>teacher rolls this bad boy in
what were you favorite classroom kinos?
>teacher rolls this bad boy in
what were you favorite classroom kinos?
The Outsiders
we watched the entire i claudius miniseries in my high school latin class with nudity as well. latin also helped me get a 750 on the SAT verbal as well.
Bridge to Terabithia
what the fuck, why didn't we have this? you mean you guys watched movies during class?
Temple of Doom
Welcome to American public schools
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
The one with that sexy fucking teacher in the tight skirts teaching niggers how to write
My shitty US history teacher put on fucking Eagle Eye.
Gattaca was biokino.
In 3rd grade we watched some weird British series about an imaginary purple dragon that teaches kids lessons but no anons have been able to help me find out what it was.
Goosebumps mask episode
I only remember watching this.
Bill Nye.
I had to do some tense negotiations to show my copy of Men in Black since it had a PG rating.
The Hills Have Eyes remake
Kino day in the 8th grade class desu
I had this one teacher in high school who was a veteran that 9/11 just kind of broke them. After that, for the rest of the year we just watched movies. The Matrix, Gladiator. All kinds of rad shit.
bet he was a virgin
We did the same in my high school latin class (in Sweden), most useful two years of classes I've ever had.
My teacher also once stated, in front of the whole class, that if you didn't know that "ph" was pronounced "f" you were an idiot.
Nah, he was actually a cool dude. The kind of teacher who as long as you showed up for class didn't really care what you did. I felt bad for him.
More like every school in every western country.
American history x
>watching life of brian and matrix in religious studies at least three times
>watching the silence of lambs in german class just bc teacher is a kinosseur
>watching the big lebowski with that one rly lazy substitute
It was nice.
>he was actually a cool dude.
>The kind of teacher who as long as you showed up for class didn't really care what you did
Sounds like a pathetic loser
No Country For Old Man
I got to watch the planes hit the towers on one of these in my 2nd period class while under the influence of a small dose of acid.
So he was cool because he was a loser-enabler?
I don't get it, what is that thing?
wait, people watched movies on that? Is that... is that what televisions looked like in like the 70s? LMAO look at how thick and square it is! And it must have weighed like 100 pounds. How could you even watch a movie on it? Movies are rectangular. Did movie theaters have square screens back then too?
The absolute state of boomers. No wonder movies made before 2008 are all shit, they hadn't invented the technology to watch kino yet.
Temple of Doom
The babysitter
Iron eagle
Those three on loop through the years during English class after lunch time
Pillars of the earth or stand and deliver
Way too obvious. Show some restraint with your bait
>in high school multimedia class
>new season of South Park was just starting
>few friends are talking about it
>teacher joins in
>he decides to pirate the episode on the school computer
>puts it on a projector and the entire class watches it
Man that class was a joke. Fun, but a joke.
>tfw when we were forced to watch fucking Die Blechtrommel and German dubbed Beetlejuice while the Spanish and French students got to watch perverted Latin sex-movies where women get's cherry tomatoes shoved into their snatches
>that one cool sub who told you to add him on xbox live and you played Halo 3 with all through high school before he disappeared without a word
Wonder if he kms himself or something.
is right, but still a you for
>American education
italy - ecuador 2002
>italian lessons
>teacher puts on the simpsons in italian
>'this show reminds me of the simpsons' i remark
>even the teacher laughs
good times. better times..
>tfw ap comp science teacher played freddy got fingered
There were like 5 kids in that class but the teacher was based as fuck
Walking with dinossaurs
Romeo and Juliet. You know which one
the italian simpsons dub is the worst thing you can watch to learn italian
it's a great dub but has lots of made up words, funny accents and generally speak weird
t. italian
The sneedsons in sneetalian? Nice!
>I, Claudius
Absolutely based
This bait is too overzealous. Try a bit more subtlety next time.
somehow carl speaks with a venetian accent and willy with a sardinian accent
also homer speaks like eddie murphy because the dubber is the same
Based. This thread belongs on >t. Butthurt Boomers
harry potter 1
Some Arnold Schwarzenegger work out kino with children from the very early 90s. He would insult you, the viewer but would still teach you proper push or pull-up form or how to run and jump rope.
