It was unironically better than Toy Story

It was unironically better than Toy Story.

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heavily responsible for my bondage fetish growing up

please elaborate

i have a vivid memory of seeing an ad for this at a burger king when i was like 4

go watch the movie

But not quite as good as Gremlins

Yep, kino

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>Whites bad!
>Diverse alien tribe good

the kind of film that sticks with you

Toy story is for children. Small soldiers for boys

alot of the soldiers were black tho

Best living toy film of all time. Indian in the Cupboardfags are kidding themselves.

>Whites Bad!

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Kek. I remember watching this on VHS.

Absolute kino toy film


More than a few kino vidya came from this movie

>the muted bugle reverie in a dropped key intensifies

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>tfw wanted a Major Chip Hazard action figure but mom got you an Archer action figure instead

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he's just american



he looks Italian

>Small Soldiers, but on a larger scale and more horror

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fuck i even remember his name

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No, I wanted Ocula, but had to make do with Archer

kek'd, just get a bionicle instead user

Based Hartman

Puerto Rican tranny

Oh shaddap the Gorgonites were fucking BASED.

They never made a true Ocula figure, just a popup on the razor blade vehicle. Burger King had a bendy one.

Fuck the Gorgonites. They were a bunch of pussies.

Brick Bazooka was super cool. The patrician’s choice is Kip Killagin

Butch Meathook was black

I always thought Brick Bazooka had the coolest fucking mae

rent free

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>tfw I had Brick Bazooka

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i had archer

literal kino
Its on goyflix right now, popping it on

Cool dude

Army Men?

I probably played with these more than my little brother and they were his.

>has teenage kirsten dunst trying to hop on his dick
>plays with toys instead
was he gay?

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was this the nigga from eerie indiana?