Why do guys in movies wear underwear beneath their swim trunks?
Why do guys in movies wear underwear beneath their swim trunks?
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I think the gif kinda explains why
what does it matter? they're movies.
i'm not socialized so can any normies tell me what the correct reaction is in that situation?
I'm thinking
> slowly pull up bathing suit
> turn to the guy who did it
> call him a gay fuck
to hide the outline of their peepees
Laugh with the guys while you casually pull your pants back up, then push the guy that did it into the water.
Leave the trunks on the boardwalk and start an impromptu skinny diving sesh with the boys
Swim trunks back in the day had that shitty mesh layer which everyone hated so they took them out. Now you have to wear underwear with your swim trunks or people will be able to see your dick when you get wet
We all wear underwear under our swim trunks. It’s hygienic. The real question is what kind of guy still wears tighty whities in 2019.
>see your dick when you get wet
Whats wrong with that?
it’s haram
I like the inner mesh.
They're shaped like briefs and generally make it harder for the trunks to fall off.
Shoot him to end the occurring assault.
i have a small dick
It shrinks?
>underwear beneath their swim trunks
Isn't this counterproductive when it comes to swimming? Like cotton absorbs water and the weight slows you down?
You're in the water, you're floating in the water, the weight of wet swim trunks only becomes noticeable when you're out of the water. Competition swimming with swimsuits is to reduce drag
Well, once some friends and I were bridge diving, and one of them had their bathing suit explode when he hit the water. It split on both sides and he had to swim around bare assed with a bunch of strangers around. Wouldn't have been a problem if he were wearing undies.
post tits
>there's no weight underwater
Fuck off retard
Your friend should get a better bathing suit.
jerk off
Only idiots would swim with cotton undies
Most people don’t want to do this but if you’re really worried about that, invest in a speedo and just wear in underneath instead. It’s so gross to wear underwear in the pool.
Everyone else is wrong, the correct response is to not react.. give it like 10-15 seconds and then pull your pants up like you don't give a fuck.
So most of the posters here are idiots, good to know.
Nah, it was already wet, and we figure the air couldn't escape from it quickly enough when he hit the water. They made a popping sound, and his body passed right through them. I was hilarious to see, and watching him spaz about being naked in front of everyone was great.
it's just another disgusting but normal behavior of your average third worlder, like arabs, americans and the like.
>Polyester undies
you're wrong, the correct response is to start masturbating furiously while grunting like a nigger.
>in movies
Kids do it IRL these days.
this pretty much
My mom complains when I do that
Is anyone on this board socialized as a man? Why ask the question?
Based phoneposting pantsing/wedgie/tighty-whities poster
I do it too and literally everyone I know too
Underwear literally floats in the water you fucking idiot
shrinkage eli my boy
Why though?
Are you guys really that insecure?
you don't know dicks shrink a lot?
did any grills see?
stand there with your dick out becoming erect while locked on to your friends' gaze
Pull off your bros trunks in return and start kissing his stomach
Why not? It's convenient and it makes sure you won't show your dick to a random family if your swimming trucks gets pulled down / you exit the pool really quickly
Don't understand why boomers don't get it and don't begin about the hygiene because a pool is already full of piss and other nasty shit if you think about it for more than 1 second
awesome that's my fetish
>It's convenient
You apart from the fact you're unnecessarily making your underpants wet?
>makes sure you won't show your dick
Again, how insecure are you?
Is it because your generation is born with a Facebook account that the idea that people might figure out you're a mere mortal despite all the godlike profile pics is absolutely horrifying?
why are you seething about such a dumb and unimportant topic? If you are happy showing your dick to some children that's good for me gramps but I rather not do that and I'm not even insecure about my dong or body in general
Just trying to understand.
But I think it's clear it's a matter of fear, judging from your responses.
Happened to me, I just helicoptered at the guy and then pulled them back up
My gods those boys are insanely hot.
This happened to me and I tried to act all alpha and shit until one of them shouted "dude you're circumcised, wtf is wrong with you?" all off them laughed :(
>putting a space after the memearrow
>finally a picture of a place/people i recognize
>it's some fag shit
This must be what it feels like to win a lesser lottery.
I never really thought about it until this whole thread came up. It's just a normal thing in Belgium and I'm guessing a large number of other western countries as well.