Freedom Writers?
i remember watching this nature documentary in probably like 3rd grade, and there was a part about the Lake Tittycaca frog. It was pretty hilarious desu.
In our “religious education” class at high school we’d sit and watch stuff like the Matrix or gladiator and have to discuss the themes and then he’d loosely tie it into christian beliefs somehow.
Really though, it was kinos every week for 2 hours and I still really miss it a decade later.
Sometimes we’d learn about christianity and other things but that was the cornerstone of the syllabus for the most part.
I think he got fired shortly after I left according to my little bro
my class watched this near the end of year we all almost cried.
>it’s raining
>Remember the Titans
Every goddamn time
Sounds like a shit teacher
>In 3rd grade we watched some weird British series about an imaginary purple dragon that teaches kids lessons but no anons have been able to help me find out what it was.
Sounds vaguely like Through the Dragon's Eye.
My anatomy and physiology teacher gave zero fucks and would bring in Seinfeld episodes, my woodshop teacher would have the Waltons on while we worked, and my Western Civilization teacher let us watch Troy and Gladiator
I remember we watched The Emperor's New Groove in Spanish class
>Americans learn how to watch TV in school
>Its another, "Ms Jones watches her favorite Blacked video to kill time but forgot to disconnect the projector" class movie
peak boner culture
> Hills have eyes
> 8th grade
based but did that teacher get fired?
>6th grade our school did a thing where we spent 1 hour per day for two weeks with a teacher who got to teach us anything they wanted
>my English teacher decided he wanted to explore comedy
>mfw he rolled in the TV and we got to watch episodes of The Simpsons and Weird Al music videos
Wal-Mart had this clearance tent outside the store this one time in the 90s and there was this little keychain thing called the "TV Terror". You pressed a button and it interfered with a remote and made it not work. I used to press it after teachers started fast forwarding or rewinding or trying to pause. They'd get all pissed off and change the batteries and shit and have to walk up to the VCR. Shit was funny as fuck.
Did your class like those shows?
Billy Madison
12 Angry Men
Later our teacher made us read the book out loud as a play and I got to do Judge 3.
sports science
Ah hoo hoo heh heh issa wessa
>Spanish and French students got to watch perverted Latin sex-movies where women get's cherry tomatoes shoved into their snatches
Which movies though?
Yeah I think so but I was biased since I was already a big fan of both. We got to do other things like team up with other students and create a comedy sketch that we performed in front of the class.
nigger social studies teacher made us watch that in 6th grade
had a teacher play fire and ice in study hall one day. was incredibly based.
if you cut the knees off the Land O Lakes butter indian lady, then get another box and elmer's glue the knees onto her chest it looks like indian titties
You name Toby
Holy shit
>high school Spanish teacher didn't even make us watch movies with the Spanish dub, just Spanish-adjacent movies like Bandidas and Apocalypto
dare I say "based"
Charlie and the Chocolate Creampie: The Darker the Better
To add on to this, for some fucking reason we watched Pay It Forward, Patch Adams, and Hairspray in Workplace Readiness (although to be fair I think Hairspray was near the end of the year)
You are one based motherfucker
My favorite was Ken Burns's Civil War. NO MORE BROTHER WARS.
>Land O Lakes butter
the story checks out anons
It's Hip To Be Christian
Jesus Is Based
This wasn't in primary school, but during some film analysis course in middle-school we watched Triumph of the Will on a huge projection screen, GOAT, loved that teacher.
do mutts really watch movies in class instead of studying?
Big bear skit about how they made them watch the challenger explosion in school is epic.
Every single time. I was told some classmates I had coincidentally died in the following days, pretty good. I'm blind so I haven't actually seen it.
>pretty good
What kind of sociopath are you?
I had a class called "History on Screen" in 11th grade. It was an elective and a based one because I usually got high at lunch and watched an hour of movies after, after watching 45 minutes of movies beforehand
We watched Enemy at the Gates, The Patriot, Amistad, Glory, and Schindler's List among other movies
Sorry, speech to text messed it up. Anyways, I've been told it's an interesting, sort of new-age esque piece of content.
No idea, I had actual teachers who never did this
Probably Super Size Me for the fifth time that year.
