What are the best documentaries about the yugoslav wars?
What are the best documentaries about the yugoslav wars?
The Yougoslav wars was a walk in the park compared to where europe is headed
" raped my ass and then my dog" part 1/27 by Radio Television
It portrays the harrowing story of one little girl trying to not get murderaped by the savage during the siege of Govnograd where 1 trillion people died
who even started the war?
This is surprisingly accurate.
What do these countries have in difference to each other?
Croats and Slovenians like to suck German dick
Serbs and Montenegrins like to suck Russian dick
Bosnians like to suck Turko-Arabic dick
Macedonians are Bulgarians with identity disorder
I think the Muslims moved there in the 60s or 70s, that's why all the shitstorm, not sure
Slavs are the niggers of Europe.
The Turkish rapebabies known as the Serbs.
croats and serbs are different nations since the middle ages(although speak the same language)
bosnians are muslim serbo-croats
slovenes are german slavs
macedonians are bulgarians
dunno about montenegrins, they are a subgroup of serbs or something im not sure, maybe they are different
>moved there in the 60s or 70s
Yeah, maybe in the 1370s
Not true.We Bosnians suck Turko-Arabic dick AND German dick.
Interesting read
Purple looks like a scrotum
>Croats dindu nuffin in the 90s
Yeah, no
Nothing. They are like the asians of Europe.
Sorry Sloba, the Serbs brought the Storm upon themselves.
All I got from this is that the Serbs are idiots who can’t operate nations.
Play the victim all you want, but don't pretend your ethnic cleansing is different from other ethnic cleansings
Same shit, different shade.
The Serbs ethically cleansed themselves when they realized their childish notion of a Serbian separatist state on Croatian soil was doomed and fled in masses on tractors after Slobodan’s stooges.
Once Brothers by ESPN
balkans are
Congrats, you've just wasted a dozen seconds of your life
>they’re all guilty
Some are more guilty then others, especially when you realize the Serbs were responsible for chimping out.
>cannot refute
Father fought in Serbia. Ask me anything. He killed more men than he could count. Im son of alpha.
I could waste my time typing out a reply, but it would be of no use
You will not listen to it, all nationalist debates are pointless since both parties either memory-hole it or pretend they've won somehow
The fact is you typed that post out to stirr out some angry response, not to start a debate
is the current serbian army stronk
do veterans still serve there?
90s Serbs are 40s Germans
Dont know. Dad was Czechoslovakian commander.
Not him, but no
This goes for all European nations except Belarus and Greece
what side did he fight one? was he a mercenary or a volunteer or part of kfor?
>You will not listen to it, all nationalist debates are pointless since both parties either memory-hole it or pretend they've won somehow
Bro there’s literally messages sent from Belgrade to SK in Knin telling them they were complete failures. Even the former command in charge of the Krajina admitted this before he pussied out and killed himself.
you'd think poland would be strong too, since they have the same thing where they border a much larger unfriendly power, like greece and belarus.
Trying to pretend the militias in Bosnia were the Wehrmacht is the most retarded propaganda you can come up with (still worked, thanks to American education)
Serbs didn't even fight to the end like the Germans, instead they had a CIA nigger coup in 2000
Keked hard, slavbro
they do things ever so slightly different
>90s Serbs are 2010s Isis
Hahahahaha look at those purple balls
That's a great one. Thanks for giving an actual response
You're still trying, amazing
Braindead idiot
He was fighting with muslims as he said.
>tfw "remove kebab" is now a hate meme after that autistic madlad actually did it
fucking annoying
Keep seething. :)
what do you mean with? against them or on their side?
>or pretend they've won somehow
I might aswell be talking to a bot
How does it feel to be a "son of alpha" who spends his days on a hentai internet forum?
Can I please get an actual answer?
Truth is all Yugo slavs are literally the shit of the earth regardless of whatever ethnic group they belong to, and the world would have been a better place if they all had killed each other during that war.
Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition
full meta
I don’t have Serbs or Bosnians as my neighbors so yes that’s victory.
cool story joe gomez
>Serbs get cucked out of the seas by their shitty mountain brothers
feels pretty good
Pretty much nothing, there's a bigger difference between American east coast people and west coast people than there is between the northernmost Slovene and the southernmost Macedonian, both behaviorally and genetically.
No, the truth is that life in Yugo countries is generally amazing with super laid back people, hot girls, delicious food, great drinking culture etc. and the average Yugo lives a life which only the chadest of chads live in your piss stain depressing hellscape (I assume USA or Scandinavia). Seethe
That's good to hear
>Pretty much nothing
Americans and the English are literally the same people.
It's perfect balance of western influence, with non-cuckolded tradition.
All other Slavs are cringe in that way, all other Europeans are cucks.
