Cheap and tasty food bad!

>cheap and tasty food bad!

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Yeah it is bad. Just dont over do it and you'll be fine.

>sexually abusing women also good

eating fast food like once or twice per week for one meal isnt bad but eating nothing but fast food for all your meals is fucking horrible

I prefer the super size me with whiskey.

Oh shit I didn't know that

wasn't this guy on drugs or an alcoholic while he did this documentary?

He was an alchie who drank hundreds if not thousands of calories worth of alcohol every night between shooting.

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>throws up after eating a single day of mcdonalds meals.
Don't get me wrong i think Mcdonalds is unhealthy but it was clear he was weak from the start.


If America is a wealthy country why does so many people there eat cheap fast food?

Because it's FAST food, time is money

Roasties can’t cook because it’s sexist nightmare hellscape to be a homemaker so they pursued a degree in gender studies instead and order takeout instead of preparing their own meals.

Unless we get bombed with anthraxs, right?

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It is if you are also a hardcore alcoholic and start eating nothing but fast food and then have your dietary health level checked by a doctor.

A mcdonald only diet is far better than that of his girlfriend who was a vegan.

Honestly if you don't have the soda or fries, the burgers aren't that bad. Also they have salads.

The salads have sugar, didnt you watch the movie prick??

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>the burgers aren't that bad.
bitch, they put sugar in the buns just to increase the cravings for more food. The beef is savory, the bun is sweet, but not enough to satisfy the craving, thus continuing to make you hungry. You think you have beat their matrix. they panned on you thinking that just to give you a victory and allow you to keep spending money there because you saw thru their shit. You fool.

You can cook a bowl of oats with banana and cinnamon in 4 minutes


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Super Size Me was a scam

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You could also call your parents and admit you are a faggot in 30 seconds.

their lowest calorie salad that's its own thing and not a side is 320 calories, which is more than their standard single cheeseburger.

i can call you a faggot in 8 seconds

>whoops there goes your supersize menu, bro

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>t. fat fuck

Eating normal caloric amounts bad. Engorging myself everyday for weeks with a minimum of 3500+ calories daily good.

yea but you need 90 seconds and my cock in your mouth to prove it

like you'll last that long, you double nigger

It isn’t

Mega corporations that encourage nothing but mindless consumerism good. Time to go donate to my favorite streamer because I had a bad day so he says my name while I play Fortnite and dilate. POGGERS.

Sausage fingers struggled to type this post

>what do you MEAN going from a strict vegan diet to eating excess shit and binge drinking has negative effects on my body? it's all the corporation's fault! give me money!

That's very true
Bust fast food is tastier

>be on camping trip
>we didn't bring enough stuff
>girl is vegetarian so she only eats snacks
>last day my dad brings mcdonalds
>she scarfs down two burgers

it actually turned me on. I dicked her down after that

>implying it's a lose for me if you make me cum quicker
Enough teasing, let's get on with it.

Super size me was a scam movie for europoors like every Michael Moore documentary.

I was about to post this. This video is amazing and exposes how fake Super Size Me was. Only a fucking moron would believe SSM anyway. You can't gain 30 pounds in a month eating what he ate anyway.

Open up.

This movie was made for shitskins who didn't have a dad to tell them eating 5 Big Macs per day was bad.

Could he have made it through the month if he didn't drink so much fucking alcohol?


more like disgusting ameripiggus with a lack of self-control bad

This has been fun. We could probably hit it off irl, then we could shove each others shit in. no homo

Reminder that Spurlock refuses to release his food log. Counter-documentary Fat Head claims Spurlock somehow gained more weight than is possible on his exclusively McDonald's diet.

A Swedish study replicated the fast food, immense calorie diet and found the worst effects to be weight gain and fatigue. No one on the study experienced the "deadly" liver damage Spurlock claimed he was diagnosed with, nor the sexual dysfunction or significant mood swings.


