1000 Dollars a month to watch movies under Yang, or wagecucking and wars for Israel under Trump
Who will you chose Yea Forums?
1000 Dollars a month to watch movies under Yang, or wagecucking and wars for Israel under Trump
sneed of course.
but how is Yang going to protect Israel's interests
You think 1000 a month is enough to live on? Confirmed underage.
fpbp thread is over move on
Yang 100% unironically. Would also like legal weed and healthcare that Zion Don promised he'd fix. You're a Big Bang Theory-tier boomer nerd if you're still on any kind of MAGA hype.
Imagine unironically trusting yang with any of this lol
yang promised to be less involved with Israel. That means no money for them and more money for you.
It would be in a multiperson household
if you get a roomate to split rent or rent a room, it is
it's not pleasant and the 99c store is going to be your best friend but it's doable
I'll go with the chinaman.
Yeah that's gonna be a based from me dawg
it is if you just rent a room somewhere cheap and have few expenses. if everybody in the US gets 1k a month though for doing nothing i imagine it won't be enough to buy anything for very long though.
why not just work 4 months, have twice as much, and live on your own
>he thinks his social credit score will be high enough for him to buy anything cool with his rapidly inflating neetbux
he could btfo all those roasties but probably not biden. he still won't win haha.
But you trusted that a NYC born billionaire would keep his word to the working class on building a giant Game of Thrones wall across 1,500 miles of border
One campaign promise is less retarded and more valuable should it be fulfilled
I live with my mom and pay no rent and 1000 a month still wouldn't be enough for me. I buy all my own food, pay my own phone bill and all other personal expenses like clothes, vidya, going out etc.
you idiots don't understand the premise of UBI. It's not to completely depend on, it's to augment your existing income and pump money back into communities
Yang is anti 2A among lots of other "progressive" ideologies. I'm not going to let him buy my vote for $12000 annually
That's not how inflation works migatard, go suck israel's cock some more
It just means you won't starve and most people would still want to be productive anyway, it really could go to shit or could produce a utopia. People are also fucked so it would probably be the former which is a shame.
The dignity I lose in voting for a chinaman is not worth $1000 a month. Give me Biden.
>dude vote for my chink version of bernie sanders lmao
you're not very good with money if you can't subsist on 1k a month with no rent.
Imagine someone actually still being a Trump cocksucker post 2017
Sanders is a kike, Yang despises them
You know he's polling at like 1% right? You're not going to get the chance to vote for him unless you're registered to vote in the Iowa or New Hampshire primaries.
is he gonna have kike camps like drumpf has spic camps then?
This isnt TV related
This, but unironically
I can, but I wouldn't have enough left for stuff that I want but don't need.
And Yang is an insectoid chink, no different from a kike.
Is Andrew a confirmed antisemite? I can't support this man anymore I'll take the /yangbux/ tho :^)
Oh yeah, like how they said trump was polling at 1% too hey?
Go back to your discord
Will Yang give me a qt berber gf?
you say this yet you shill for a candidate that is a literal who
>reading from and trusting polls
yeah no thanks. CNN polling a bunch of soccer moms who have nothing else to do isn't indicative of voter sentiment
>ayo who got dem gibs we gettin dat good program nigga
ok tyrone
yang isn't as smart as trump
$1k a month is enough for you?
How fucking poor can you be?
There's people who earn $100k a year and still don't think it's enough.
Why don't the Republicans nominate a candidate called Yin?
No, Trump consistently had the best poll numbers in the GOP primary like Biden does so far in the Dem primaries.
wtf but i thought the yang gang said drumpf was cringe?
Why hasn't trump released his tax returns?
I would finally be able to afford moving out with an extra 1k a month.
only for the national election, in the repub primaries he was always either leading or was near the top, in yangs case he has neither
all the donations to israel would be kind of embarassing
Trump got elected entirely because of his goofy personality, that he was different.
This Yang guy has no personality alone, he's a gook for fucks sake.
I have yet to see him mentioned outside of these suspicious threads.