All countries of ex-Yugoslavia is literally as close to Heaven on Earth as you can get.
well sure if you count all the various ethnicities, but anglos from los angeles are 100% identical to anglos from nyc who are 100% identical to anglos from melbourne who are 100% identical to anglos from leeds, etc.
macedonians and slovenes can't quite understand eachother in their native tongues
yeah because war movies about vietnam and the gulf war are so good and relevant.
The biggest tragedy of Yugoslavia BY FAR is the fact that Bosnia is the geographical center, and that Sarajevo is its center by extension. Having Bosnia be the "core" of the country is bad enough, but having Sarajevo, the Roach Capital of Europe, be its heart is fucking hearbreaking.
Why doesn't Russia just invade and take over?
Who the fuck would want to watch a movie about brown discount Turks apeing around
he sure made a retarded son, since there was no actual was on serbian soil, if you don't count kosovo.
>the Roach Capital of Europe
Novi Pazar isn’t in Bosnia.
You're delusional if you think that intermingling anglos all around the world remained the same, while people who've remained in the same place barely the size of Italy for the last two millennia are vastly different. We literally pretend not to understand each other's languages, every commercial (both local and foreign) gets dubbed separately by each country's voice actors, despite all of them being 100% identical.
underrated post
Literally what the fuck is the difference between Talibans and yugo gypsies?
Fuck off from our continent you fucking eurotrash tourists
My ex was Serbo-Croatian, her Dad fought in the war and I met him at a BBQ. He told me about running into a Bosnian village with a chainsaw then asking if I 'had any Albanian in me'. Yugoslavs are fucking crazy
South Slavs and Germanics are the purest Europeans
Yeah just watch Hostel. These faggots are fucked in the head.
sure sure
>then asking if I 'had any Albanian in me'
What does that mean?
sure sure what?
sorry to out your stupid loudmoth dad as a liar kid.
Suprisingly accurate summary.
everything is leading to collapse of the european union, usa and other forced diversity projects. we will witness establishment of united slavic state in southeastern europe. once sharia law is forced upon europe we will yet again overcome our differences and create ultra nationalistic - social state that will be bastion of white man while muslims tear down churches and start to spread their religion by sword over the continent. we will be number 2 following only norway by the end of the century
When Serbia played the Swiss at the World Cup he was very disgusted by the Albanians playing for Switzerland. Luckily for me I have no Albanian in me so I survived my first meeting with him.
>we will witness establishment of united slavic state in southeastern europe
Just let the Croatians run it, time and time again has shown the Serbs to be inadequate when it comes to governing major bodies.
Why are those "people" allowed in Europe?
sure anything you think
You realize Muslims are literally represented in the Bosnian coat of arms in your image.
>Luckily for me I have no Albanian in me
you have no idea
Where did those Turks steal that retarded Russian mongoloid kid from?
actually that represents slovenia (kingdom of serbs-croats-slovenes was the first name of yugoslavia)
Bosnian Islam is a better alternative to Saudi/Paki Islam
boy sminem?
This is so funny because of how accurate it is
There actually is none.
There are three issues which form the reason why:
1) Those who don't speak local languages will never be able to make an accurate documentary because the resources they can get their hands on are all washed over by various propagandists. No exceptions at all.
2) The local nations still quarrel and even within themselves mostly push politically sanctioned biased work of one or the other kind (including self hating works that accuse their own nation for everything). And between the countries there is no cooperation to agree on the truth.
3) So much of the evidence has been destroyed or yet needs to be processed. The fair folk who works on the wars as historians will still need a few decades more to sift through all the archives and dig out the truth.
That's Slovenia. Moon was used as a symbol in Europe long before Muslims appropriated it.
>yugoslav wars
Nobody cares. Not even Slavs.
You are NOT slavic
don't post here anymore, okay?
40 years ago maybe
A correction in this post needs to be made. Croatians after WW1 were split equally between wanting to join Yugoslavia as a federal monarchy and keeping the Habsburg monarchy.
my religion is ALBANIA
okay as you wish
there is no "bosnian islam". it's ottoman islam. all balkan muslims use turkish names for major islamic holidays.
bosniaks are still the most tolerant bunch out of them all
yeah, so? there are tons of turkish words used in nations that aren't even muslim. you're retarded.
they're so tolerant that they're currently cleansing the croat catholic population in central bosnia
Mate no one here gives a shit about Islam, it's just a way for politicians to get old people to vote for them
You can go fuck yourself. Bosniaks are split half-half between wahabi extremists and lukewarm believers with wahabis controlling almost everything now.
They should all just go back to the Ottomams, or was way less of a clusterfuck
The reason why is Bottom of Europe fucked is
1. America
2. Europe
They literally wont allow to touch their poor muslim boys :-[
kitman detected
>they're so tolerant that they're currently cleansing the croat catholic population in central bosnia
where is this happening? Give me one instance, as far as I know, the freshest thing about that is that some croats in Kiseljak went full serb mode on some mosque there.
and you know this how?
Jer živim tu majmune.
Just walk thru Sarajevo. Half the places don't serve alcohol and women are dressed like fucking batman.