Morgan Spurlock openly admitted in 2017 on his twitter that he is "part of the #MeToo menace".

As part of his admission, he said
>"Is it because i’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13?
>I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years"

The chief cause of liver damage and chronic liver failure (Cirrhosis) in the US is alcoholism after Hepatitis B. Alcohol kills 350,000 people by cirrhosis every year.
Alcoholism has also been observed to cause mood swings and alcohol intoxication causes erectile dysfunction (known as whiskey dick).

Supersize Me is a scam from beginning to end.

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Imagine being an american and having a meltdown when someone says that fast food is bad

Imagine being foreign and having a meltdown about America 24/7

You and all the other subhumans unable to delay gratification will be victims of the purge which will claim all but the top 3% of humanity



not on the go you can't

no it isn't, wagecucking americuck, your culture of wagecucking that doesn't allow you time to cook anything is completely insane

bros i thought it was the fast food but its actually because i masturbated like 5 times a day

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Isn't this proven lies and speculation?


Imagine shilling for McDonalds. We've reached levels of contrarianism that were only thought to be theoretical 10 years ago.

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He openly admitted on twitter that he has been an alcoholic for 30 years. There's nothing speculative about it.

>You get fatter if you eat fast food shit

wow thanks for telling me.

Imagine being a europoor and acting above it but you're country has them too
For me its the McChicken


For me it's 3 mcgangbangs + 2 20 piece chicken nuggets + 2 large fries

I mean yeah this food in excess is not good for you. The movie as a whole is propaganda on one end and a way to earn a quick buck on the other.

Overall yeah fast food is bad for you but we dont need a 90 min. Film padding out the whys

I already cited my sources, can you not read nigger?

And the original twitter post as well

Eat it at least 4 times a week but it's closer to 8.

Didnt someone leave a mcdonalds cheeseburger in a jar for a year and it still looked excatly the same? Thats scary to think about.

imagine thinking that food that has been engineered specifically to be tasty is bad. mcdonalds and fast food were the original molecular gastronomy / food engineering

I'm sure your colon cancer thanks you.


thought what was

It's the one thing that always manages to surprise me in the 10 years I've been coming to Yea Forums
No matter the subject people here will find a way to be contrarian

We got legitimate pro pollution and anti vaccine people here just because the consensus in the real normal world is that those things are bad lmao

If only you knew

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the blood

I'm 6'6 and 170lb ottermode not a fatty


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Fast food is literally bad for you. Once you give it up and eat real prepared food for a while and then try fast food again it will make you sick. Your gut bio actually has to adjust to digest all the trash you just ate and it wrecks havoc on your digestive and immune system.

Fuck off spooky go rattle somewhere else stinky

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>soon 'WE ARE WE ARE WALMART' will become an everyday thing everyone will do
What a weird timeline
Praise our corporate overlords

I don't understand what his point is

Ok, so Spurlock lied about eating more than 5k calories...3.6k calories a day is still a ton

Is he trying to argue that eating Micky D's all the time isn't unhealthy?

Just because you can't understand it doesnt mean everyone does it to be contrarian

When something that is factually false is show in schools across the nation something is wrong

Give me my damn super size meal back damnit! How in the hell am I supposed to feed a family of five Americans with the measly value menu

One thing you realize growing up is that teachers despite having knowledge of one specific area are actually really fucking dumb in general (otherwise they wouldn't be teachers)
I blame school teachers and principals for falling for retarded propaganda more than the scam artist who produced the documentary

I still remember the shitstorm about the millenium bug and that Al Gore docu about how the world is doomed because the ice caps would melt causing a catastrophe

You should watch his documentary. He ate McDonald's for a month and lost weight. He did it by doing it low carb. No fries and no bun. He never claims it's healthy. Just that the advice we get about obesity is a load of bologna.

>not learning to cook for yourself
Men are better at it anyways.

Cope fatty

He ate buns for half his meals and did occasionally eat fries.

