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Other urls found in this thread:*/*/end/2010-06-25/page/1/

>lesbian parents in the kindergarten class
>buzz is constantly belittled by key and peele the entire film
>white child acts like a little shit and takes the crafts away from bonnie
>white girl selfishly throws gabby gabby away, the black girl takes her home instead
Did the kikes really think normal people were going to want to see this horseshit?

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This post is spamming/flooding

there area really lesbos?? fucking sick

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The kikes know the audience will respond to "Toy Story". They aren't going to investigate the movie before watching. It's only after paying the tickets that they realize they're watching highly subversive content designed by evil jews to infect the mind of children. Why do you thnk Disney keeps milking estabished franchises? Thi trick can't work with new material.

Oh no how horrible

It's white genocide

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How is it woke?

you're part of the problem

lmao have sex

who cares? why are you watching a film for infants?

You're part of the problem.

good i hope it flops everywere.
who the fuck ask for toy story 4?


Suits asked for Toy Story 4. I can't believe people actually watch Pixar's sequel bait now.

Isn't it the biggest opening a Toy Story film ever had?

The sequel nobody (sane people) asked for underperformed. Sad!

Barely topped the last one but yes, it is

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Well yeah when it opened in more theaters than the other ones and excluding inflation. Also the opening was only 8 million more than Toy Story 3 which came out 9 years ago. It couldn't even reach Disney's projections.

Can't wait for a Marvel movie to finally underperform. Between that and Episode IX presumably tanking, maybe Hollywood will finally start collapsing and we can get some mainstream director-driven projects again.

>what is predictive programming

Oh user

a wise user once said

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Spider-Man: Diversity Wars is going to flop bigly next week. Literally zero hype.

I think the real news is the foreign total. 120mil seems pretty small

Seek Help

I can't see a MCU flopping anytime soon. I have no interest in Black Widow but people will see that now since she offed herself in Endgame.

>you need to watch the new Spiderboy movie, it's the end of Phase 3

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Why did you save your own post?

Absolutely shocking and outrageous. Just wait until the other moms at my book group here about this.

Why do they always depict them as overly blissful

It's Disney's fault for releasing their own movies two weeks between each other
No family has the money to go to the movies every two weeks. Single people sure but family movie trips (assuming a regular nuclear family of 1 son and 1 daughter) can easily cost up to 40-80 dollars, depending on if they get concessions.
They're essentially competing with themselves at this point
Mark my words, Far From Home and Lion King will similarly fail to meet expectations. Will they succeed? Yeah of course. But not as much as Disney is banking on

Not me lol, that would be gay if it was me

triggered ;)

>jojobrony image
it checks out

This. Disney's greedness will be their undoing.

my nigga... my king

foreign is actually overperforming a bit thanks to latin america
domestic Disney was expecting 140M, other trackings were saying 160-200M

>They're essentially competing with themselves at this point
Yes but that's not the point. they just want to release everything this year for Disney+. They do not give a shit about box office at this point.

Disney+ is going to be like the iPod or iPhone, isn't it. Like a totally revolutionary game-changer. Netflix will be bankrupt this time next year.


none of the Toy Story movies were good. prove me wrong.

people say Avatar is forgettable, but i can't remember anything from the Toy Story movies. except for Buzz's catchphrase

>i can't remember anything from the Toy Story movies. except for Buzz's catchphrase

"KILL NIGGERS AND JEWS!!!" is pretty catchy. I heard Rami did some re-writes!!!FACT!!!



That's a euphemism for someone being pozzed just like "there's a snake in my boot" was really about someone getting anally raped!!!FACT!!!

Putting IronSpider right after Spendgame was a good move
Spiderman is popular on his own even outside the Disney Hype machine
any other character (besides wolverine) would have grossly underperformed seeing as end game is a decent ending to the series and no one would care anymore.

It's over. disney is finished

Why do left wing people visit Yea Forums?

Everyone hates you here and we all laugh at how out of touch you are and how you can’t meme.

I mean keep going I guess but it puzzles me.

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This was actually the last film he worked on.

