What is Tarantino's best movie?

And why is it reservoir dogs?

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From Dusk Til Dawn is a great documentary about Tarantino's life

>not Jackie Brown
In the trash you go

>being this contrarian


Jackie brown is nigger garbage

Sounds like you're more of a True Romance man.

you are nigger nigger garbage

Why yes, how'd you know?
Yeah, I am.

Hateful 8

Pulp Fiction, obviously.

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>h8ful 8

probably this




UNO FARTO @ 3:17

they were fudge packers

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pure cringe kino

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When did you realize that Reservoir Dogs is just The Thing.

Jackie Brown

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do any of you guys actually have any of his movies on dvd or blu ray or do you have have them downloaded?

Does True Romance count ?
If it does the True Romance

I found a RD DVD at a thrift store, that's the only one I own though.

And the sequel too

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I own all his movies on Blu-ray.

I have them all downloaded
>paying for movies
Nah bro. I already payed at the theater

i dont go to the theaters maybe once a year

i only go to the movies a couple times a year and i enjoy it less each time. owning a reasonably priced projector is where its at.

My cinema is 7 dollars on wednesdays for a movie.
I live in NYC.

Hostel 2

Credit = valid answer

No complaints here - Jackie Brown is second..

My cinema here in nyc charges 5 dollars per person for a movie on wendsdays

Jackie Brown used to be underrated now it's overrated

Jackie Brown and Kill Bill are the only things he's produced that I genuinely loved. The rest I can take or leave

I'd say Reservoir is the best too, tied with Pulp Fiction.
Every Tarantino movie is good, except 1st Kill Bill. It was cringe and the only movie from him I won't be rewatching.

>except 1st Kill Bill
His worst was h8ful 8

first it was 7 now its 5
also my theater does a $5 day on tuesday

I deleted because i checked the prices.

isn't it a nigger jungle on Wednesdays though?

hateful 8 was gr8

h8ful 8 was predictable, that's about the only thing bad about it. Gr8 b8 tho


I consider volume 1 and 2 to be one whole movie. Theyre both great, and definitely Tarantino's best film.

3imad is that you?

i bet its you 3imad.

>best tension
>best score
>based Kurt Russell and goggins
> worst movie
Explain yourself user

It's the worst tarantino movie, so not that bad still.

It's his most simple and well paced film. Relatively little self-indulgent bullshit and dialogue masturbation.

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