An Inconvenient Truth has a lot of bullshit but I hope you didn't actually get the idea that there's not an actual climate change crisis

Being on any calorie restrictive diet will make you lose weight. Morgan Sporlock was eating 3 times a day. The problem is that humans weren't meant to eat that much in the first place and our bodies benefit from fasting for most of a 24 hour period. This doesn't negate the fact that fast food is still bad for you, it's terrible, but most people's diet by default regardless of what they eat, is that they're eating too much of it

wow really

>fast food twice a week
boi you better have at least 20k on your pedometer every day for that shit

And since his McDonald's experiment, he went full-on LCHF and lost lots of weight.

Every time I make oatmeal its either a watery soup or the top turns dry and crusty

I wish that I could go back in time to my middle school health class now with this knowledge
It would be my crowning moment of "um actually"

Stir it more

>I hope you didn't actually get the idea that there's not an actual climate change crisis
I'm not denying climate change but that documentary is so much sensationalism it's almost embarrassing to watch as an adult

Make it in a rice cooker.

I still don't get his point. He's drinking diet soda and refusing buns/fries for most meals (and when he does eat fries he eats small fries). He's averaging just below 2k calories per day which is pretty good

Of course he's gonna lose weight in the same way that Spurlock obviously gained weight

He's using the same arguments the previous chucklefuck used. Spurlock proved that you can gain weight if you eat McDonalds every day, Fat Head proves that you can lose weight if you eat McDonalds every day for every single meal.

For some reason half the country doesn't even understand calories

They think if you eat junk food you'll gain weight and if you don't you'll lose weight and it's as simple as that

The fact is healthy choices can be made everywhere and it's not even hard to accomplish. You'll never be able to get people to stop eating junk food as long as it tastes good and is cheap, so it's better to help guide them into choices like skipping buns and drinking diet sodas instead of cutting them completely.

2000 calories a day is a caloric deficit?

Depends on activity level. I exercise 4-5 times a week so it's a deficit for me

>skipping buns
>on a burger

No you didn't. None of that even happened. Where the fuck do you think you are?

People ainting eating the burgers for the buns, they're eating them for the cheese and beef, and the bun is worse than both

Don't tell me any of you fags subscribe to the meme keto diet

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>brainlet-ing the truth

>1+1=2 bad

imagine the size of the poster behind this


Everyone be sure to ask this guy what *is* the correct dieting method. Watch him run off like a fag.

My family had a French exchange student stay with us back in the mid 00s, his two main hobbies during his stay were singing the supersize me song from this movie and talking shit about W Boosh

So you're served salad and condiments on a meat paddy? And you eat this with a knife and fork or what?

You can if you want, buddy of mine just eats with his hands.

Most people eat it using a bun made out of lettuce. A lot of restaraunts offer that as an option.

>t. fatso scooter jockey

hey did you know you can eat a burger without a bun and in fact if you're keto you have to

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Supersize you? Challenge accepted.

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When I first watched this I saw the opposite of his agenda. I thought it was just showing that gorging yourself was bad. Not that we should blame the actual place.

Ya'll niggas dont know nothing about FatHead

Vegans are dumb as fuck

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He did irreversible damage to his heart and body once he completed filming. Seriously, people do anything for 15 minutes of fame.

Yeah fruit has sugar in it bud. So does meat. They’re not injecting sugar in to the lettuce or cucumbers. Skip the dressing and you’re fine.

It’s also 5 times larger than a cheeseburger. What’s your point? You can’t figure out portion size? As an American, I fucking hate other Americans.

>/pol/cucks going out of their way to defend corporations

If it’s vacuum sealed, nothings going to happen to most things. There’s no substance acting on it causing it to decompose. Buy a cheese burger and set it out for a week. It’ll go through some changes I promise.