They don't care what normal people want to see or if it loses money. They'll keep forcing it ad nauseum



Yea Forums used to be a leftist board before the 2016 election brought the hoards of /pol/edditors here.

>Why do left wing people visit Yea Forums? Everyone hates you here and we all laugh at how out of touch you are and how you can’t meme.I mean keep going I guess but it puzzles me.

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>he uses the word leftist

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They were libertarian until they ha do physical remove lefty

>it's a leftard redditor pretends reddit is remotely right wing episode
I hate reruns

It feeds into their eternal victim complex, Ted Kazinsky wrote on this subject

Glad I decided to not give money to this horse shit


Rightoids have a bigger victim complex than any of 'em

Black Panther is a right wing film.

lol I was reading this article.


Good job corporation they will surely buy product and get excited for next product.

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China doesn’t have nostalgia for Toy Story and it is a sequel.

Plus it is the official debut of Spirited Away over there which stole the show.

Why would Disney release a bunch of mediocre trash right after one of their biggest films?

Jojo is kino

it suppose to be for 25 to 30 year old men and women now. but back then we didn't grow up with this faggot shit in our faces everyday. It was a better time line then.

>Buzz barely given any screen time (trying to silence Tim Allen)
>Woody gets cucked repeatedly
>Strong female badass
>Brown little girl is the future
>Traditional values (original white toys) are now seen as monsters and should not be given the right to live
>Encouraging disintegration of the nuclear family

Why is this movie good again?

Because Rotten Tomatoes said so.

Do useful idiots know they're useful idiots?


Based lesbos dabbing on trannies.

It is prettt messed that the message is “Fuck your human partner! Go ‘play’ around with other humans!”.

I mean the whole point of the movies were that the toys were loyal and prepared to spend life in the attic. Even if they get broken and left on a shelf and not played with they would remain loyal. They would only leave if their owner passed them onto another. Even Andy tells the new girl that Woody will never abandon you.
>Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you... ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what.
But apparently Woody doesn’t give a shit and will leave since you aren’t playing with him.

Please be fake!!!
Please be fake!!!
Please be fake!!!

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Based, redpilled and blessed

repeat the following with me: it - is - a - children's - fucking - movie

We can't have sex because evil lesbos are stealing all the women don't you understand?

does anyone watch tv anymore?

jesus christ you had to really stretch there
y'know woody and bo are white people, don't you?

Bo's voice actress is a Jewess and Hanks is a well-known shabbos goy

He wanted an axe wound vagina so they gave him the surgery early?

>but people will see that now since she offed herself in Endgame.

Why would people be interested in a prequel film for boring character who's dead anyways?

>in a book group
>spells “hear” wrong

Member how much money Lucy made?
People like to see ScarJo is a sexy clothes, kicking ass.

They've only read Nicholas Sparks books

Based boomer moms

Yeah, but ScarJo got the two biggest reasons to see her movies surgically removed

Ted Kazinsky wrote about the left wing's need to accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of as well

It made more than Toy Story 3 did on its opening weekend which surprised me desu.

Discord tranny teaammss assemble!!

So you admit its bad? Or are you just trying to keep the circle jerk going so you can vicariously feel happy about a shitty's movie's success?

The press got women to smoke.
The press got women to buy new clothes every week.
The press got women to work.
The press got women to start aborting pregnancies.
The press is currently getting more women to bed female partners, its a real social trend, most female sexuality is emotional, not physical, they'll fuck anything, they'll do anything if they're emotionally manipulated. So these things may seem like grains of sand, but they're all filling up the same desert.

/pol/TV BTFO yet again

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I visit Yea Forums to see righties seethe and chimp out at cartoons like they're doing in this thread, it's pretty funny.

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Britbong wants other's opinions purged from his safe space.
Why am I not surprised.

Teddy was a hypocrite and he himself disavowed most of what's in the manifesto. You'd know this if you read the prison letters.

What, you want to lock women in a cage? Fuck outta here you misogynist.

they're not making movies for families, they're making movies for adult children aka millennials

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have sex

So it was true it was swj/leftist propaganda trash. For me Toy Story ended in 3. Simple.