Hostel is set in Slovakia
>A 1913 Carnegie Endowment report condemning the actions of all participants in the Balkan Wars contained various new terms to describe brutalities committed toward ethnic groups.[6]
Did the Carnegie Endowment mention anything about Native American genocide?
>you don't agree with me so you should be beheaded
Good job, Bosniak
>Half the places don't serve alcohol
What's the difference.
It’s Luis J Gomez you motherfucker
Slovakia is in Central Europe and used to be part of Czechoslovakia. The Former Yugoslavia in in Southeast Europe.
>women are dressed like fucking batman
tourists from turkey/arabistan
Znaci tebi smeta sto bih ja uz veceru popio casu vina u centru sarajeva jer je tako napisano u nekoj knjizi napisanoj na drugoj strani svijeta? Knjizi koja potice na nasilje nad svima koji se ne pridrzavaju u njoj nametnutih pravila...
Iskreno se nadam da cu dozivjeti dan kad ce sarajevo biti bar 50% kakvo je bilo 80ih
Why are their names so retardedly similar then
Based, atleast its better than russian dick.
Both are Slavic countries. Slovaks are Western Slavs. The peoples of ex-Yugoslavia are Southern Slavs.
Why do Yugos, Greeks and Polish hate Albanians so much?
It would be if it was because of the concern for the well being of the citizens instead of blindly following some pedophiles rules because arabs bought your corrupted goverment for less than they earn in a day
what did he mean by this
Albanians are not white. They are mix of gypsies arabs and literal fucking goblins. No joke. Its like goblins raped gypsies and the arabs helped.
Thats what albanian look like. And the fact that they are violent as goblins and will cut your head off for pack of cigarettes dont help.
Always in the way
Albanians are subhuman mountain people who speak a strange language that has no relation to any of the neighboring languages. Most Albanians accepted Islam and served the Ottoman Turks in crushing the Christian rebellions in the Balkans.
>Albanians are not white.
So just like Slavs and Greeks?
Greeks are barely white. Slavs are whiter than you Amerimutt.
epic meme!
Greeks and serbs hate them because they are cucking them, bosnians kinda like them because they are muslims but not really since they are dirty thieves compared to bosnians, croats dont give a shit since they dont have any interaction, they maybe even like them a little bit for sticking it to serbs. No idea aboug poles
Yep white.
Religion and language
albanians are quite disgusting senpai
100% aryan ancestry my American friend.
montenegrins are orthodox serbs, although some montenegrin tribes have distant albanian roots
literally retarded and proved right off the bat you know jack shit about the balkans or immigration/culture wars
Yea? Explain it then my friend.
>Egyptianz wuz white
C-V20 is the first haplogroup. Fuck off back to the middle-east.
t.knower, pic related of first european
Aha Damn they sound terrible. I appreciate the info gang. I asked my Italian boss and he refused to even discuss them.
>some montenegrin tribes have distant albanian roots
It's the other way around.
Also you don't have to be orthodox to be Montenegrin Serb (or just Montenegrin), two kings from about 100 years ago said that you can worship whatever, it's all cool as long you are Slavic.
cringe, he's absolutely right.
Fascist Italy occupied Albania in 1939 and used the country to invade Greece.
Because they’re generally superior to those subhuman ethnicities.
boy did the US get a karma blowback a couple of years later for killing all those Yougos to defend the muslims
Your Italian boss is browner than the average Albanian that’s why. Image being more brown than muslims? Kek
Im dead inside but this made me quicky exhaust considerable amount of air through nose
they're so superior they didn't have a standardized language or alphabet till the late 19th century
US avoids karma. Let's hope they will sooner than later realize what is their goverment doing.
Also for everyone American infromation Serbia/Kosovo has biggest child organ trafficking crimes in entire world thanks to... of course... America, Hillary clinton and CIA.
*clap* good *clap* work *clap* America *clap* Number *one*
Ha wow it keeps making more sense! I learn so much here thank you
The first Croatian dictionary was printed in the 16th century and the language was standardized at the begining of the 19th century.
Literally slaves
Actually arabs that speak a dialect of Greek originating from Syria. Imported Christ-cuck religion because it was a religion of semitics
At least Albanians were never slaves.
we're talking about Albos, bro
Animals can't be slaves, they're called pets
Who would want to enslave Albanians.
Nobody because Albanians were doing the enslaving.
>Albanians are not white
Doesn’t make sense since Slavic women were the cattle of the empire.
What albanians ever enslaved in their entire existence is AIDS
No one calls Melanesians white either.
Pick your class.
Do serbs think they are white?
when I was in high school, we had to memorize the european map, which is a massive shit show
I remembered Croatia because it sounds like some sort of lizard, and the shape of the country is a lizard head eating Bosnia
I was also surprised there was a rainforest in europe because I confused Bosnia and Borneo in my head
Erdogan is Georgian
Enslaved these folks primarily and sold them to Turks in bulk.