ITT: Yea Forums related tattoos
ITT: Yea Forums related tattoos
The scarecrow tat is on his dick
i’d like to seed more of these epic simpsons tattoos
pfffft hahaha
Oh God...
imagine the smell
I got a tattoo of Bender on my ass
Nice stretch marks fatty
Especially TV tattoos. Straight to the gas chambers.
said the criminal
inb4 the dude with hundreds of alf tattoo pics shows up
Pennywise and Darth Vader? That's pretty based.
He should get one, then.
Criminal telling me what to do say or think only an idiot would consume anything this man does .
>tattos on sluts
Gonna have to disagree with him on this one, on sluts it's really fucking hot.
i was vehemently against ever getting a tattoo but this thread makes me wanna get something on my asscheek, hiddem from polite society but waiting for rimgirls
>eagle outline
These tattoos are all pre-season 9 so they're ok
This must be the the "x days until Avatar 2" poster
Why would you get a tattoo of this?
is this abatap?
To cement the fact your an alpha
>inb4 the pasta
I'm just glad that the internet is forever, so when future generations look into our society, they'll understand why and how we destroyed ourselves
>let's inundate culture with absurdist existential nihilism where we all pretend existence is a cosmic joke but there's not even any punch line and it's not funny
>ohh shit why are we collapsing???
>is this abatap?
No that's actually the cast of the band Blue Man Group when they sang their hit song from the 1980s called "I'm Blue (I'm In Need Of A Guy)"
Calm down Jordan Peterson
I'll calm down when you clean your bloody room, bucko
get schwifty
he's not telling you what to do, he's telling you who tattoos are for. try to keep up
killing commies is a good thing though
I pretty much agree, I don't like tattoos
The milpool is kinda funny. It made me exhale a bit faster than usual.
imagine the sneed
I'm saving this LOOOOL
Carl of Applebees?
Cause my tats junk, so oh no no no
are his legs tat or painted?
get that ass banned
I can taste the cringe when looking at that picture
>these people vote
Where is sneed?
Is it any worse than Trump supporters?
where is the alf tattoo poster when we need him
>I'm just glad that the internet is forever
You wish. 99.99% of all content on the internet today will not survive the next 100 years. Our commonplace digital data storage is not designed for longevity. Whatever content you want to pass on for posteriority, you'd need to make sure to keep copying it to new storage devices before the old ones bail. Think of all the stories of oldfags who lost their ancient reaction folders. Much of the content they lost may not have been archived anywhere else so it's already lost forever after just 15 years of existence, at most. Or think of all the crappy geocities sites. A massive chunk of the early net just poofed and gone. Slowly but surely information crumbles away. Whenever there is nobody out there who is dedicated to keep certain content accessible, it will be lost because servers fail and hdds fail and they fail way faster than paper. Future generations will inherit far less from the current wealth of information than people would like to think.
number 1 movie of all time that changed cinema forever.
>lets just mix the two most cancerous things in the universe
OC here, not very Yea Forums but sorta fits in.
I got this 13 years ago at a tattoo party, before the capeshit craze. It's worse than it looks because the tattoo guy was a junkie and scarred the shit out of it. I regret it.
they are low test
oh my...
So he does have one, right?
Yea Forums, /sci/, and /ck/ all in one
>I regret it.
So does your mom for not swallowing
Just got this bad boy the other day.
WKUK is based. Good job fag. 10/10
is your name Trevor?