>Negroes are quarantined in Africa
>pro ethnostate
Black Panther is based.

its セックスしろ you absolute dumbfuck

I mean, TS3 literally ends with white boy Andy "passing the torch" to brown mutt goblin Bonnie, so it already was SJW trash.

Not at all. That's not bad. But 4 is actually sjw. I wonder if the masses of common people realize it

>fags and queers EXIST

why does this bother people so much? i don't get it

They really aren’t making these movies and adding these backwards themes for the kids. Its all about clout and woke points. Igor is a narcissist who has made virtue signaling a key part of Disney’s marketing.

Its about kids. Parents don’t want to expose children to this stuff because they are worried it will leave an impression on them. That and a good portion of the population is still moderate to very religious.

No, I just want women to actually think for themselves and not continually go along with malicious agendas.

but queers EXIST. some of these very same kids are actually fags/bi etc. this is an inherent part of humanity. why not let them know early on that some of their friends are gay. or that they themselves might be gay?

i dont get it. it's literally part of humanity. why not let them know sooner? maybe we can change societies opinion on LGBT if we start earlier?

extremely based and redpilled

But in the end you're the ones seething.
Shouldn't you be out protesting those "concentration camps"?

Wrong. Yea Forums was always /pol/ + hobby.

That's a far left site always had been.

Kids don’t know what they want to fuck at that age. I get there are conflicting studies on this but I personally think its better for kids to mature first. I think O found out about it in first grade.

I haven't watched it but I don't understand why you would turn Bo Peep into Action Girl when you already have Jessie to fill that role

FUCK it's so cringe to see people use the word "meme" as a verb

i hate what this place has become. i hate redditors. i fucking hate election tourists and 2010fags i fucking HATE everything about this place and i might actually kill myself in the future

i have a gf, a job, a great life and great future. but i fucking HATE you stupid underage trump zoomer niggers and what you've done to this place. all of a sudden its edgy to be christian. now it's all about "deus vult" and "muh jesus" shit. goddamit im tired. im fucking tired. i hope you all die. i hope you fucking die


everything in life is a choice

not everything. sexuality is not a choice. why would someone willingly CHOOSE to be gay?

some people are fags, nigger. get over it

This. I constantly hear about government programs to bring more awareness in public schools about homosexuality and brings a shiver down my spine. Kid's aren't sexual, they don't understand, they can only learn once their brain changes, otherwise they will become twisted. I mean, reproduction makes sense, but gay and tranny shit is confusing. It can be mentioned, but not put in the curriculum. Sex ED before 12 is a mistake. It always makes me think about that part of Brave New World where the school's have erotic play and it ends with no-one being able to form a monogamous relationship. Just leave it out of the fucking schools.

gays exist


the point is that you shouldn't lol, "sorry"

Learn to read idiot. I'm not saying that 3 percent of the population SHOULDN'T be acknowledged, I'm just saying confusing children won't bring any good long term.

>Kid's aren't sexual
This is what deluded christfags actually think. I dare you to speak to any kindergarten teacher on Earth and find one who's never caught a small child dry-humping objects, animals, or people because it makes them feel funny.

Honestly I think one was the only good toy story. Everything else has seemed like a half assed says grab.

>telling children people different from them exist is confusing
Smolbrain confirmed.

>thinking his multi cultural diverse brigade wont try to hang him in 5 to 10 years

Remember to tell them how much you supported them when they are killing you en mass in civil war 2.0

This image is dumb and you should feel dumb.

>used to be a leftist board before the 2016

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>tfw ghetto wigger kid at work was loudly complaining "some niggas ruined toy story 4 I'm hella mad"

This. Old fag here since 2005

faggots still using this saying after captain marvel made over a billion dollars. keep sucking dick you white male ahahahahah

>faggots exist
So do coprophiliacs. I don’t discuss them with people’s kids and pretend they’re normal.

If they are here you're the one being a basic bitch who can't handle their presence.

why is this image suddenly spammed so hard
who is that

That's not what I'm saying retard. Public schools literally have entire subjects about homosexuality and transshit now, that's a bit more than simply telling children gays exist.
Fuck off Freud.

>I don't know the difference between paraphilia and sexual preference
That says more about you than it does about children.

