He's right you know

>"My heretical point, when writing about Toy Story 3, was that this insulting franchise delimited movies — particularly those targeted at children — as no longer expressive art but mere products synonymous with toys and the utility of toys: All reflection and imagination is left to the manufacturer. There’s nothing for the viewer to do but worship the formula."

>"Toy Story 4’s unsurprising journey-home plot confirms that Pixar practices Big Tech industrial hypnotism. Fans — Pixarnoids — who don’t think outside the toy chest, or even care about the development of ideas, will settle for routine, politically correct placation. This comes in the form of Woody’s old flame Bo Peep (Annie Potts), who returns from the first film as a newly empowered woman. She even instructs Woody about “change."


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nobody gives a fuck about stupid pseud intellectual talk about flicks aimed to just make tons of profit.
kys pleb

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Should write about Marvel movies

it’s kids film

>Is supposed to review movies
>Instead rants about politics and capitalism

the argument is that you shouldn't waste time on stupid flicks pleb.

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Don’t care what this negroid has to say, the fact is no kids movie will ever surpass Toy Story 1

aah, no. the acutal kids today don't give a fuck about toy story, or toys in general cause they're too busy being zombifies by their parents phones.
this movie is aimed for the most gullable audience that ever existed and always will, white males in their 20's and 30's.

>It’s a Pixar vision of a high-tech lynching
what the fuck is he on?

It's a movie for girls, there are hardly any men in there besides some diversity hires. It makes sense that Woody would be upset to losing his place as top toy, but abandoning the family he has made for some porcelain poosi is a bad moral.


>this movie for kids was written with my politics in mind

What's this journalist's tax policy, come on I wanna know

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>What is The Incredibles


kys brainlet

>This animated Treblinka leaves nothing but a thin Zyklon B coating of bad taste.


>But if Toy Story fans are also film students (Pixar has given rise to a new category of unapologetic but not necessarily cinema-oriented geek), then Bo Peep will disturb their passive enjoyment. As a digital creation, Bo Beep’s plasticine sheen and feminine curves recall Robert Zemeckis’s eerie Welcome to Marwen, where female doll figures (whether heroic or villainous) came to life as representations of the social fears and psychopathology of its damaged protagonist, Mark Hogencamp (Steve Carell). Welcome to Marwen flopped because it fell between family-movie escapism and a social-justice victimhood tract. Zemeckis couldn’t navigate reality and fantasy and then trivialized the issue of post-traumatic stress by using superficial, high-tech placebo (F/X courtesy of DreamWorks, cousin to Pixar-Disney).

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There are better kids movies.

first time reading a movie review, bud?

>dude the CIA guy has diarrhea lmao

Fucking based, I predict this is going to be like that other time he was the only person to trash some "seminal" Disney flick, ruining its perfect rating and pissing off plebbit for like a month.

is there anything feminiggers havent destroyed?

its seminal because the positive reviewers all drink disney's jizz.

Rotten Tomatoes reviews would be more your speed.

>ruining its perfect rating and pissing off plebbit for like a month.
I don't use the word "hero" very often, but he is the greatest hero in American history.

Probably in world history.

>armond white

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>isn't an almond

>isn't a chinese almond

They brought the war to us

so u admit it's stupid kthx

Like poetry

The overwhelming majority of "films" are "stupid". Hollywood is for-profit. They spend millions of dollars researching trends to make billions more.

He's honorary white.

>wtf this kid's movie has humor for kids and is not actually animation for manchildren and legbeards? I shant be watching, good sir.

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>jack black

>a national anthem
What does that even mean?

everyone already knows this movie is garbage propaganda, but no one on this board can stop kids from seeing it because no one here has ever had a gf much less a loving wife with which to have kids with

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Most fantastic.

Can someone summarize what the fuck this guy is trying to say?

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Exactly. What's worse is that he abondoned sporky. He's the one that gave bonnie the materials to create him, essentially created a son. He then finds him too much hard work so abandons responsibility of him for some thot. And the say he's not a lost toy.

I thought that's what movie reviews were?


literal verbal diarrhea

Pixar just pandered to current trends so the merchandise would sell

>This approach is also reflected in Bo Peep. Not only does her character's appearance remind us of Beep, but the characters in Toy Story and The Incredibles are dressed in clothing from Beep. We see her as a little girl, and her clothing seems to fit her own little teenage ideal: a pink, low-cut T-shirt, black sneakers (because pink in those days meant high heels), green ballet flats, and a pink bow tie. It's a fitting description of the little girl who lives outside to stay with her aunt's friends, and thus is drawn as both an idealistic teenager whose ideals are idealized to appeal to the young boy who lives at the school, and as an idealist who lives for his ideal of being able to be loved and looked up to.
>At least with The Incredibles, a girl was present. Not a boy. Not as a person. That's what The Incredibles gives us, in spite of their male and female characters, and not least as we begin to see how different they are compared to each other and how their lives are connected.
>To return to my original point: Pixar and Disney's previous animated films in the Pixar lineage were primarily made with women as the main subjects and actors. The latter half of the 20th century, when the film was first made, was mostly filled with stories about men.

Toy Story 2 did

Armond is based