emilia clarke will be browsing Yea Forums in 10 min
somebody light a candle
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who
FUCK starks
FUCK baratheons
FUCK lannisters
got fucked on camera for HBO.
whats your opinion on midgets
why in the fuck do people post these low res shit tier images?
why do you even have that saved?
Is it to late to empty out my piss bottles
Boy I sure hope she sees my SNEED posts!
proofs or BTFO
why would she venture into a room full of virgin masturbating 40 year olds
She believes every life is valuable
I want to poop on your chest Em
cause some fagg on reddit dircected her to the Yea Forums link and warned her to brace her self
She's on Reddit?
anyone got webms of her cute role with the guy in the wheelchair. That's peak cute Emelia. She should do more roles like that
i want to cum down her throat
What are 9 things Emelia Clarke has never done?
And that fag is you, Kit harington.
act good
Man, I hate Degenaerys Targayen. Emilia Clarke will always remind me of that shitty character, whenever I see her in another movie/series. FeelsBadMan
you wish. she's cute
she became best dany in season 8
you take that back, riker
I want to strap her to a chair and force feed her ice cream so she becomes my obese queen
Why would reddit direct anyone here?
Emilia if you're reading this i'm 18, 6'2, 150QI and i can cuddle you all day. Marry me.
Kit Harrington, pls go.
Amazing how many will openly admit that they're redditors on this board and on this site as a whole nowadays.
act well
I haven’t heard that phrase in fucking years I’m drawing a blank on where it came from
In season 8, yeah. But that's too short of a time frame to redeem her in my eyes.
Why would Emilia come to Yea Forums? If by some chance she ever came here, tell her to drop by the /ecg/ stealth thread and say hi.
terrible idea, unless she wants to see a bunch of neckbeards slobbering over pics of every aspect of her life.
Someone post the Daddys Home! pics
/ecg/ is a extension of /fit/
dumb horseface
Never forget
i hope she never comes here, everytime we interact with a celebrity it goes terribly even if most people mean well. aiden still thinks baneposting is mocking him
does she like black guys?
Fuck off you frog shite
>frog shite
Considering it's the middle of the night in L O N D O N, she wouldn't be browsing anything unless she's got severe insomnia.
No. Fuck off, NIGGER
Emilia pls... be nice.
Fuck you
Hear me roar
No one that has this body should be browsing Yea Forums. This is insane to me.
>people with good bodies shouldn't have fun
This is the best place on the internet
I want to be emilia's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her marissa blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo marissa blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her marissa hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her marissa hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her marissa face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
I just can’t imagine why having pointless online arguments would appeal to a ripped person.
yeah I'm thinking this is based
What else would they do, life just doesn't magically get better or more interesting if you hit the gym.
Get off the internet.
Oh shit, she's having another stroke!
t. Emilia
I just come here to browse /ecg/ and maybe /got/ sometimes
You wish you were a manlet?
in that scenario, yes
Yea Forums? When they terrified that youtube girl?
phoneposters can't tell the difference on a little phone screen
fucking gay
yeah im lesbian
Em, if you’re still lurking, pic related is me. I’m 6’0” and I saved myself for you. I want you to be my first
>I just come here to browse /ecg/ and maybe /got/ sometimes
based. me too
>virgin manlet
Holy shit look at those fuckin toddler hands. You could have a dick half an inch wide and it would look like you were jerking off a tree trunk.
When did Yea Forums started to having chads instead of neckbeard fatfucks?
Digits will confirm there is truth in OP words
>what is /fit/?
Retards actually think everyone here is a fat virgin
Lol bro your hands are disproportionate
Gonna need a screenshot of this
since always bro. check out /fit/ sometime fatty
probably around 2010-2011 during the zyzz revolution
>somebody light a candle
and risk an explosion due to the concentrated methane in the room? you're insane.
Lifting does not make you a chad.
Have you EVER browsed /fit/? That's all that board is.
one in each hole at the same time!
at least you don't have to be a neckbeard fatfuck though
My god, the autism.
This. I stopped posting in /fit/ because it became /r9k/ for people who can lift more than a game controller.
>that image
fucking lol
Age well
Get roles
Maintain a relationship
Be non autistic
Be entertaining
Having good health
Being insurable
Look better than her costars
this cant be real
How do you guys manage to get these low body fats? Every time i try to low my BF to less than 14%, my "natural state", i lose alot of lean mass
Fuck my genetics
Fuck being natty
Carnivore diet.
I'm and i'm completely natty bro, i unironically just started lifting, jiu-jitsu and stopped eating carbo after 17PM
still look tiny as fuck
150lbs too I bet
Yeah i gotta get what i get, i'm not using anabolics
What happened next?
she looked super qt in those recovery pics
would hold hands with and sit by bedside 24/7
Post physique and digit ratio.
>ywn lay down on the hospital bed with her
>ywn comfort her
>ywn call the doctors when she feels the metal hitting her brain after the failed surgery
Why even live
Don't listen to these fat jelly faggots. Keep listing for Emilia.
