Was this a big surprise to anyone when this happened?
Was this a big surprise to anyone when this happened?
No because the spoilers got posted here
>DUDE isn't it super WEIRD that people like capeshit despite knowing that the hero's going to win in the end?
again with this shit?
heroes always win at the end. thats why its entertainment.
losing is a far more often reality, we indulge in tv like a drug, because we win. infinity war was big because of this.
All I knew was that Tony died going into the movie, but I didn't know how he died.
This. I'm still butthurt about it. If the goal of the people posting those spoilers was to make me feel at least a piece of the misery that defines them IRL, they did it.
I am still convinced they just forgot about a stone.
When they go back to NYC they are supposed to get 3 stones. Hulk convinces the tranny to give up dr. space time's stone. Everyone else goes to the office building to get the stone from Loki. When do they get the 3rd stone?
such a stupid movie
Howdid he die, I aint watched it yet, waiting for the pirate
HAHAH fag.
It was over 3.6 rotengen :'(
Time stone from bald tranny
Space stone in the tesseract (cosmic cube)
Mind stone in Loki’s scepter
the gauntlet that nearly killed hulk for just putting it on, somehow killed tony 30 minutes after putting it on when he had godlike powers.
and he snapped with his MIDDLE finger.
Oh i didnt realize the scepter had a second stone. That explains it. I havent watched all the movies.
Wat? Really? So does he kill thanos with it?
Does captain based America get rekt in this flick too?
>bald tranny
Who is bald tranny?
No, he gets a happy ending.
>muh spoilers
anons predicted this shit the night infinity war was released
imagine being such a brainlet the most predictable plot surprises you
>dying alone after giving up your legacy to a nigger
>happy ending
>going to Yea Forums before seeing the big movie that's coming out
are you new here? I come looking for spoilers, I stay away when I don't want them.
Thanos fists him whilst wearing the infinity gauntlet, and then snaps whilst inside his rectum
Cap's not a racist so that doesn't bother him and he ended up with big titty brunette.
>Was this a big surprise to anyone when this happened?
No because we know Disney doesn't want to pay RDJ that much money anymore!!!FACT!!!
>Cap's not a racist so that doesn't bother him and he ended up with big titty brunette.
Exactly, Cap realized that the USA he fought for no longer existed and that he had been on the wrong side of history which is why he choose not to stay in the present and fight a worthless battle and would rather live out his life with Peggy the Milk Truck and watch the world burn!!!FACT!!!
Not very patriotic of him.
didn't watch it because time travel plots are fucking stupid. it was cute forty fucking years ago but we can stop now. we can stop. we can stop.
why was the physical act of snapping necessary? i thought it was just a euphemism at first, didnt think he literally needed to snap his fingers.
Wanted to go out in style.
Why didn't tony use the gauntlet to make himself able to use the gauntlet
>people want to enjoy bad
>Not very patriotic of him.
You sound like a commie!!!FACT!!!
Even the most casual zoomer knew Tony was most likely going to die bringing everyone back. The point of this set up isn’t supposed to be a shock. It would have been a real subversion if it was fucking Rocket or War Machine.
Spoiling it was worth the 3 day vacation
>heroes always win at the end
not always
Funny you say that, I too thought the snapping were metaphorical and not literal. Strange how it has such a specific action attached to snapping.
I didn't see the movie. What happened when he snapped? He grew to be 6'1?
I assure you, I am no communist nor am I American. It's just that the captain always puts the US first and foremost.
I've read enough comics that I knew this shit was coming. Maybe not the exact how and why, but big "events" ALWAYS get reset and things return back to the status quo.
John Q Public doesn't want to watch a suicidal Peter Parker fight crime while despairing over the death of half his friends, Aunt May, etc
He tried to grow but it ended up snapping all his bones.
In the comics the act of snapping isn't necessary, Thanos just does it as a showboating thing to demonstrate how easily he can fuck up 50% of all life. However, in the comics he's also a cartoon megalomaniac who enjoys power.
In Infinity War they changed Thanos' characterisation to make him a bit more serious/driven, with the result that the snap didn't make narrative sense, so they came up with a clever way of homaging it by having the gauntlet's functions be tied to particular hand gestures (closing fist, snapping etc.).
