Sophie is crying, Yea Forums

Say something to make her feel better

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how long till she commits sodoku?

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If she divorces her faggot husband, gets tattoo removal and stops being a coke whore she might be a 7/10 again. She is only 23.

She is a shoe in for the lead in a Boy George biopic.

I liked the scene where you got raped

Thought cocaine meant you lose a lot of weight so why does sophie keep putting on weight? Why can't women take care of their bodies?

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You've never heard of coke bloat?

she will never know, women today live in a bubble where they are always beautiful and always right

Sophie Turner Says She Considered Suicide After 'Game Of Thrones' Criticism.
Sophie Turner says she considered suicide after facing criticism over her character on "Game of Thrones."

what does Phil, Psy.D have to do with it?

Nice try Sophie, you'll get em next time champ

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don't worry sophie, there's always the army of men who masturbate to your rape scene

Trump 2020

When will she break up with Joe Jonas and marry me?

She really does.

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ancient greeks were right, actors should have the same social standing as prostitutes

is that global

Be cool. It's weird when giant women cry


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but nobody had a problem with her character?

i'd go to see her movie if she'd suck my penis

el abominacion de inglaterra...

why does she take all of this so personal?
Game of Thrones criticism was on the writing, not her

There was literally hundreds of posts on here alone saying how fat and ugly she was at one point.



>rape scene
When was this

You gotta admit, the resemblance...

Too many White Lightning's in the park

>There was literally hundreds of posts on here alone saying how fat and ugly she was at one point.
Those were catty homos and angry roasties. The crux of valid criticism was directed at the awful writing.


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She kinda looks like Sam Hyde in that pic

literal soulless tranny clone controlled by demons.

Based Emiliachads

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please fart on my face

Double chins are sexy

On Game of Thrones. You know, the only thing she did in her career other than X Men

She was never raped I watched that show. She went willingly out of her way to marry Ramsay and he consummated the marriage, that's not rape

I've heard that she was one of the better things about an otherwise pretty bad movie

oh boy here we go!

I enjoyed dark Phoenix and have no complaints about her