Thanks bro
I meant LIFTING of course. Excuse my dumb fingers.
nth for Lolimilia
>he never got /fit/ to start a journey of personal growth to direct his focus inward and overcome social anxiety
>a-user why are *cough* people being mean to me on the internet i just tried to entertain them
>the captcha asks me to select every square with a bus in it
>there are no buses, only trucks, so i choose skip
>it says i'm wrong and have to start over
Who the fuck programmed this stupid shit? Google's executives should be fired into the sun.
Just take a look at /fit/, clearly lifting doesn't fix a shit personality
Actually thinking about Emilia Clarke while going to gym is really good, i can't even feel the time pass by.
>tfw literally doing it for her
*rolls into your maybe fake maybe not Emilia AMA thread*
She helps me power through my post lift cardio every morning
Reminder that people lie. MAYBE you are natty, but fuck off with that just started shit.
*pew pew pew*
She's fucking adorable
/ecg/ is wholesome and respectful, TAKE IT BACK
Time to post the GIF.
rolls into HANDS UP FOOL
I've been getting a lot of "find stairs" when there are no fucking stairs.
Good luck if Emilia is actually here and tries to post something, she won't be able to get past the captchas.
You get to just click i'm not a robot for the first few posts
>what is /fit/?
Based on the catalog, I’d say it’s mostly homosexuals combined with /r9k/
Oh, that's the lady that survived the brain aneurysm, good for her. Hope the best for her.
When literal queers save pics from /soc/ to post here
>that webm
Literally this thread
Is that shamabla mate?
>ends before she says "I'm Lou" again
are the rumors true
Yes. Me and Emilia are dating
No, it's Chapada dos Veadeiros
>swn tell you that she needs someone a lot bigger even though you're 7"
Please bully my dick, Emilia !
>my face when this thread
emilia clarke is probably best girl. the thinking man's choice.
I sentence Ser user, 4,873,567,876th of his name, champion of shitposts, breaker of comfy to death. For the unpardonable crime of being a creep and for buggery
You are not me, pic related my wife and my kid
Thinking man of taste's choice.
she is, it's confirmed
I think that's my job, your grace.
*hits the wall*
>unironically being a chink
Confirmed indeed.
*gets hit by the wall*
Yet to be proven
2019 also guaranteed replies
She was recovering from an aneurysm in that event
Be nice, she was still recovering from her surgery there.
>homosexual twink
I am shocked
Did someone actually direct her here? Proof?
*gets hit by aneurysm*
Stop giving "wall" and "dead career" retards (You)s god damn it.
Have sex.
>ywn be forced to out her down, strangling the life out of her with your bear hands
any more moments like this from the staff bros
desu 2/4 of her boyfriends were homos so that just increases user chances
THere's no euthanasia in the UK, unless the government orders it
what the fuck do you eat after 17 pm then?
Kawaii desu
Sometimes I forget Dany and Emilia are the same person until I see things like this.
>bear hands
Luckily for her she doesn't like to be recognized in public and you can barely tell she's Dany out of costume
post that one emilia webm. you know the one.
>11g carbo
This is a BloatMaxxx thread, only those above 6'2 and 120kg could possibly comprehend the true nature of Emilia aplreciation.
I eat my steaks basically raw. I sear on each side and that's that. Anyone who likes their steak cooked more than rare is a fag imho.
It's a lowcarb porridge i do, receitanatureba.com
leave Emilia Clarke with FBI
She's such a prankster!
delete this
Please help me!!!
Reminder that this dance lead a man to kill himself
>Emilia looking at this thread
sem problemas irmão thank you
nice body btw. i always try to not eat carb at night but shit is tough. i eat mostly salad, egg, peanut, chicken etc
more like
>Emilia trying to select the traffic lights
>see? that's the wall
Jesus, she really gets put through the ringer in this one huh?
Thanks meu consagrado, we're gonna make it
imagine emilia giving you a lapdance and not being able to feel anything or reach out and touch her. thats a level of torture few could endure
and she missed her father's death and it's never coming out because they can't find a distributor.
This movie is truly cursed.
she tells him she loves him, trusts him completely and then he kills her anyways (sound familiar?)
>ywn come home from a long day of work to see her taking care of your newborn son
Look! Daddy's home
>everyone in this thread
It was filmed in Harlan
but he's not black tho
S-source please.
>she will never give you this look
I'm glad to be alone here, with all of you anons
hello Emilia
With all that acting against a green screen in GoT, I bet she loved being able to act in this kind of setting.
Me Before You towards the end of the film
At least that had sets for most of the interior shots but anything with her dragon was her sitting on a green bucking bull in a green room
"yikes,,, it's the evil nazi frog!"
Me Before You. Seriously, watch it. It's literally two hours of Emilia acting adorable.
>ywn be Emilia's slave
Emilia is british dude, she’s not gonna like rare steak
Emilia is a pescetarian apparently.
a lot of shit was greenscreened, not just the dragons.
Yes, get her some fish & chips and she'll be happy.
you /ecg/ faggots actually memed this into existence Yea Forums if try
if true
Based stroke poster.
Anyone have download links to just Emilia's audio commentaries for Game of Thrones? I think she only did a couple.