Kek imagine living in some 3rd world shithole where your school can't afford TVs and your teachers don't show up hungover
You don't say
>some 3rd world shithole where your school can't afford TVs
Massachusetts, so you're not far off
>and your teachers don't show up hungover
Only a couple
Dear god no.
I was lazy and ended up in semi-tard classes in middle and high school.
Do you know how many god damn times iv seen some pixar movies?
>teacher got fired half way through the year, permanently replaced by a sub who put on either nemo, cars or monsters inc. every day, iv seen those 3 likley 100 times or more including other classes that showed them
>math teacher had an even worse and ramdom as shit collection: gladiator, some educational cartoon about whether from the 60s, and motherfucking pic related, if it was movie day, it was one of those 3
Besides that , stuff that i can remember
>south park (no really, teacher was a chad who gave no fucks and fucked staceys, eventually arrested as a pedo after fucking an under age stacey)
>the outsiders
>animial farm
>Charlottes web
>Sarah plain and tall, with Christopher walken, for some reason i like it more then i should for such a boring movie
>band of brothers clips
>varuois obligatory outdated educational films
>shill nye
I watched 9/11 happen live on one of these bad boys. Ah, those were the days.
>tfw Best of the Worst watches a fire safety PSA you saw in elementary school
did you watch E-I-E-I (Annoyed Grunt)?
for me, it's Dr. Rabbit's World Tour
There is this one teacher that was incredibly based. He even walked us to one of the soda machines at the lunch area to show us subliminal tits. He didn't care about administration but he knew what made a class great.
I don't remember watching many movies in his class but we watched Raising Arizona and a few episodes of Angry Beavers.
There is this one teacher that was incredibly based. He even walked us to one of the soda machines at the lunch area to show us subliminal tits. He didn't care about administration but he knew what made a class great.
In that class, there was a teacher teaching us to play with girls. I asked this dude the truth, and he said if he saw any of the girl's toys on us boys would do whatever they wanted.
In that class, there was a teacher teaching us how to masturbate. He actually did that on the spot. I laughed and told him to suck my cock. I felt so bad that the fuck I hadn't masturbated the entire day. Now I'm so horny that I do exactly what this poor asshole was going to teach me.
So I would see these teachers, my mind would wonder what they would do with my cock to keep me in line. What would they do with it?? I knew that he would want to watch me with it right next to him so I gave it away to him, I even went that far in explaining "Just show my friends about this, they will appreciate it", I just laughed at his ignorance. I didn't care about my classmates as I was looking at my teacher and his cock and felt like an idiot trying to impress them.
did i just have a stroke
Iron Giant
based talktotransformer poster
Only times we ever watched actual movies were 2nd Grade when we watched Madagascar, and 7th Grade when we watched Journey to the Center of the Earth, but we watched that in 3D in the auditorium.
>we watch pirated I am legend
best teacher I ever had. He played an undead warlock in wow
El Nombre
I saw antz for the first time in class, the part with all the ants bodies mutilated was pretty cool and edgy
based schizo
The Recess movie
James Bond movies because the teacher had a crush on Sean Connery since being a teenager. They obviously didn't have anything to do with the subject, it's just that she wanted a license to suck Sean's dick.
Sounds based. What subject did he teach?
brave little toaster.
in the 4th grade our class was reading the book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH"
when we were near the end teacher brought in the VHS movie and had us watch it one afternoon
1st time watching 12 Angry Men. Best thing ever as it is in my top 10 to this day.
mah nigga
>I'll be right back user someones knocking on my door
>last seen 30 days ago
We Wuz Titans
Pay it Forward
Round the Twist
Sandlot and Good Burger. I saw The Jazz Singer in high school. Can't remember why it was shown. I remember a holocaust movie, too. It was the movie that made me anti Semitic.
The patriot with Mel Gibson.
Bill Nye and the video of the hairy chick giving birth are top tier 6th grade kinos.
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
What the hell do they roll in today? You can't just roll in a flat screen tv.
I swear we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory once a fucking week between 1st and 6th grade
>I'm ACTING, Norstadt!
Great location shooting, nice vibes.
