Bongland Breaking Bad

>Walter doesn't need to resort to drug dealing becuase he gets NHS cancer treatment.
>Jesse doesn't turn to crime because he can't buy guns.
>Skylar is a well written character because of the BBC's Diversity and Inclusion initiative

It feels good to be from a civilised country.

Attached: breaking-bad-walter-white-jesse-pinkman-1144670-1280x0.jpg (1272x720, 172K)

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Walter was a public school teacher in america. That means the taxpayer payed for his Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance. Which is far from the best medical care in America, but is miles above the NHS.

>Walter doesn't need to resort to drug dealing becuase he gets NHS cancer treatment.
Yeah, he gets it 1 week before he's dead

Hank goes from DEA agent to generic cop checking TV licenses

Nigger his state employee health insurance covers oncology. That doctor wanted to just let him die peacefully. If you want a maverick who will try to magically cure your S3 lung cancer then you’ll have to have expensive insurance plus high copays, or pay out of pocket.

Which wasn’t even the point. Walt wanted to leave money for Skylar and Jr.

Non of the guns they buyed in the show was legal

Walter's crippled son gets groomed by Muslims. Walter complains, gets arrested and milkshake thrown in his face.

jessie didn't own a gun he just made meth

>Jesse doesnt turn to crime because he cant get guns
Yeah I suppose he'd be selling fucking balloon air on the street instead.

Surely you are trolling. The retarded gun salesman who drives a 6mpg 18 wheeler states very directly that because the serial number is filed off, posession of that fire arm is a felony.

>walter never cooks meth cause there is no market for it here

Jesse would be chav Jesse regardless. Walt would break bad because of bad dentistry, think V M Varga.

Attached: aB8YpXQ_700b.jpg (600x337, 19K)

>public school teacher
>laden with niggergibs for being a glorified babysitter/welfare boomer
>too stupid to get health insurance
>access to guns stops criminal behaviour
>it's not easier to get an illegal gun even in strict nogunz countries than it is to get a legal one in the US
what the h*ck did OP mean by this ?

Unironically,kill yourself

>It's a Walter gets his chemotherapy delayed another month because a Pakistani woman needs it instead.
>That scene where he goes back and starts yelling racist slurs in his empty living room until he notices that his Alexa is on and has to shut up.

I hate the UK remake it's not even exciting.

not true but here we call it speed

>Gus loses half his face in an acid attack

can you read

>but is miles above the NHS.
Lol wut

in current year nhs is trash so he's probably right

>Walter dies of cancer because UK's healthcare is garbage
>Jesse kills himself because he's too white to get a job
>Walter Jr. gets run over by a truck of peace
>Skyler dies from an acid attack
>Walter's baby girl gets sold to arab rape gangs

>all the characters are now horribly deformed and ugly
>99% of the series is now Walt writing angry posts online about America

the NHS is shit you mentally challenged Bong fag

why are Brits like this? what the fuck is wrong with british people?

Attached: britain in 2019.webm (636x360, 2.91M)

Ha, how young are you?
It's not the same thing kiddo.

there's no market because there's no supply

>Constable Hank discovers walt's final TV license warning letter

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 12K)

>*doesn't get shot*

yeah, that's the most outrageous part

Attached: 1450078560.gif (400x300, 2.58M)

Couldnt even break a window what a weak little turd duurrr you hit it with butt of the handle window go smash


More like the court orders Skyler to have an abortion to keep Walter Jr. from being a drain on NHS


>NHS puts him in a 2 year queue for treatment so he has to seek private healthcare options, which are costly
>organizes a grooming gang to supply the paki rape market
>skylar is a grotesque slag because brit genes

Attached: 1558432787401.png (924x859, 133K)

Reminder that not just murder, but specifically KNIFE murders, are a greater occurrence in America than they are in the UK.

Source showing the number of murders proportionately and not per capita.

skyler would be a pakistani or black girl in the bondland version of bb

What do you mean when you say proportionately and not per capita?

Sources given in the article are FBI/Office for National Statistics.

>Imagine thinking the NHS is good
t. Bong

if people will buy amphetamines they'll sure as shit buy methamphetamine, fuckhead. You think the UK just somehow magically doesn't want meth? Have you ever seen that dude from the Pogues? There's fiends in every country bro, any high will do.

>Pajeet doctor misdiagnosed his cancer as pneumonia and prescribes paracetamol
>The series ends after season 1

illegals can cross a boarder on foot and walk directly into the emergency room and get better free care than the NHS

England has less knife murder's because it has less people, at least I think that's what he's saying.
My faggot friend uses the same misleading trick when talking about aids, stating that in america more straights get aids then gays, while true if looked at from a % of population gays get aids at a substantially higher rate than straights, but you know do what ever you gotta do to push your agenda.

Is that breaking bad australia?