Isn’t some Christian boomer woman in charge of the department of education??? What the fuck are parents doing about it?

That's actually fake news, they killed him bc he DIDN'T want to be a girl.


wait, did they lesbos fuck in the movie or something? what kind of deviancy is there?

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You want them to think like YOU. That's locking them in a very specific cage dumbass.

No. I've since slain that selfish demon. But I'd rather women think in a way that promoted social cohesion and harmony, then one that promoted hate and identity politics, and it seems a lot of women think that way now. I want the best for society, not myself.

You sure do love proving his manifesto right, don't you?

Wrong on the anti-diversity. Multiple different cultures existed in wakanda. Everything else yeah

Good. PedoFlix can go die

>Public schools literally have entire subjects about homosexuality and transshit now
[Citation Needed]
>I don't actually have an intelligent rebuttal for the existence of adolescent sexuality so I'm going to scream about a largely discredited Viennese psychologist I've never studied

why do you spend so much time crying about children's movies on 4channel

It literally is

Stop watching and talking about pop culture flicks.

On a side note is it me or are there now than an unusual number of weeks women with black babies lately?

>you want to lock women in a cage
No just in the house.


kids arent queer until uncle joe molests them

money means nothing if you're sitting on tens of billions, they can push whatever agenda they want at a loss and still never go bankrupt

homosexuality is a fetish

They should be warning them off they're existence. It's a mental illness and not normal.

have sex

They should get the mental hello they need and not be encouraged.

You don't hate identity politics, you just hate identity politics that are contra your identity. You have no problem with white or Christian identity politics.

I know, I get it. You literally don't understand the difference between paraphilia and sexual preference. You don't have to keep explaining how ignorant you are.

If they are here it's because they seethe with rage

Also, learn basic grammar if you ever want anyone outside of your private pro-Trump facebook group to take you seriously.

It's a choice to engage in it

So do pedophilies, oh wait you already said gays exist. My bad.

What's wrong with women smoking you fucking loser?

Yea Forums is a pro Trump site
Most places are with people who aren't mentally ill faggots.

Gays don't harm society.

That's because this country and Western Civilization were both founded by them.

Trump is a kike shill whose loyalty is Israel First. Fuck off migatard

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It's also a choice to procreate, but you faggots are all up in arms about whites choosing not to do that.

America was a mistake. Freemason bourgeois bullshit from the start.

It's a fetish. Faggots don't love each other. They lust after each other.

>being a zionist cocksucker on an armenian rug weaving forum
Wanna know how I know you're a full on boomer redditfugee?

I thought women were incapable of love as well? Are you implying that only straight white men can experience love?

Good, it's about time we stop "both sides are bad"ing the middle East and pick the right side, which is Israel. I'm for the one state solution where we push the Arab squatters back into Jordan where they all come from.

And you know this because you're actually a faggot and have a lot of first hand experience?


Your nose is showing

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>I wanna set the middle east on fire to impress Bibi daddy
Why don't you go live there if you care so much about the plight of the jews.

They do. Trannyism, drag storytime are just two examples.

Yes it is and it's a natural choice. But we aren't talking about something natural or instinctive like procreation we're using m talking about something unnatural and learned which is gay sex.

Define your vocabulary.
>drag story time
Give me one way in which guys in dresses reading storybooks to children harms society.

>If YoU hAtE FaggS U r oNe!!
I hate niggers and they destructive "culture" as well but that doesn't make me one.

>something unnatural and learned
Is that why gays didn't exist before the 80's? Oh wait...

I wish I was so I could take advantage of ḥok ha-shvūt

Don't need to just push the Arabs squatters off and deal with Iran's terror regime.

dude just turn off ur brain and let jews teach ur kids lol

>Define your vocabulary.
The lunacy of the "trans movent".
>Give me one way in which guys in dresses reading storybooks to children harms society.
It's immoral and normalizes acceptance of these choices.

>Toy Story 2 opened in one theater
Am I reading this right? How does that work? Why would they do that?

I didn't say that. I simply asked if your apparent expertise in gay mating rituals meant you are one. I mean, it's a pretty bold statement to say gays are incapable of love. How do you know that Mister Expert?

