said all their test subjects died after falling asleep after the first day.
I was just curious as to why they mentioned finding the "very fabric of space-time" while trying to bring the memories back. That's what I was asking, whether they were implying there is something special about humans having some deep connection with the structure of the universe.
Even though he's voiced by Ben Kingsley, I always took it that the advanced being who addresses David in the future (the one who set up the whole Blue Fairy simulation) is Gigolo Joe, Jude Law's character, because David turns to him and says "Hey Joe, what do you know?"
It's good but Alfie and Gattaca are better
why do they use that fancy word gigolo for dancer?