Your gut has to adjust to everything anyway. I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about, especially with your use of the word “literally”. Fast food has the same basic ingredients as everything else. Yes, there’s more sugar and cheaper products, but it’s still bread, beef, fried chicken. Don’t lie and say it’s all pink goo paste when fda reports and ingredients tell the truth.

The world is retarded, man. People think fats make you fat, that carbs are bad(they don’t know why but they heard it on tv) and that too much protein is bad because they’ll get too muscley. Carbs, fats , and protein are what food is made of man. They don’t get it and they think I’m lying when I try to explain it all.

McDs is trash like most fast food and the entire executive chain should be in prison.
t. athlete

you realize you can be thin and be fucked, healthwise? or do you think eating nothing but 1500 calories of white sugar per day will result in good health?
losing weight eating McDs doesnt mean shit except that he under ate.
put a legit healthy person on a normal calorie fast food diet for a year and their health condition will get wrecked, period. It won't even take that long, either.

look mom! Im a fucking retard who fell for the "carbs bad!" meme.
you should just kill yourself for being so gullible. your life is over. you will be nothing but a slave for the rest of your life, used by rich sociopaths to make them more money until you die a nobody.

Why are you greentexting...?

Super size, super size
The American way
Going down, throwing down
All day, every day
Super size, super size
The American way
Getting fat, getting broke
Either way you're gonna pay
Super size me
Super size me
Super size me
Super size me

I like how after this film was released (and very few people seem to point this out) there seemed to be an actual push for healthier eating, smaller portion sizes, and etc. in the media. Nowadays, we have returned to the norm and obesity rates continue to soar.

>and the entire executive chain should be in prison.
also topical captcha

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Most of that comes from the salad dressing you mong


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Carbs aren't bad, processed white bread with added sugar 3 meals a day is bad especially when it doesn't fill you up at all and the average person already meets their carb suggested daily value by breakfast.

Yet the doctor said his bloodwork was perfect. The obesity crisis is a way higher priority than every other dietary issue we face. Weight loss is concern number one in America, followed by stuff like a lack of fruits and veggies.

Corporate dystopias are comfy as fuck and i can't wait to live in one irl.

>our gut has to adjust to everything anyway. I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about, especially with your use of the word “literally”

Fast food is literally bad for you. It's literally not good to eat for your health.

This "documentary" is not only poorly documented, but nobody has been able to replicate its results. There are reports that some have gone on the same challenge as Spurlock & even LOST weight in that time. There's either something really strange going on behind the scenes or just plain dishonesty.

You can't lose weight eating what Morgan Spurlock ate unless you have a fucking tapeworm

Im going to eat a lot and not exercise. Oh i got fat ... im going to blame fast food.

>pink slime good

>There are retards here defending carbs
carbs get converted into sugar, sugar is what leads to shit like heart disease you literally becoming a fat ass, also reducing carbs and sugar negates diabeetus, not to mention many forms of cancer feed off of carbs and sugar:

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no it doesnt you fuck wit.

The dude ate nothing but fast food, and exercised like 6 miles a day, 7 days a week and still lost weight. thus why its diet AND exercise

the way the movie is framed is stupid. you can eat fast food all the time without gaining weight but still be unhealthy due to excess simple carbs, lack of fiber and micronutrient deficiencies. he makes it sound like fast food is bad just because some people overeat and get fat.

Okay, so eat nothing but fat and meat. Enjoy your choline and carnitine which lead to cancer causing TMAO. Enjoy having low energy throughout the day. Enjoy elevated serum cholesterol


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There's been people who did what Spurlock did and lost weight.

McDonald's chef who eats nothing but McDonald's here. Ask me anything.

Do you count the alcohol? If you count only the food, you can easily do that.

Is it really shilling to point out that the movie is hugely biased and not really representative?

McDonalds is fucking garbage food and not good for you but they should try to show those facts honestly, not exaggerate them for dramatic effect.


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Increased risk of colon cancer isn't due to weight gain, its do to the chemicals in processed meats. Nitrates specifically.