Where did I say I trusted him
>yanggang shill thread
atleast wait till elections you morons
The 5 of them are getting desperate.
le based israel loving boomerpede
chinks kikes and spics should all be rounded up
Going to be hilarious watching this literal who gook crash and burn just like Bernie and all the bernouts
Him on Joe Rogan was really decent and refreshing
Debates are this week and debates are on TV.
Le soulless chinkoid cocksucker
Every single president for the past 50 years, be it democrat or republican turned out to be an Israeli puppet.
Do these yang marketeers actually imply he is going to be different?
You do realize the last time a president did that they killed him, right?
checked yeah it’s sad
>meme engineering
they can't considering Yang is a literal who and can't even win the primary
This guy is not only a democrat, he's not only a leftist, but he's also a communist.
Do these people unironically think they are going to convince Yea Forums to side with a leftist?
Do they actually think that people are so poor that a measely $1k is going to convince them?
The only people who think $1k is plenty are niggers and spics, for fucks sake, anyone with a half decent job is getting upwards of $100k.
Based if true
>Yang despises them
I like how you literally have to lie about your gook.
Then again, you also hate when people point out that he's a leftist, a democrat.
>There's people who earn $100k a year and still don't think it's enough.
then they are absolutely retarded with money unless they are raising and / or raising a family in downtown LA.
anyone can survive on 1k a month. Which is all UBI is, a safety net.
Happiness for all mankind under Ron Paul
anyone who needs yang's 1k a month doesn't deserve to live
>elect Yang
>rent goes up by $1000 per month
So, communism and leftist shenanigans?
No thanks.
You want money?
Earn it.
The last thing we need is niggers, spics and millennials who's entire talent is debating politics on the internet to have their lifestyles encouraged.
Sorry gook, but I don't need your cheap handouts.
Make it $10k a month and I might consider it.
$7k is my bottom line, anything less is unacceptable.
That's not how rent workers you fucking boomer kike
1000 dollars a month.
230,000,000 adults living in USA.
That’s $230,000,000,000 a year in free give-away money lol has he ever said where he plans to GET that money from? 230 billion dollars
it'll just go to the niggers and spics
fucking zoomers I swear to god
By putting a tax on amazon, facebook and all of silicon valley dumbass, you know they don't pay any tax right now right?
The only place he could get that money from is by reducing the military spending.
Thing is, if he does, the military industrial complex will have him murdered in less than a week.
>more safety net bullshit
Nah, welfare programs do nothing but make people lethargic and unwilling to improve their situation since the gov't is giving them money. The only based solution is to start gradually removing social programs and using that money to reform and expanding education along with purging kikes from it so students aren't taught bullshit. This will ensure everybody has a decent chance but after a basic degree in something that can get you a stable job, you will be on your own meaning if you fail its on you.
>only zoomers know how to save 12k a year
It is, however, the way economics work. If you'd increase everyone's purchasing power by 1000, stuff would just become more expensive. You wouldn't have gained much.
Oh yeah, poor me zoom zoom who has an actual job instead of being a millennial parasite who's entire life consists of sitting on his ass discussing dead ideologies on the internet, watching Marvel movies and dying your hair purple.
It’s shocking how morons don’t realize how much we need/rely on the military to keep our country the greatest in the world.
Fucking idiots think freedom is free and that America got where it is by being nice to others
While in the same breath blaming Russia for “interfering” in elections.
i don't like the idea of cash giveaways, there are too many faggots that would just be degenerates with that. if you're gonna be a commie then almost anything is better, build a giant cement statue of obama saluting the people or some shit.
imagine alienating voters while shilling
It's not even about need, a lot of people make a living out of the war economy, a lot of really rich people own companies that make a ton of money from war, people who have a lot of influence in the government.
Not only they would stop anyone who tried such a thing on their tracks, but if a president somehow managed to overcome all the obstacles, they would just JFK him.
We are talking about an entire industry, one that's worth more than all entertainment industries combined.