They learn to act out on these desires.

Most of these aren't true by the end of the movie.

>Literally takes in Bucky after Civil War

What's immoral about it?

I mean, 2 wasn't bad, was it?

>The lunacy of the "trans movent".
You still haven't actually specified what that means. It seems like you're just mad about people different from you existing, which is petty, pathetic, and sad.
>it's immoral
Holy shit, clothes are immoral? When the fuck did this happen?
>normalizes acceptance of these choices
Still waiting for you to tell me who's getting hurt when a grown man wears a dress. Come on hateful, this should be easy for you, it's literally all you think about 24/7, right? Chicks with dicks and men in dresses is like your area of expertise.

>It seems like you're just mad about people different from you existing, which is petty, pathetic, and sad
They exist because we enable their mental illness.

>Forky doesn't identify as a toy
>trash to toy transition
>wears a rainbow on his leg
>implying it's not a metaphor for the trans community

>Dolly doesn't appreciate Woody's mansplaining and put him in his place any chance she gets

>Bonnie takes away Woody's sheriff star and gives it to the girl version of him
>Women are taking the power back from the patriarchy

>that's why gabby gabby's character exists, because women are lacking a voice, and after hounding him for having toy privilege, Woody literally gives that voice to her

You just said it was learned behavior. Learned behavior is not a desire. Get your rhetoric straight stupid.

>Still waiting for you to tell me who's getting hurt when a grown man wears a dress
It's harmful to society as a whole. It undermines gender roles.

If course it's also used to sexualize children.

Woody left his rebound after realizing he was so monogamous he couldn't be with anybody else, and opts to become a matchmaker instead. I'm all for analyzing subtext, but I don't know how you got such a wildly opposite view from mine.

The desires are there but they learn to act out them how can you not understand this?

I'm pretty sure mental illness exists whether anyone "enables" it or not. But again, you and the other assorted hate filled relics are the only one who thinks it's a full blown psychosis anymore. And for someone pretending to have the moral high ground, you're pretty short on solutions for how to help these "mentally ill" people. Or do you actually want to go Final Solution on them like your favorite German?

Lol a faggot complaining about keep rhetoric straight.

>assorted hate filled relics are
You mean the majority.
People tolerate you because we have to but your mental illness ends where reality begins.

Most trannies end up killing themselves because the "solution" of mutilating their body as a "cure" usually is shit and doesn't actually fix the problem.

reminds me of the lesbian bernie sanders supporters who killed 6 adopted children by driving down a cliff

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Killing trannies would be good. But they do that so we'll themselves. Now run along, and a friendly reminder, you'll never be a woman .

Because by definition, a desire is innate. You're admitting homosexuality is a natural desire of the human condition. Acting on one's sexual desires is the most natural thing someone can do. Not "learned behavior". And it's only immoral, as any sexual act is only immoral, if it's undertaken against someone else's will or to the exploitation of another person. 2 dudes buttfucking literally doesn't affect you except for the part where you somehow just can't stop thinking about it. But that's on you bro :^)

>this is what neo/tv/ actually believes

Fuck it Hiro burn it down

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But you think waiting until puberty to give them this information, where they're already confused and stressed about their bodies, is a good idea?

I'd rather my kid be "confused" for 12 years and spend puberty with their sexuality resolved then have to personally deal with them whining about it during their edgiest years.

Far From Home isnt a Disney movie.

I love happy endings.

Yea Forums is and always has been /pol/

>Public schools literally have entire subjects about homosexuality and transshit

i'm gonna need a citation for that user

>You mean the majority.
[Citation Needed]
>People tolerate you
I'm a 6'6" white guy with a girlfriend who cooks my meals. Nobody "tolerates" me dipshit, I'm allowed to exist :^)

sjws always have had the desire to destroy any kind of opposing voice.
even if Yea Forums was a tiny website visited by 4 people each day sjws would still try to destroy it

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Their sexuality should be straight of it's not that can be worked on. I'd rather have a crippled kid than one that's a faggot.

>You mean the majority.
That is incorrect. You may not like it, but that's how it is.

Back to plebbit you bigger.