In Endgame there is absolutely no reason why Tony needs to snap. I guess they just made the Stark gauntlet/nanomachines do it because they were trying to reverse-engineer some aspect of Thanos' gauntlet or something?
like, it should have been metaphorical. no one would have faulted it if the action was "well once he puts on this stupid thing, he wins". instead, he had to put on some stupid glove then do sometihng else. honestly, thanos should have made some sort of automatic snapping mechanism that constantly snaps so the second he puts it on, game over.
then the avengers would have to chase after some retarded snapping glove
Can Thanos even do the snap thing without a gauntlet? If not, why the fuck did Stark build a gauntlet that can stretch out and accommodate a big guy's hand?
Why didn't they have Thor bring Tony back with the stones? There was no Red Skull rule that you couldn't bring back the dead if they used the gauntlet.
Never saw Endgame, does he disappear after he snaps or just fall over dead?
>It's just that the captain always puts the US first and foremost.
I hear the Russo's cut a scene where, at the end, Peggy asks Steve "why did you come back?" to which he replies "I needed to dance with my girls" before we cut to a flashback/flashforward (?!?) of his walking out of the support group center from the beginning of the movie and he saw the two fags sucking each others cocks in an alley before thinking to himself "haven't seen anything like that since basic training!" and then cut back to him dancing with Peggy. Fade to Black. The End!!!FACT!!!
>hitler was a hero
he literally wasn't, he gave the jews exactly what they wanted, a nice little genocide that they could cite for the rest of eternity and make propaganda of (endless ww2 movies), to make sure people equate hitler with the worst maniacs in history despite not even being the worst of his generation by leaps and bounds, and thus avoid criticism. I mean the jews are currently carrying out their own genocide and any time you ask about it they cite the holocaust and for people to stop being mean to them.
How fucking STUPID do you have to be to think hitler was a good guy.
After the snap you see Tony lying almost dead with his back against a wall of junk. Then Gwyneth Paltrow comes over and says he can die. So he does.
why do they have to snap to activate it sometimes? shit's retarded
Are zoomers' brains so underdeveloped that they cant remember how something was recieved just a couple of months ago?
Because Thor is a fat prick who wants some green poosi
theres no way a person would be able to even make a *snap* sound wearing a glove, let alone a gauntlet. if anything, itd be a *screech*
I wish Thor never came along and instead remain a NEET in his shack.
>dude what if the finale is just thanos vs. avengers trying to get the gauntlet first to snap the other way
capeshit is stupid but it has a new low
Yeah man, you need like 60 IQ to realize Hitler fucked up good. Without him, Germany wouldn't be the caliphate it is today.
That's not really any stupider than any other action movie.
fuk u tv n chink leaks
I thought most of endgame was trite bullshit made for morons, but thors scene with his mom legit made me choke up.
Tilda Swinton’s character
He looks like he's taking a shit. yup that's the last image he wanted for his character
He got millions of dollars to make that face. I'm sure he's fine.
still a shitty image to be the last one. guess he's just an old fart now. this will be his last popular movie, couple flops and retirement
You're delusion.
Good thing that wasn't the last image for the character then.
yes it was the last image of his character alive, his projection at the funeral doesn't count
Nice try, user, but he still had his dying breaths.
lol well I hated the movie and I forgot about that true I'm just remembering spidey
Not bad, not terrible.
it is when they literally play football with the gauntlet
In entertainment. Like in those fictional holocaust stories where the "heroic" survivors get a happy ending against the evil nazis, though they lose a few "heroic" friends along the way (and since both survivors AND casualties are heroes, it seems the only quality needed to be a hero is being Jewish)
no, because everything that's been built up over the last film was leading to that. it's writing 101.
Name three relevant movies these last two years that feature time travel plots
That's actually significant.
Shut up, nerd.
Dude I don't even know what the last 2 years were
Safety Not Guaranteed
Donnie Darko
Nice spacing. Have sex.
It has the reality stone.
They obviously make a snap happen for dramatic effect.
>have to make a fancy gauntlet to use the stones
>turns out the iron man suit can just do it anyway
I was spoiled about stark but Caps ending really surprised me and was charming.
No cause RDJ is getting old. I was more surprised Hulk didn't die as well.
Based pasta.