>Emilia is a pescetarian apparently.
me too, does this mean we are soulmates made for each other and meant to spend the rest of our lives together?
I can't let her see the bathroom, I didn't have time to clean it.
Unironically what would you do in this siutation?
There's a few on YT, but they're edited. Here's one from S1: youtu.be
>tfw Emilia suggests Mord get a sex change with the sack of gold Tyrion gives him, and everyone else on the commentary is like 'WOT?"
No it means she eats overnighted fresh alaskan salmon in West End restaurants every night while you mix tuna fish and mayonnaise in a bowl
just kidding i feel great!
She can burn whoever she wants if it makes her happy imo
No, not even with trips
More like *sole*mates. Hiyooo!
jizz and shit myself
>I'm CIA
>66 posters
all of them obsessed with GOT
most of them virgins
responding to
>human beans
What did she mean by this?
>tfw no qt dragon-having gf
She's a fan of Gosling
Not with got, with Emilia Clarke. Dumb nigger
>all of them obsessed with GOT
Yes... this is a... GOT thread...
exploding dick
Honestly I would probably go into cardiac arrest if she looked at me like that
Does anyone fall for this? You'd have to be utterly face blind.
based retard
Spill my spaghetti then go home alone
Hi, this is Emilia. I’m so flattered by this wonderful sub full of my fans! One of my former costars on texted me and told me to check this out whenever I can. I can’t read anything because I’m quite busy at the moment but thank you for all the love!
quads confirm
She pulls off a convincing dead inside drug addict hillbilly
>One of my former costars on texted me and told me to check this out whenever I can
Based Kit
Gods I wish this was real
I don't, this place would show her the darkness of the world. She's a flower and should only see the light.
emiliafags all shitting on based Kit and it was him who referred your waifu to this mongolian basket waving forum. ALL HAIL BASED KIT
She's seen worse on her instagram comments
>this place would show her the darkness of the world
God, this is so true.
t. Kit
Would laugh my nuts off if Kit's been posting in /ecg/ threads while in rehab.
unironically sad, depressing and true
>paying 150k a month to sit in a room and not do drugs while posting on Yea Forums
butt ugly autists who obsess over bodyfat aren't chads. They're meme faggots anyway and socially retarded.
timestamp or get the fuck out
Better be a fit autist than a autist with a disgusting body
/fit/ autists are /r9k/-tier bro
This. Someone once said that we are the phantom of the opera. this is damn true
>we are the phantom of the opera
It really fucking fits
this sentiment is extremely self-aggrandizing but i like it nonetheless
I refreshed and read a little bit of the posts in this sub before I go to bed. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! I’m so grateful to have such AMAZING fans! I love you all!
Bobby B is on some of these, awesome
I still remember him as a fat drunk with a Chicago accent on Still Standing tho
>checked again
I just watched a video of some fat burger sharting then continuing his review of a mcflurry. She doesn't need to see that
It's really her
>still standing
Or as like to call it that milf still making me hard
what in tarnation
Please Emilia pay gookmoot to get my IP and lets date
Latecomer to the thread, I'm going to start from the top and there had better be some Emilia feet ITT or so help me God
It's her bros
You’d be surprised
I’m at that level of fitness, but my mental health hasn’t really changed. It’s fucking hell, having depression. It makes you do stupid things, like browse this place in a feeble attempt to distract yourself from it, or go to gym hoping that the more body building you do, more farther away you can go from feeling sad and caring about others bad opinions of you.
>mfw this nigga can't palm a golfball
you have all been played like a damn fiddle
It's 5 am in L O N D O N
There's no way she is still awake, let alone reading some random messages on an indonesian basket weaving forum
It’s disturbing to see guys that aren’t anons to each other talking about what they both said in a thread together
fucking delete this shit bitch
>No (you)
This is the opposite of those glows on infinity
yeah because shooping some text onto a white background is so difficult. face it nerd, emilia is here and said hello
Do you and this faggot really think that someone here believed this? We are all just joking about the digits
>having Yea Forums friends
I want this so bad bros... only im a polfag so its hard to meet a fellow nazi :(
>bbbut photoshopped
im sure plenty of federal agents would be your friend
>no (You)
We've hit the point of /ecg/ where it's just /soc/ faggotry. Next step? Hehe, let's mutually masturbate to pics of her over discord guys! cum for muh queen!
I love Emilia and have before most of you, I stuck by her when she got trashed, but these threads went the way of every ironically autistic general. The irony was lost.
shut the FUCK up user. Emilia was here and these anons were just putting doubt in our minds. They don’t like seeing us happy
Yep that’s it. Thank you user that was bothering me
emilia is a dumb bitch who can't act and only got big because she showed her tits
>Hehe, let's mutually masturbate to pics of her over discord guys! cum for muh queen!
And because she's cute!
Excuse me, /ecg/ is pro-nofap.
All the Hollywood manlets secretly browse here.
the /fit/ fags have been around since day one, someone just triggered them into a circle jerk today
Impossible, /ecg/ is wholesome and all attempts to otherwise will be met with scorn and shame