You don't really have to think about it all that much outside of the normal things like not wanting to get ur dick on the internet and that you don't want to flash it in front of a family
>wearing polyester underwear
Are you some kind of barbarian?
this is unironically a strat me and my bro use to get girls at the beach because we both have 9 inch dicks (his is actually 11 inches, it's insane)
based friends
You're not supposed to wear underwear under swim or beach trunks unless you're one of those uncivilized hicks that wear those shorts outside of the beach or pool area
What kind of immature girls like guys who pull each others' shorts down?
If you're over 18 at a pool, do you really want to be explaining to everyone why a bunch of children saw your dick when you jumped out of the water too far?
>caring about anything besides dick size / looks for one night stands or money for long term relationships
>not wanting to get ur dick on the internet
Aha. Makes sense.
I wonder how much of it is just basic puberty related social anxiety though.
The pragmatic reasoning of preventing PTSD among children sounds like complete bullshit.
>"dude you're circumcised, wtf is wrong with you?"
Hahaha! How stupid were you as a baby to choose circumcision, bro??
We used to make fun of a couple of kids who weren't circumcised.We couldn't understand why their dicks looked like tiny elephant trunks.They were Greek, so we assumed that all Greeks had mutated dicks.
Are you Jewish/American?
Lmao kind of reminds me of this mexican kid i went to school with that was uncircumcised. Me and a couple of other boys used to call him anteater dick. And then we would like twist his cock and punch it lol
wtf my mum bought me an athletic supporter to use under my swim pants
I pity circumcised guys because no matter how rich their jewish ass is, they'll never experience real pleasure
>being worried about your friends seeing you naked
And this is completely normal in America, correct?
Such a bizarre culture/industry.
Why would someone do that to their child?
Especially if God is not a factor?
Except sex still feels really good fag.
Apparently they're afraid they won't be able to run for president, because everything ends up on social media these days.
hygiene, supposedly. doesn't bother me in the least, though. i'm kind of glad my penis doesn't look like an anteater.
do protect their dicks from fish you idiot
because (((doctors))) tricked the infant's parents
>goyim think of the infections
not as good, this is a fact, you have less nerve terminations, retard
scar tissue is more sensitive.
>wah wah its not as good
So fucking what? It literally doesnt matter since sex still feels great
Is it true that americans wear shorts for swimming instead of speedo? Why the fuck?
You know that the foreskin can be pulled back, yes?
Have fun knowing that no matter how good you feel, I'll feel better
I've been tested, I have more nerve endings after circumcision get rekt faggot lmfao
I guess I can't fault you for not knowing any better since all you've known your entire life is your dried out, mutilated cock. It's really quite sad.
what part of less nerves you don't understand? I know, you are trying to cope, it's ok
sure, I bet it was the same (((doctor))) that cut your dick to tell you that
>i'm kind of glad
'ts ok, bro. You're safe now.
All jokes aside, this is technically genital mutilation, right?
yes it is, but since it is practiced by jews it would be antiseminte to be against it
>tfw life is pretty good, except I'm circumcised
It's not fair bros
blame the jews, because at least this is really their fault
Uncut fag here, once you get past a certain age nothing feels good anyway. I don't feel like I've gained anything from not being circumcised.
lol no it was your mom lmfao
I'm honestly more pissed and non-Jewish Americans for falling for this. Also the Kellogg's guy, etc.
When I watch intactivist protest videos on youtube, it's always a fat white American getting defensive and giving the protesters shit, not a dreidel-spinning, yamaka-wearing heeb.
When the fuck did i say otherwise dumbass?
And yet it literally doesnt matter since sex still feels great. Its almost like its a non issue
Seriously why the fuck are uncircumcised faggots so concerned about other peoples dicks?
because they never know when they are going to play basketball
I fear this happens to me a lot of the time because I have a small dick.
There was a guy I knew who was circumcised and he got mocked for it a lot. I feel quite bad for him really, mutilated against his will and humiliated afterwards. He took it like a champ though, I hope he's doing well.
I got circumcised at 22 and honestly it's much better.
>I don't feel like I've gained anything from not being circumcised.
My gf has fucked both circumcised and uncircumcised guys and she says she prefers guys who are cut. So theres that anecdote
What's better about being circumcised? Serious question.
>IP counter didn't increase
hmm, I wonder who's behind this post
>at 22
You don't plan on going 9/11 on us, do you?
I've fucked crazy and normal chicks, and I have to say that sex with the crazy ones was way hotter. So there's that anecdote.