Why does this wojak trigger Yea Forums so much?
Why does this wojak trigger Yea Forums so much?
Why do people think whites are fragile when all you have to do is say "nigger" and your average 85 iq subhuman gets violent?
how long until you guys resort to saying "clown world" and honking?
cuz /pol/ is full of very, very fragile snowflakes
Why does this pic trigger Yea Forums so much?
Because you're asking for a /pol/ raid every time you post it. You don't give a fuck about board quality, you just want to stick it to /pol/tards by shitting up Yea Forums even harder. Fuck off.
I’m a lib, though I’m not totally against some right beliefs.
That being said Is retarded
how long until you remember Trump is your president and you kys yourself
It's played out just like Pepe. All of the oldfags who used to make actually funny shit have left or had sex, so everything is recycled.
Are you unironically STILL supporting Trump? You know Obama had record number deportation numbers, right? Trump has record number importations. He hasn't done SHIT.
>innocuous thread pops up
>gets triggered
>b-but the N*****s are the real snowflakes!
seek therapy for your defective mind
because twitter normies got ahold of it.
because you're going to be mad for at least 6 more years and even then you'll probably be mad into old age like those boomers butthurt about nixon.
What did he mean by this?
just wait until clinton goes to jail and your buddy obongo gets investigated by congress for committing literal treason
the salt mines will be open forever
nobody cares about ziocon don anymore besides /r/the_donald boomers
>innocuous thread
youre not fooling anybody.
Any other Trump supporter here losing hope? Everything is just crashing down around Trump. His staff are betraying him and his approval is at an all time low. Leakers are crawling out of the woodwork exposing how incompetent this administration has been, and I honestly believe them considering what little has been done so far. There's no wall or healthcare replacement which are the two biggest promises. Everytime Trump does something on immigration he gets cucked by judges. Hillary still isn't locked up. The swamp is bigger than ever. The only thing that has been done is tax cuts for bezos. Americans whites are still dying out and i'm still as poor as ever. What the fuck happened? Trump was supposed to defeat the Jew, save the white American race, and lead us into a golden age.
I really feel we've been goy'ed bros :(
based and checked
Go to sleep, boomer.
>Are you unironically STILL supporting Trump?
Why not? The wall was built, Planned Parenthood was defunded, Obamacare was repealed and replaced, North Korea was denuclearized, China was cowed by sanctions into accepting fairer trade deals, and Iran was finally brought to the negotiating table and is no longer a military danger. Promises KEPT!
I don’t think anyone called niggers snowflakes. The term is applied to fucking disgusting western white women that are so far up thier own asshole they have the audacity to complain loudly on behalf of an entire race of people they have zero relation to.
Also, the term snowflake was co-opted by leftist retards a while ago just like many internet born terms initially applied to them, because the left can’t meme.
pretty bad false flag, tbqh. everyone knows trump was the most pro-israel candidate in the universe. keep working on it though, it will be convincing after a few tweaks
>tfw you have to come to Yea Forums to make anti-trump threads because /pol/ gives you PTSD
It's not fair bros..... it was her time......
t. /pol/tard