I got to watch 12 Angry Men in school once, that was pretty neat
Loved the house in Maine. The film has tons of shots that look like an Edward Hopper painting.
Get some help, user.
I actually rented this for my daughter to watch I felt like an awful father after.
If anyone itt says anything other than Eye Witness they are pleb of the highest caliber.
based and cockpilled
>When the Science Teacher rolls out the gay porn
awwwwww yeah
"Where the red fern grows" after we read the book and my stoner English teacher would put on old school Twilight Zone episodes
Every. Single. Time.
[spoilers]and I loved it every time [/spoilers]
I saw The Matrix in math class
Rob Roy in History and
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest in English
Saving Private Ryan - shit was tits watching it in school
Doesn't matter, I'm going to sleep, faggot.
how did that day pan out for you?
Convinced my english teacher to take the class to I am Legend cuz I wanted to see that first 8 minutes of The Dark Knight.
I watched City of God for the first time in ethic class.
It became one of my favourite movies.
October Sky. Gotta get us kids interested in space and science and sheeit.
Spent three weeks of my Texas History class on this.
Projector connected to their computer/ smart board
At least that's what was done in my final years of high school in '10-11. It's probably more advanced than that these days
I work IT at an elementary school and every teacher has an MacBook and an AppleTv connected to their projector/Smartboard. They just Airplay something off Netflix or Prime Video.
Pretty much the entirety of my late-level Spanish classes were just watching telenovelas.
>La Catrina
>Dame Chocolate
>Abrazame Muy Fuerte
Anyone heard of these kinos?
Space Jam and Shrek, alternating, every single time.
Tell me you didn't get fucking HYPE
>health class
>TV rolls in
Oh shit, bout to see some titties.
Troy minus the sex scenes
>couldn't watch any movies with mentions of magic or the supernatural in them or jehovah's witness kids wouldn't stop bitching
The Anne of Green Gables mini series was kino though
holy shit
Ahh VHS.
I'm not even that old, my school was just pretty poor lol.
>not pantsing them or stealing shit out of their backpacks until they are forced to transfer school
What the fuck did you even do at school?
ah fuck wrong photo...
I guess that's what I get for calling something "george"
ahh that fucking theme! i've read the books more than watching the actual show.
I read Harry Potter in front of them instead and kids would shout spells at them and pretend to be witches. We would also say "happy unbirthday!" on their birthdays because saying happy birthday was a hate crime or some shit. If they weren't generally assholes we would never have made fun of them. There were no other schools in the area unfortunately, I don't know why they didn't just do a homeschool group.
Why isn't there a VCR underneath it? What is this sorcery called Digital Versatile Disc?
To answer your question, mine was this French cartoon about the inner workings of a human body. Our high school biology teacher would show us episodes of it.
Either comfy nature shows or low budget science documentaries that felt like they had been watched by less than 100 people
>2nd semester of senior year of high school
>doing finals for film studies class
>have to do a presentation that's a minimum of 10 minutes but no maximum time
>most of the other kids took it as an easy A, half of the presentations are about Lion King
>for mine make the whole class watch a solid hour of Der Himmel Uber Berlin
I dont care how much my autism showed on that day, the teacher fucking loved me and I got to force plebs to watch kino as a final
Why is that tv so thick?
>watch Incredibles
>class begs the teacher to put on the Jack-Jack Attack short after the movie ends
>teacher fast forwards to the end of the tape and it's not there
>it was a dvd exclusive
>class riot
>teachers face when
well billy, to answer that question, we need to learn about the exciting world of the cathode ray tube.
I remember when we watched inglourious basterds in english class, I don't think the teacher had seen it.
rush hour
first knight
>You now realize that a 15-year-old’s tits were broadcast to 75% of Americans via the public school system
Makes me question reality desu
School of rock
To this day the sight of Jack Black can make me vomit
Kingdom of Heaven, the Director's Cut. My teacher was a cool guy.
Through the Dragon's Eye?
When I was in third grade we watched The Core (2003) in Spanish class.
you're on Yea Forums of all boards, you're already an awful father
>9/11 just kind of broke them
this is your brain on nationalism
Voyage of the Mimi
Ken Burns' Civil War