Why is the show the most boring thing in existence?
Why is the show the most boring thing in existence?
Lost the plot after they averted the apocalypse back in season 5 and have been floundering for something worse than the apocalypse for the last 9 years and failed.
The story ended at the end of season 5. Now we're in fever dream territory. Honesty, after you take on the fabric of the universe or whatever the fuck Darkness was where the fuck are you really supposed to go?
Because it’s pointless since season 5.
>not liking brotherly bant and monsters
your fault you didn't catch the guy who made the crossroads deal
I started watching it a few months ago and only got bored at some point in season 6, haven't picked it back up since. I had the misconception that it was gay shit aimed at tumblr landwhales but it's actually pretty good and has some stellar episodes.
the show was shit after they quit monster of the week and demons were real and easy to kill, like mid-late season 1 at the latest
They have to make up new baddies that overthrow the older ones in power constantly every season.
The show is also bothered by a kind of amnesia meaning; characters are in a loop when it comes to making the same mistakes which are then only used to further the plot and it suffers from characters forgetting how to fight monsters they obviously fought dozens of times before. That and anything that might further the development of character usually gets solved in 1 or 2 episodes without any direct consequence or actual change in the character because it only served to further the plot down towards the end battle against the big bad. Then when defeated the situation gets repeated and that outcome is solved within 1-2 episodes of the season after again only to further the plot down to the ending again. Once solved people act like nothing happened and we go back to "Dean why you no trust me" and "Sammy I am nailing myself to a cross so you don't have to die"
when the devil killed all pagan gods he actually killed 2-3 seasons of content
>They have to make up new baddies that overthrow the older ones in power constantly every season.
not quite. Monster hierarchy wasn't necessarily stronger than archangels. British Men of Letters weren't stronger than the Darkness
>amnesia meaning; characters are in a loop when it comes to making the same mistakes which are then only used to further the plot and it suffers from characters forgetting how to fight monsters they obviously fought dozens of times before
list 3 times this happened
>we go back to "Dean why you no trust me" and "Sammy I am nailing myself to a cross so you don't have to die"
admittedly it took them 10 years but this stopped being a plot point since season 11
t. Grimmfag
>it took 11 seasons for the writers to learn that this shit was repetitive as hell
>doesn't realize tumblr's Landwhale gayonator was competed and is showing positive results in testing
don't fucking move the goal post. The original complaint was that there is no character development.
kino episode, I wish the show could go back to seasons 1 and 2
Fucking this. Unironically deserved an Emmy
its for women
>tfw demons were actually a serious threat at one point
the power creep on this show is DBZ-tier
the fuck is this ESL shit
Dean should've shagged Daphne too
serious question, did you really think a show could also stay on the same tier of threats after 5 years? At that point you'll just call it stagnant
A joke implying user fell victim to tumblr's gayonator and doesn't realize it, why are you upset? Low blood sugar?
>tfw they got away with it in this day and age
didn't use to be, once they introduced the lucifer and God stuff it became a soap opera
Nah, it does amuse me that people are still willing to defend this show to the death though.
those meddling writers. This is the only episode from the newer seasons that I have seen. Gives me hope if the rest is similar in tone to this
nah user. you don't get it. I hate certain seasons of this shit and I still trash those seasons. but complaints about the powerlevels on both extremes (jumping too high a power level vs wanting low level demons to be a great threat) are equally stupid. They gain new weapons, spells and experience. It doesn't make sense that they don't progress as well ESPECIALLY when one of your other complaints are the characters not progressing
no, it shouldn't have continued after 5 years
someone made a deal
leave me out of this