>Stop, my invincible abductor!
Stop, my invincible abductor!
Zoom in and enhance the reflection on her eye
Hey guys, I stopped frequenting this site for several weeks and suddenly have normal human emotions and actually do nice things. I was geared up to shitpost on some youtube video the other day and halfway into typing I thought it was just stupid and deleted the comment.
Stop coming to this degenerate website and you will begin to turn into a better person.
Does anyone else love it when zoomers find out about ancient memes?
You must be new here.
When did you arrive? Early 2018?
user, posting pony shit is against the rules.
More proof you never belonged here in the first place
Hey guys, I stopped frequenting this site for several minutes and suddenly have human emotions and actually nothing. I was geared up to shitpost on some random user's post the other moment and halfway into typing I thought it was just stupid and copy-pasted the comment.
Stop coming to this degenerate person and you will begin to turn into a better website.
That's not how it works. Three options:
1. You never belonged here
2. You are new
3. You'll come back
agreed desu
decided to quit after turning into a full blown neet and not leaving the house for 6 months during which i exclusively browsed this site for 17+ hours a day every day
last 2 months were great. im starting to develop some normie interests, it's kinda nice
If you think giving up Yea Forums will change your life, you’re wrong.
Stop blaming your problems on other things.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? I mean, honestly?
did you finally had that sex?
I've managed this, but without leaving Yea Forums. Rather, I just left /pol/ (three years and counting). If you can cut out a lot of the /pol/lack angst against most of the world, you'll be surprised at how much it holds you back from your own happiness.
Why are women so easy to kill?
There is a Chinese webm of some guy simply picking a woman up, tossing her at the floor, and walking away with her purse. And after said single toss, she starts bleeding from the head, with no movement.
Are women made of paper? How are women even alive?
they lack a will so their bodies are flimsy.
sure smells like edgy human trash in here
smell my nuts
yes and japanese women are made of rice paper
we’re on the same page bud
politics are boring
Got any more?
>Phew, thanks for saving me user! I almost got kidnapped by those bullies if it weren't for you!
everyone who has this picture saved only has it saved because they want to save her
>being able to smell over the internet
I don’t believe you
What other website lets me talk about David Ray Parker's kino sex truck without being banned for not shilling for minorities and women?
Possibly the cringiest post of this year.
100% based. the more time I spend away from my laptop the better I feel. but also the less I learn. so it's dodgy. I know what you mean though. I've written out comments to people only to delete them when I'm done cos I realise there's just no point in being mean/angry/upset to randoms over the internet. nowadays I only write long comments if it's to say something nice. good job man, keep it up.
why hasn't anyone made a hunting party and killed the guys that did it?
What othet website knows that europeam countries are better off without non-european people but also talks about tv, sports and video games?
>Does anyone else love it when zoomers find out about ancient memes?
Whenever Whang! makes a video it's pretty much a given fact that there will be one person making a thread about it as if they knew about it the whole time.
cos it's been like 30 years and how the fuck would anyone find them anyway? and also most people just don't give a shit to avenge some schoolgirl sadly. if I had the money, was in Japan, and cared, I would try and find them desu. but I'm not gonna.
lmao, what a fag. also checked
Pretty sure 2ch found their alias
Kids gloves with em.... they've been through a lot
>I didnt expect you to be so large...
I'm a big guy.
This pic always looked weird to me. Looks more like she was rejecting someone's advances rather than being fearful for her life. "Ewww don't talk to me!"
This is how it went down:
>ew lmao you thought I'd go out with YOU?! LMFAO look at the little loser incel, I'm so far out of your league. You will never have sex or friends and you probably have a micropen- wait, what are you doing? N-no you can't threaten me! I'M A WOMAN!! No please! I-I was only kidding! DON'T! I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEA- *BLAM*
t. subhuman trash born in 2000