>I'd rather have a crippled kid than one that's a faggot.
Why? I for one like not spending ridiculous amounts of money on medical bills.

It's part of the California state curriculum.


No that's correct. People don't like fags, they tolerate them but 99% if parents would always want a normal child vs a defective fag one.

>literally 1 school in the entire country

Want to try again, user?

Why defend mentally ill trannies there is no logic in that?

They "exist" because we enable their delusion.


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At least a crippled kid you can still be proud of.

I interviewed 100 moms, including yours

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Check again. It was passed pay legislative session to be state wide. "LGBT history".

Thank you for warning me, I will go see Spider-Man Far From Home instead :-)

>Why defend others
I wouldn't expect a mongrel like you to understand. You people always start eating each other at the slightest inconvenience don't they? You have no humanity.

The better question is why do we allow your kind to exist?

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Yeah letting men mutilate their dicks and use the same locker room as your daughter is totally normal and the Pinnacle of humanity.

Lol yourself fag enabler.

There's no logic in pitching a hissy fit because some people want to live differently from you. What they do doesn't affect me, and I'm enough of a humanist to not denigrate a person just because they make different choices from me. And if you demand to bring some kind of perceived outside morality to hand-wave entire groups of people who don't fit into your book of bronze-age fairy tales, I'd just like to point out that that is exactly why a group of religious fanatics pounded 2 planes full of people into the world trade center. Because you and those people on the planes don't fit into their religion based world view of what is right and moral.

>You people always start eating each other at the slightest inconvenience don't they? You have no humanity.
Are you talking about the left?

>is totally normal and the Pinnacle of humanity.
No. But neither are you.

I hate Jews, minorities and faggots. When the pendulum swings back these trash will be hanging from lampposts.

Correct. It's part of the advertisement budget.

Right next to you, you idiot




/n/ /new/ /pol/ IS ALL NEWFAGGOTRY




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Unsurprisingly based. Redpilled too.

Based and dare I say oldfag pilled

I'm actually part of the majority.

How is it "woke"?

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You're not white

Na we will just send them away and disappear them. It's best not to make a spectacle out of it.

>Imagine responding to that post this angry.

Have sex

t. Tyreek Nguyen

That's about what I expected from a brownie.

disney, apple, microsoft, nike, google, fb have more than tens of billions. they have very powerful silent partners. the wealthiest family (rothschilds) invest in these companies and make sure they are never in financial trouble.

in fact, there's mainstream news articles that hint a connection between intel agencies and the founding of various tech/media companies. it's all connected. the average sheeple has no clue and thinks these companies operate based on profit-seeking behavior. they do, to a certain extent, but they are not at risk of going bust because of their agenda-pushing behavior. companies that do go bust, like Sears, are allowed to fail because the elites don't care about them and can still turn a huge gain from such a collapse. you will start to see Sears locations be taken over by Target, which is 100% protected by the same faggot-promoting elites who pump disney with unlimited cash.

>it only made 85% of it's opening figure
>still made $118 million dollars
>go broke

t. Bryan ibn Hussein Kasegawa


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>What they do doesn't affect me
Wrong, now we can ignore the rest of your post. Thank you

Do you actually think that only religious people hate faggots? The atheistic PRC and most cultures across the globe hates this kind of shit. The western government is the minority and they're people don't like it too and is forced to shut up or they're gonna lose their jobs

Dykes and race mix



I've been here since 2012 and you're outright lying.

I thought only 40% of pedos were faggots?


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This is correct, if anything Yea Forums used to be mostly apolitical. Constant seriousposting about conservative politics is a relatively new phenomenon.

Unironically based, why don't people actually being to the pedophilia correlation more?

Doesn't gay marriage have like a 60% approval rating? Even Trump supports it.

How woke?

Yeah the truth is shocking.

63% as of May 2019.

>children's movie
>by Disney

Those are the ones you need to worry about the most. Go look into the amount of psychological research Disney has funded in the past, and continues to fund. Then ask yourself why a company that makes films and cartoons, and runs theme parks, would have any kind of interest in that research.

Why would a company like to know about its audience?

The truth can be frightening, eh?