If a millionaire offered you a million dollars to fuck your girlfriend in front of you would you accept?

A Big Mac has a more varied nutrition in it than most of your vegan shit at your overpriced raw-organic-fuck-my-wallet-in-the-ass restaurant

You know there are carbs in vegetables right?
If you dont eat carbs you're left with fatty animal products and meat, yes.

>carbs get converted into sugar
Glucose. Which is a universal energy source for most life on earth. No doctor recommends a healthy person to abandon carbs. Some recommend lower carb intake as a method for losing weight or for some specific cases like for treating epilepsy. Doctors normally recommend about 50% of your calories to come from carbohydrates.
>An increased intake of glucose leads to obesity and, in consequence, partly to the metabolic syndrome with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, but not the consumption of glucose as part of a normal calorie intake.

>Overall, the proportion of carbohydrate in a diet is not linked to the risk of onset of Type 2 diabetes
>Low-carbohydrate dieting is associated with increased mortality, just as high-carbohydrate dieting is
>As of 2014 it appeared that with respect to the risk of death for people with cardiovascular disease, the kind of carbohydrates consumed are important; diets relatively higher in fiber and whole grains lead to reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease compared to diets high in refined-grains

3D women are gross

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>its do to the chemicals in processed meats. Nitrates specifically.
bullshit, i hear this faggotry said all the time with no science to back it up

According to himself in
>I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years

A friendly reminder that the recommended dietary intake suggestions are from the fucking department of agriculture


>Nitrites, derived mainly from ingested nitrates, may react in vivo with secondary nitrogen compounds occurring naturally in certain foods to form N-nitroso compounds, which are potent carcinogens in laboratory animals.

How about you eat my fucking dick.

somebody define "processed" meat

>recommended dietary intake
Nigger what the fuck are you even saying? Nobody pays attention to that shit. Are you one of those fucking nerds that counts your calories and can't eat gluten?
It's so fucking easy not to be fat literally just don't eat too much, that's it you fucking idiot.

>Processed meat is meat that has been preserved by curing, salting, smoking, drying or canning. Food products categorized as processed meat include: Sausages, hot dogs, salami. Ham, cured bacon. Salted and cured meat, corned beef.

The differences in the modern guidelines in the US compared to other countries is close to negligible.

Meat that has been cured, canned, smoked, dryed, or salted. Things like cutting or grinding meat is not "processing" meat.

Lemme just pull out my microwave while I'm driving you fucking faggot

>coronary heart disease good!

True all the best chefs are men.

Unsure if that's true but I agree that most Vegan diets just outright fail. To make up for meat, they must get the nutrients elsewhere and many fail to do so.

>t: cholesterol fatty who think hes healthy because he eats a a few carrots a week

3 large McDonald's meals a day, no

>3 large McDonald's meals

But you must understand, with pollution comes more jobs. Trash economy.

That's not what he ate and there's no large for breakfast when he did it.

He could have tried that with any restrictive collection of foods and arrive at the same unhealthy result. Waste of time.

Holy shit this made me think of the perfect solution. Car microwaves.

>Supersize Me is a scam from beginning to end
Just like every """documentary""" film from that fad phase last decade from Bowling For Columbine onwards.

flyover americans are the fattest people in known history
it's not even close really



>wageslave is so indoctrinated by corporations he sees nothing wrong with spending all his disposable income on paying for a vehicle to drive 4 hours every day to and from work forcing him to destroy his body in the process
typical american wagies

this guy is based. anyone who hasn't seen this should give it a watch.

The big mac guy alone was proof there was some fuckery on Spyrlock's end

Redpilled. Upvoted!

If you're not a manlet, yes. I'm losing weight on 2600.

>once or twice per week

>wtf why do people have opinions and don't just follow the status quo?
reddit might be more your style.

>carbs get converted into sugar,
I guarantee you don't know what the TCA cycle or what acyl-CoA is.