movies with this feel?
Movies with this feel?
I don't want to see a movie about my life.
tru confessions
Spending birthdays with family is the best
I hope they went outside and grilled or something afterwards
god damn it i hate my life
>birthday next weekend
>have to work the morning of
>don't really talk to my parents anymore
>not many friends left
I spent my 21st birthday shitfaced with my mom and her friends and went to see Fury Road
Honestly one of the better birthdays I've had
I don't understand the issue. He's 20. He's at his elderly grandmother's house celebrating, enjoying the cake she made for him. What's the alternative, being a guido dumb fuck hitting the club and blowing outlandish amounts of money on the liquid Jew, all while looking for some roastie to do negroid twerks on your genitalia?
my home videos desu
I'm 31 in a week. I guarantee you're better off than I am. But the truth is I don't really care anymore
we gotta talk
Get any milf action?
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with spending important days with your family? I'm 24, live on my own, make plenty of money while working on my dream project, got a good gf, and you better bet your prolapsed cocksleeve of an anus that I'm spending my birthday with my family.
I'll never forget this as long as I live, my mom paid all my classmates 20$ each to show up to my 8th grade birthday party. It was a pool party and I found out when I overheard some kid calling me a loser and another kid who I sincerely thought was my friend told him "Shut the fuck up or we won't get paid"
My mom still doesn't know that I know, I'll take it with me to my grave but as humiliating as it is, at the end of the day all it means is my mom loved me so much she was willing to bribe a bunch of 8th graders to show up to my party so that I didn't have to be that weird kid who nobody liked(at least for one day)
It's gonna be 30 for me soon.
Do people in your world normally get birthdays as holidays?
it's hard to capture this sort of pain via the motion picture
HAHAHAHAHA what a fucking loser
That's probably his mom. But the kid is an immature virgin that looks much younger so people like you mistake his mom for his grandmother
At least they showed up
if only her mom paid people to come...
Life is so sad user. *hugs*
Don't you eventually stop caring about birthdays the older you get? It just gets more and more awkward,and I'm only 26.
maybe she offered them sex too
based fellow 30+ bros, 33 here. fuck yeah!
we're not going to make it
Its more the unfulfilling aspect of having nothing else going for you. Family is important but you don't want to be a homebody
I've never had a birthday party in my life and I dont regret it at all. I dont qant yo be some special prissy faggy "birthday boy" who everyone waits on. It's just another fucking day with an excuse to eat cake and I dont need an excuse to eat cake, if I want to eat cake I'll go to the goddamn store, buy a cake and eat that shit wherever, whenever I want.
>19th birthday
>at a Chucky Cheese
I guess it makes sense since she's aspie
That boy is insanely hot.
Have sex
Just go eat somewhere to celebrate
based on those "facts," she seems beyond aspie
This made me feel sad.
Most of my coworkers and friends in the past have always treated it as some big exciting thing and make it a big deal.
I don't care so much, besides it being the 30th birthday, but considering I'll be filing for bankruptcy soon it's kind of hollow.
Doubt I'm better off, but I'm still here.
Not if that handle of whiskey has a say.
that's fucked up
My life. How do people even make friends?
Be fake.
Why am I laughing?
I laughed like a madman at this. This is true art.
Warm bags of sand
what if I'm straight?
This is fucking me. The only person who loves me in the world and I want to leave him sad alone and miserable. Im happy I came on tv tonight
I have one friend and I've never been fake around him, but I've known him since childhood.
We're both fuckups but it's nice having a fuckup buddy.
Look man if you wanna get laid you gotta make compromises
>Yea Forums gets tricked into coming up from the basement
Same. When I turned 22 I just bought cigarettes and a pizza and didn't feel bad or anything. I stopped caring somewhere in my later teenage years. I really only cared on my milestone years of 18 and 21.