Vast majority of gay men were molested as children and many go on to molest children as adults. It's a vicious cycle that must be stopped.


If you weren't here for Lost, you are an eternal newfag

this is bait

Says you.

>45% chance of suicide rate
>not full blown psychosis
bad bad b8

The point is that per don't view fags as equal to normal people.

>the truth
Yea Forums didn't use to care about anything other than feet and underage actresses

libertarian you brainlet which is considered right wing now

Says everyone.

This is true, but don't forget about L O S T also.

>63% of Americans support gay rights
>but this somehow means they actually hate them
wat. maybe venture outside of your lil inbred hillbilly swamp town for once and interact with some normal people

It's almost like sjws had some strange effect and caused a major backlash.

Or like Zoomers started turning /pol/ into the new Yea Forums before flooding the others boards with their retarded tribalism.

It was literally astroturfing from stormfront, and retarded, impressionable teenagers fresh off the boat from the fappening took the bait

That's some really nice revisionist history, R*ddit, but some of us have been here longer than last Tuesday. If you think boards like Yea Forums are too edgy and un-PC for you now, you should have been here a decade ago. This entire site is a tame, neutered shadow of itself nowadays.

Do you think we can spin it so that making that face is considered racism?

>Tolerating means "supporting gay rights"
Also what " rights" did gays not have? They always had the same rights as normal people. What they wanted was special rights to redefine marriage for their fetish.

But back to my original point that no parent would want a gay over a normal child given the choice. That should tell you all you need to know.

Inheritance rights. They genuinely had less rights there if their partner died.

That's what tedditards like you say to cope with how wrong you are

Disney doesn't want to know its audience, Disney wants to control what its audience thinks.

Wrong. Yea Forums was always woke to racism.

They are now a protected class, meaning you can't discriminate against them such as firing somebody for being gay. Plus they get all the benefits of marriage. Why be mad when you can be glaad?

They could have a will.

Yea Forums actually used to be vehemently anti-racist. Yea Forums used too fuck around with sites or people that got called out for alleged racism.




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Yea Forums was always edgy and contrarian. Always. There was always nazi fetishism and racism whether it was ironic or serious. Stop being a niggerfaggot and pretending otherwise.

Here are the threads from Yea Forums from this date 9 years ago. Not a politics thread in sight.

They m should be allowed to discredit l discriminate against them. Immoral degenerates at pedos

Or they could have the same rights as everyone else.

>implying you wouldn't

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I've been here since 2008.

>Yea Forums actually used to be vehemently anti-racist

Imagine caring that much about video gaymes. Losers.

Social media really fucked this place over didn't it.

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They always did.

Oh, poor dumb gay babies don't know how to set up trust funds?


Faggots are full of nothing but excuses and diseases.

fuck off retarded kike

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You could say that for almost every site.

>virtually every thread is Yea Forums related except for Kaiji's smokefag thread

God I miss old Yea Forums.




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Compare the use of the word "nigger" now:*/
and then:*/end/2010-06-25/page/1/

Hey look, a thread about a black TV character that didn't escalate into crime statistics and politics. What gives?


You're being overdramatic. This is the fourth movie in a series that for most people wrapped up in #3. People are taking their kids to see it but outside that demographic people just don't care about the toys' relationship with some new girl when the entire premise of the series had been about their relationship with Andy.

>that toy story 3 thread
The more things change...

>2010 was 9 years ago

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fuck off retarded nigger kike

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Gamergate has forever buttblasted people who don't like fun.

At the absolute most charitable, Women are overgrown children.

Fuck Toy Story 4 and Fuck Disney

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I’ve been using Yea Forums for 10 years and I’m leftist. Kys


It’s pretty kino to see fags like you fade into oblivion year by year

Literally how old are you

kind of interesting, still some /pol/ tier posts back then but most of it is just people calling each other niggers
lol those posts are talking about abatap



Nope. I dont support gays but that was the fact. They had less inheritance rights.

Freud viewing human psychology through a predominantly sexuall lense was even mocked when he was still alive and you don't need to study him or his texts to know this.

>foreign is actually overperforming a bit thanks to latin america
really? but it crashed in china. did disney expect that?